
2015-02-24 | 日記
昨年(2014年)、6月、JENESYS2.0 科学技術第18陣(科学技術・ものづくり・先端技術)で来県した男子学生2名、VietさんとCuongさんを我が家に受け入れました。彼らは好意的で礼儀正しく、日本について興味を持ち、また、食事の後片付けも手伝い、とても優しい青年たちでした。
 Cuong さんのお宅を訪れ、優しいご両親と団欒をしました。翌日は、Cuong さんと彼の従弟や友達と一緒に世界遺産であるハロン湾クルーズし、楽しいひと時を過ごし、ハノイ市に戻り空港で別れました。

The last June, JENESYS2.0 Science and Technology 18th Batch Basic Science (Science Technology, Manufacturing and High Technology) visited Gifu from Vietnam. I hosted two university students of this delegation, Viet and Quong. They were positive, polite, interested in Japan, and helped to clean the table. They were very gentle young men. We could have a wonderful time with them.

When they left Japan, we missed them and we thought we wanted to visit Vietnam and meet them again. And more I wanted that my sons had various experiences through their first trip abroad. That’s why I decided to visit Vietnam during year-end through New Year’s holidays.

My first surprise in Vietnam was how much motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh city! I thought the taxi drivers had excellent driving techniques. Vietnam ties up with Japanese corporations and the subway is under construction now. So I think the transportation condition will change in some years later.

We met Viet in Ho Chi Minh city. He took us Dinh Thong Nhat, Bao Tang Chung Tich Chien Tranh, Buu Dien Thanh Pho, Nha Tho Duc Ba, coffee shop, and restaurants and so on. We could find Japan relates to Vietnam in many aspects. Viet catered for us from morning to night by himself.

We got on the night train with Viet to Nha Trang city which is famous for the beach resorts. We met Viet’s family at his house. They are very friendly and kind. It was New Year day, so they took us the temple, the harbor, restaurants and the village and so on. This village reminded me of my parents houses when I was a child. We visited some houses and met some families. They showed us handworking by the whole family and let me try to make it. I was very happy to have various experiences.

Viet’s father has wide circle of friends, so he took us many parties. They received us warmly. On the talking, I was shocked that I found many people had experiences of Vietnam War. But they said “We respect Japanese spirits, getting through these suffering tsunami, earthquakes, war and so on.”

After staying at Nha Trang City for 3 days, we flied to Hanoi City to meet Quong. He also took us around Hanoi city and a restaurant and he drove us to Halong City for 3 hours.

We visited Quong’s house and met his parents. They also are very friendly and kind. We had a good time with them for a while. Next day, we enjoyed Halong Bay cruising with his cousin and a friend. Halong Bay is the world heritage site and very beautiful. We also had a good time in Halong and then went back to Japan.

I was very surprised that Viet and Quong know about the history of Vietnam and think about the future seriously. I was very impressed that in spite of still young and busy they made a time and treated for us.

Viet’s father said “We like Japan very much. I’d like you to say to the people around you that the relationship between not also Vietnam and Japan but also Vietnamese and Japanese keep going well” I agreed with it, so I decided to do it when we went back to Japan.

I felt Vietnam people were very friendly as well as Japanese.

I felt my children grew through this trip. They were very shocked they couldn’t get through their English, but tried to do their best. They were picky about food, but they challenged. So we had a meaningful trip. We really felt grateful for two young guys, their families, relatives, teachers, police officers, a politician, armies, their friends and so on who we met.
Thank you so much.







2015-02-15 | 日記



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Dr. Hideki Mori the president of GWY won the 65th Gifu Newspaper Grand Prize

Presentation ceremony of “Gifu Newspaper Grand Prize” was carried out at “Gifu- Chan” at Gifu Hashimoto-cho where prize was awarded to Dr. Hideki Mori and other five persons and one organization who made great contribution in the fields of academy, education, industry and culture. Governor Hajime Furuta and Ogaki city mayor Bin Ogawa were present the ceremony. The winners received the testimonial made of Syunkei Lacquer ware and trophy made of glass designed by worldly known glass craftsman Kozo Kagami and donated by Kagami crystal corp. Gifu Newspaper grand prize was established in 1950. The prize is given to the individual and organization that made remarkable contribution in the fields written above. Total number of recipients is 501 for individual, three for companies and twenty for organizations.

(2014年度) myJICAマレーシア学生グループの一行が来岐

2015-02-09 | 日記
1月30日から2月2日にかけてマレーシア学生交流事業としてマレーシア国立マラ工科大学【MELATI COLLAGE,UNIVERSITY MARA MALAYSIA (UITM)】の一行21名が来岐し、岐阜県内の学校を訪問し、授業の視察や生徒との交流を行った。
 これまでにJICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency)の『青年招へい事業』で来日した青年たちは帰国後、それぞれの国で同窓会を組織し、国際交流や後進の育成活動を行っているが、マレーシアの同窓会組織(my JICA- JICA Alumni Society of Malaysia)は毎年訪問団を来日させており、本年も岐阜県及び東京近郊での交流及び視察の予定で訪日が実現した。県内プログラムは岐阜県世界青年友の会が受け入れを行った。
 一行は1月30日に関西国際空港経由で来日し、午後には岐阜県に入った。当日は岐阜市歴史博物館を視察後、岐阜綜合学園高校を訪問し、授業参観や部活の見学などを行った。その後、岐阜、各務原、大垣、郡上などに分かれ、2泊3日のホームステイを体験した。 2月1日には大垣フォーラムホテルにてマレーシア文化交流会が行われ、日本側から歌やゲームの披露、マレーシア側から音楽や踊りが披露された。その後、奥の細道むすびの地記念館の視察を行なった。2月2日には大垣市長を表敬訪問し、その後、大垣市立中川小学校を訪問し、音楽交流を行った。マレーシアの踊りが披露された時には中川小学校の児童達も舞台に上がり、舞台一杯に踊りの輪が広がった。午後には大垣女子短期大学を訪問し、音楽の観賞や音楽の授業(管楽器のリペア)を体験をした。一行はその後、新幹線で東京に向い、東京都内の視察を行なった後、2月5日に成田経由で帰国した。

<以 上>

Melati Collage, University Mara Malaysia (UITM) - Culture discovery in Japan 2015

From January 30th to February 2nd a delegation of 21 people of Melati Collage, University Mara Malaysia(UITM) came to Gifu as a part of Malaysia students exchange program, their activities included visiting schools in Gifu to watch classes and doing exchange programs. The youths who have visited Japan through JICA's “Youth Invitation Program” established alumni association after returning to their countries. my JICA-JICA Alumni Society of Malaysia- have realized visits to Japan by young people every year including this year's visit to Gifu and Tokyo. A program in Gifu was arranged by GWY.

The delegation arrived in Japan on January 30th via Kansai International airport and entered Gifu in the afternoon. On that day they visited “Gifu City Museum of History” and “Gifu Sogo-Gakuen Senior High School” to watch classes and club activities. The students experienced home stay program in Gifu, Kakamigahara, Ogaki and Gujo for three days. On February 1st the cultural exchange party was held at Ogaki Forum Hotel participants enjoyed songs and games from Japanese side and musical and dance performance from Malaysia. Then they visited “Okunohosomichi Basho’s Memorial Museum”. On February 2nd they paid Courtesy visit for Mayor of Ogaki City and then they went to Ogaki Nakagawa primary school to join exchange activities through musical performance. During dance performance of Malaysian, students asked pupils to come to the stage to join the circle of the dance. In the afternoon they visited “Ogaki Women’s Collage” to appreciate the music performance and join the class of repairing musical instruments. The students went to Tokyo by shinkansen to make study tour in Tokyo and then they returned to home country on February 5th via Narita.

1月30日 岐阜市歴史博物館を視察

1月30日 岐阜県立岐阜総合学園高校を訪問

2月1日 大垣フォーラムホテルにてマレーシア文化交流会

2月1日 奥の細道むすびの地記念館を訪問

2月2日 大垣市長を表敬訪問

2月2日 大垣市立中川小学校にて

2月2日 大垣女子短期大学にて