
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第18章 THE SLAYING OF REZU レズの殺害 (1) 機械翻訳

2014-03-06 10:08:17 | 日記





2. 今、それを通して、私が私たちの前に集められたので、戦いがまだ終わらなかったことが分かりに、太陽の上昇にしばしば先行するその黄昏が来ました、まだ力だった、に関して、私達のものと等しい

3. その戦いは激しかった、そのかすかで不確かな光の中の非常に奇妙な戦い、それは私たちにほとんど示さなかった、敵対者からの友達。

4. ちょうど問題が疑わしく掛けたように、幸運にも(しかしながら)、私たちの左への叫びおよび見ることがありました、私は、他方と共に、ゴロコ(妖術師)の高い形を理解しました、ズールー人で、彼の250人によって続き、レズのラインの側面上へ飛んでいる。

5. それはビジネスを解決しました。

6. その後、私は今以来、見ることおよび思考を上へ与えたか、あるいはアクションのための時間ではありませんでした。





11. 遅すぎます!

12. 貧乏人、誰、の中で、軽くなること、私は見ることができました、すさまじく狂気だった、「悪魔」に関するスコットランド語の何かを呼んで生じました。

13. 次の瞬間、彼が保持した斧、大きな武器、高く閃いた、そしてを下って、行った、その恐ろしいストロークの前のロバートソン、石、死んでいる、のために、私たちが後で見つけ出したとして、彼はほとんど2において裂けていました。

14. しかし、彼は落ちませんでした。



17. ウンスロポガースはさらに私たちが近づいて来るのを待って、停止しました、以来、彼がそうだったように、巧妙な年を取った勇士、彼は心配しました、ように、万一、それが起こった前に、彼が戦いを始めれば、それらの大群は彼に降りかかるでしょう。

18. 約10のペースが、彼が運んだ斧にもたれる巨人を遠方に立てました、それはなかった、と異なり、それに、どのきこりと、残忍な大きな木。



21. その後、巨人は、私たちの後ろの小さな丘の傾斜から反響した、低く轟音の声で話し始めました。


23. 今、この長いスピーチに、ウンスロポガースは何も理解しませんでした、したがって、私は、彼に代わって十分に簡潔にしかしポイントに答えました、のために、そこに私の心へすべてのアーイシャの斧に関する物語を閃かしました。


25. したがって、私は話した、非常に、大声で、すべては聞くかもしれない、ゆっくり、さらに、各単語間に休止すること、私が強くなる光のための時間を与えたかったこと、見ること、私がそれをしたとともに、昇る太陽の放射線、巨人の顔で打たれた、ウンスロポガースの目はそれによってよりまぶしくされませんでしたが。

26. レズは聞きました、またウンスロポガースが高く保持し、その結果わずかに彼の腕の微細な運動によってそれを震動させた斧を凝視しました。

27. のために、ここで、私は、あたかも共通の同意によってかのように戦いが止められたと言うべきです;

28. 全く時間の間、レズは凝視し続けました。


30. したがって、彼は話しました、しかししばらく躊躇しました。





35. その後、ウンスロポガースは大気に斧を向けて、それが落ちたとともに、および彼がそうしたように、それをつかみました、自分の賞賛のズールー人の流行を歌い始めました。


37. したがって、彼は猛烈で自慢好きの方法で変わりました。一方、残りの2つのズールー族は手を叩きました。また、文による文は彼の言葉を反復しました。また、ゴロコ(妖術師)は、彼の後ろの呪文をつぶやきました。

38. 彼はこのように歌いましたが、ウンスロポガースは動き始めました。

39. しかし、巨人はしないでしょう、彼の前で保持された彼のシールド、彼はじっと立っており、この黒人の勇士が何を行うか確かめるのを待ちました。


1.At last we were on the plain, the bemused remnant of Rezu's army still doubling before us like a mob of game pursued by wild dogs. Here we halted to re-form our ranks; it seemed to me, although still she spoke no word, that some order reached me from the gleaming Ayesha that I should do this. The business took twenty minutes or so, and then, numbering about two thousand five hundred strong, for the rest had fallen in the fight of the square, we advanced again.

2.Now there came that dusk which often precedes the rising of the sun, and through it I could see that the battle was not yet over, since gathered in front of us was still a force about equal to our own. Ayesha pointed towards it with her wand and we leapt forward to the attack. Here the men of Rezu stood awaiting us, for they seemed to overcome their terror with the approach of day.

3.The battle was fierce, a very strange battle in that dim, uncertain light, which scarcely showed us friend from foe. Indeed I am not sure that we should have won it, since Ayesha was no longer visible to give our Amahagger confidence, and as the courage of the Rezuites increased, so theirs seemed to lessen with the passing of the night.

4.Fortunately, however, just as the issue hung doubtful, there was a shout to our left and looking, I made out the tall shape of Goroko, the witch-doctor, with the other Zulu, followed by his two hundred and fifty men, and leaping on to the flank of the line of Rezu.

5.That settled the business. The enemy crumpled up and melted, and just then the first lights of dawn appeared in the sky. I looked about me for Ayesha, but she had gone, where to I knew not, though at the moment I feared that she must have been killed in the mêlée.

6.Then I gave up looking and thinking, since now or never was the time for action. Signalling and shouting to those hatchet-faced Amahagger to advance, accompanied by Umslopogaas with Goroko who had joined us, and Hans, I sprang forward to give them an example, which, to be just to them, they took.

7."This is the mound on which Red-Beard should be," cried Hans as we faced a little slope.

8.I ran up it and through the gloom which precedes the actual dawn, saw a group of men gathered round something, as people collect about a street accident.

9."Red-Beard on the stone. They are killing him," screeched Hans again.

10.It was so; at least several white-robed priests were bending over a prostrate figure with knives in their hands, while behind stood the huge fellow whom I took to be Rezu, staring towards the east as though he were waiting for the rim of the sun to appear before he gave some order. At that very moment it did appear, just a thin edge of bright light on the horizon, and he turned, shouting the order.

11.Too late! For we were on them. Umslopogaas cut down one of the priests with his axe, and the men about me dealt with the others, while Hans with a couple of sweeps of his long knife, severed the cords with which Robertson was tied.

12.The poor man who in the growing light I could see was raving mad, sprang up, calling out something in Scotch about "the deil." Seizing a great spear which had fallen from the hand of one of the priests, he rushed furiously at the giant who had given the order, and with a yell drove it at his heart. I saw the spear snap, from which I concluded that this man, whom rightly I took to be Rezu, wore some kind of armour.

13.Next instant the axe he held, a great weapon, flashed aloft and down went Robertson before its awful stroke, stone dead, for as we found out afterwards, he was cloven almost in two. At the sight of the death of my poor friend rage took hold of me. In my hand was a double-barrelled rifle, an Express loaded with hollow-pointed bullets. I covered the giant and let drive, first with one barrel and then with the other, and what is more, distinctly I heard both bullets strike upon him.

14.Yet he did not fall. He rocked a little, that is all, then turned and marched off towards a hut, that whereof Hans had told me, which stood about fifty yards away.

15."Leave him to me," shouted Umslopogaas. "Steel cuts where bullets cannot pierce," and with a bound like to that of a buck, the great Zulu leapt away after him.

16.I think that Rezu meant to enter the hut for some purpose of his own, but Umslopogaas was too hard upon his tracks. At any rate he ran past it and down the other slope of the little hill on to the plain behind where the remnants of his army were trying to re-form. There in front of them the giant turned and stood at bay.

17.Umslopogaas halted also, waiting for us to come up, since, cunning old warrior as he was, he feared lest should he begin the fight before that happened, the horde of them would fall on him. Thirty seconds later we arrived and found him standing still with bent body, small shield advanced and the great axe raised as though in the act of striking, a wondrous picture outlined as it was against the swiftly rising-sun.

18.Some ten paces away stood the giant leaning on the axe he bore, which was not unlike to that with which woodmen fell big trees. He was an evil man to see and at this, my first full sight of him, I likened him in my mind to Goliath whom David overthrew. Huge he was and hairy, with deep-set, piercing eyes and a great hooked nose. His face seemed thin and ancient also, when with a motion of the great head, he tossed his long locks back from about it, but his limbs were those of a Hercules and his movements full of a youthful vigour. Moreover his aspect as a whole was that of a devil rather than of a man; indeed the sight of it sickened me.

19."Let me shoot him," I cried to Umslopogaas, for I had reloaded the rifle as I ran.

20."Nay, Watcher-by-Night," answered the Zulu without moving his head, "rifle has had its chance and failed. Now let us see what axe can do. If I cannot kill this man, I will be borne hence feet first who shall have made a long journey for nothing."

21.Then the giant began to talk in a low, rumbling voice that reverberated from the slope of the little hill behind us.

22."Who are you?" he asked, speaking in the same tongue that the Amahagger use, "who dare to come face to face with Rezu? Black hound, do you not know that I cannot be slain who have lived a year for every week of your life's days, and set my foot upon the necks of men by thousands. Have you not seen the spear shatter and the iron balls melt upon my breast like rain-drops, and would you try to bring me down with that toy you carry? My army is defeated—I know it. But what matters that when I can get me more? Because the sacrifice was not completed and the white queen was not wed, therefore my army was defeated by the magic of Lulala, the White Witch who dwells in the tombs. But I am not defeated who cannot be slain until I show my back, and then only by a certain axe which long ago has rusted into dust."

23.Now of this long speech Umslopogaas understood nothing, so I answered for him, briefly enough, but to the point, for there flashed into my mind all Ayesha's tale about an axe.

24."A certain axe!" I cried. "Aye, a certain axe! Well, look at that which is held by the Black One, the captain who is named Slaughterer, the ancient axe whose title is Chieftainess, because if so she wills, she takes the lives of all. Look at it well, Rezu, Giant and Wizard, and say whether it is not that which your forefather lost, that which is destined to bring you to your doom?"

25.Thus I spoke, very loudly that all might hear, slowly also, pausing between each word because I wished to give time for the light to strengthen, seeing as I did that the rays of the rising sun struck upon the face of the giant, whereas the eyes of Umslopogaas were less dazzled by it.

26.Rezu heard, and stared at the axe which Umslopogaas held aloft, causing it to quiver slightly by an imperceptible motion of his arm. As he stared I saw his hideous face change, and that on it for the first time gathered a look of something resembling fear. Also his followers behind him who were also studying the axe, began to murmur together.

27.For here I should say that as though by common consent the battle had been stayed; we no longer attacked and the enemy no longer ran. They, or whose who were left of them, stood still as though they felt that the real and ultimate issue of the fight depended upon the forthcoming duel between these two champions, though of that issue they had little doubt since, as I learned afterwards, they believed their king to be invulnerable.

28.For quite a while Rezu went on staring. Then he said aloud as if he were thinking to himself.

29."It is like, very like. The horn haft is the same; the pointed gouge is the same; the blade shaped like the young moon is the same. Almost could I think that before me shook the ancient holy axe. Nay, the gods have taken that back long ago and this is but a trick of the witch, Lulala of the Caves."

30.Thus he spoke, but still for a moment hesitated.

31."Umslopogaas," I said in the deep silence that followed, "hear me."

32."I hear you," he answered without turning his head or moving his arms. "What counsel, Watcher-by-Night?"

33."This, Slaughterer. Strike not at that man's face and breast, for there I think he is protected by witchcraft or by armour. Get behind him and strike at his back. Do you understand?"

34."Nay, Macumazahn, I understand not. Yet I will do your bidding because you are wiser than I and utter no empty words. Now be still."

35.Then Umslopogaas threw the axe into the air and caught it as it fell, and as he did so began to chant his own praises Zulu fashion.

36."Oho!" he said, "I am the child of the Lion, the Black-maned Lion, whose claws never loosened of their prey. I am the Wolf-king, he who hunted with the wolves upon the Witch-mountain with my brother, Bearer of the Club named Watcher-of-the-Fords, I am he who slew him called the Unconquered, Chief of the People of the Axe, he who bore the ancient Axe before me; I am he who smote the Halakazi tribe in their caves and won me Nada the Lily to wife. I am he who took to the King Dingaan a gift that he loved little, and afterward with Mopo, my foster-sire, hurled this Dingaan down to death. I am the Royal One, named Bulalio the Slaughterer, named Woodpecker, named Umhlopekazi the Captain, before whom never yet man has stood in fair and open fight. Now, thou Wizard Rezu, now thou Giant, now thou Ghost-man, come on against me and before the sun has risen by a hand's breadth, all those who watch shall see which of us is better at the game of war. Come on, then! Come on, for I say that my blood boils over and my feet grow cold. Come on, thou grinning dog, thou monster grown fat with eating the flesh of men, thou hook-beaked vulture, thou old, grey-whiskered wolf!"

37.Thus he changed in his fierce, boastful way, while his two remaining Zulus clapped their hands and sentence by sentence echoed his words, and Goroko, the witch-doctor, muttered incantations behind him.

38.While he sang thus Umslopogaas began to stir. First only his head and shoulders moved gently, swaying from side to side like a reed shaken in the wind or a snake about to strike. Then slowly he put out first one foot and next the other and drew them back again, as a dancer might do, tempting Rezu to attack.

39.But the giant would not, his shield held before him, he stood still and waited to see what this black warrior would do.
