The Lonely Writer

The Lonely Writer

Despicable Me 3

2017-07-11 14:54:33 | 日記
The sequel to any cartoon I always expect with some inner trepidation, it would seem, what else can I add to any logically completed animation story? The hero found himself, dotted all the i's with the world around him, arranged a personal life, in the end, where did the stories about him move on? This is not an adult franchise for you, in which you can kill a hero, and in the subsequent series you can resurrect it again-in family animation this law does not work. And yet in the pursuit of profit animated studios are going to all sorts of tricks, so that during the summer of the year the beloved children and their parents accompanying them return to the screen. Young and relatively inexperienced against the background of world animation monsters in the face of Disney Pixar and DreamWorks animation studio Illumination Films (eight full-length cartoons, four of which are inextricably linked with the minions, for ten years of its existence) could not stay away from the sweet pie, and returned to A large screen of amusing yellow creatures and their nosferat-like leader Grew.

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