

Assignment代写:City Identification System

2017-11-22 16:47:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- City Identification System,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了城市标识系统。城市标识系统是城市环境的重要组成部分,标识系统设计的好坏直接关系到城市对内的管理与服务,以及对外的形象展示。城市标示系统设计隶属于视觉传达设计范畴,在进行城市标识系统的设计时,有选择有意识地从地域文化入手,深入挖掘其精神文化的内涵。
Along with the tide of "globalization" development, the competition between all walks of life is increasingly fierce, in order to rise up among many competitors, in addition to improve their product service quality, we need to make accurate positioning design from the angle of image. The design of city logo system is the external manifestation of city culture, each city has its own unique culture and history, which is also the important factor that distinguishes from other cities, how to combine the city marking system with the local culture characteristic is a question worth thinking about.
Today, the rapid development of the modern city makes the competition between cities heated up, more and more cities began to pay attention to their own brand image packaging, in the hope that in the broad economic market to give people a good impression. As the external performance of city brand image, the design of city marking system can display the spirit and culture of a city in the public, in order to establish the city brand better through systematization and individualized visual expression. In the design and planning of city identification system, designers need to make an in-depth analysis of the city's regional, economic, cultural and urban individuality, in order to give full play to their creativity and design a logo system in line with the connotation of urban spiritual culture.​
The urban marking system is an important part of the urban environment, and the design of the logo system is directly related to the internal management and service of the city as well as the external image display. In a city with a certain scale, it is hard to imagine what the city would be like without a clear and personalized labeling system. Because of the enlargement of the scale of the city and the need of the people for the convenience of life, the city's logo system slowly from the vague design field to the design of the front desk, the city needs to mark the system, and needs a modern, scientific function, aesthetic, personalized marking system. Complete, rich local cultural characteristics of the city logo system is to measure the level of urban planning standards, in order to facilitate the lives of urban residents at the same time, enhance the sense of regional identity of the city residents, while providing a variety of information for foreign tourists, to establish a good and deep impression of the city, in order to
The design of urban signage system belongs to the visual communication design category, nowadays, many cities, in order to highlight their regional characteristics, in the design of the city logo system, have the choice to consciously from the regional culture, the local customs and traditions, folk culture, places of interest as visual materials, in-depth excavation of its spiritual and cultural connotations, Then using modern art design language for processing and redesign, it skillfully integrates the visual expression which conforms to the contemporary function demand and the esthetic demand, expands the creative space of the city logo system design, makes the city's marking and recognition system display the strong local characteristic, combines modern and the tradition, the form and the function unification.
Each city along with the development process, the time circulation, precipitated the thick culture and the history. Because of the different urban development trajectory, every city has its own unique style of history and culture, and any art will never give up its traditional characteristics. Regional culture is the product of history, but with the influence of various thoughts in different periods, it is also changing constantly, and with the change of life, it is possible to design a good form by adding new ideas in the tradition. Taking the regional cultural element as the cut-in point, it has opened up the new world of the city sign system design, and preserved the intrinsic regional culture characteristic, and thus coordinated with the modern people's esthetic, the life demand, manifested the regional culture continuation and the development, simultaneously also manifested the regional esthetic characteristic enhancement.
With the development of social economy and the improvement of living standard, people's needs from the importance of material to pay attention to the direction of the spirit of change, "touching Heart, Mo First Love", urban signage system design to be popular, to obtain public recognition, must pay attention to the emotional communication and communication with the public, that is, modern design emphasis on "emotional design , and emotional design essentially refers to the humanization of design. The design of city logo system has been paid more and more attention to the strategic idea of regional cultural characteristics as the creative point. First of all, the design works with regional and cultural characteristics are more intimate to urban residents, easy to close the distance with the public; Secondly, the elements of regional culture, such as color, culture, language make people glance; once again, the regional cultural characteristics if the use of good, in the city image competition, can reflect the regional pride and regional culture. In short, the regional cultural characteristics from the city's historical and cultural precipitation, it not only has historical value and aesthetic value, but also the embodiment of the value of the Times.
Different regional features, different national spirits, different city processes have condensed China's long history and splendid culture, the traditional aesthetics focus not on the things themselves, but on the relationship between things, structure, function and function, this kind of thought also affects the public's appreciation habits. The characteristic of Chinese aesthetic is to pay attention to the implication, implication and etiquette of things, so the first thing people feel is the emotion and good meaning conveyed by the object. Regional cultural characteristics, with its unique charm and rich imagination, play a great role in the design of the city logo system, which uses symbolic and allegorical means to express an intangible emotion, will and desire with tangible things.
Modern city identification system involves many types of identification, summed up can be divided into city identification, city-oriented logo, city management logo and civic guidance logo. It is through these signs that the appearance of the city has become orderly, making the structure of the city reasonable, and making life easier for people living in the city or coming to the city. The following is an example of the identification design of rail transit in the Zhengzhou City identification System, which analyzes the application of regional cultural elements in the city identification system.
Chinese Traditional pattern emphasizes "the image to do the intention", the graph as the way of expression meaning, through creates the image to express the specific auspicious implication, the symbolic is the Chinese traditional pattern itself has the characteristic. The design of city marking system should be based on the unique cultural connotation of the city, which can express and carry forward the spiritual culture of the city through the reuse of the local cultural characteristic pattern. For example, Zhengzhou Rail Transit logo design, Henan is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, is the cradle of Chinese civilization, has a long history and rich cultural resources. The graphic design of the logo part of the Chinese traditional pattern "gluttonous" and Chinese characters "in" creative combination, constitutes a very meaningful figure. "Gluttonous" is the symbol of the bronze on the feudal rule of the rights of the pattern, prevailed in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and Zhengzhou as the Shang Dynasty capital, choose "Gluttonous" as the creation of the graphic elements do have extraordinary significance. As the main form of the graph, "Zhong" character is also the manifestation of regional cultural characteristics. On the one hand, it represents the central plains and Zhongyuan, emphasizing the geographical location information of Zhengzhou, Henan province, on the other hand, the word "Zhong" is the Henan dialect, the semantics with "good" "agree", has demonstrated the Zhengzhou Rail Transit Limited Company management development document, Symbolize the safe and reliable operation of the train. The form of the whole symbol is also like the Subway road, which gives people a clear and easy visual feeling.
Yellow and black as a symbol of the use of color, but also reflects the designer's interpretation of the regional cultural characteristics of Zhengzhou. The symbol of the graphic part of the yellow, yellow from ancient Chinese traditional color recognition represents the royal, Zhengzhou as the capital of Shang Dynasty, the history of the ancient capital, the use of yellow fully embodies the importance of Zhengzhou in China's history. Yellow also represents the Chinese nation's mother River ―― the Yellow River. The Yellow River flows through Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou people to the mother river admiration of the feeling through the signs of color to fully display. In addition, the yellow implication of the harvest, Henan is China's food province, land and harvest has always been the hearts of the people of Henan long-term expectations. The text part of the logo is black and concise. Color bright yellow and steady black phase combination, the overall logo simple, rational, full of the sense of the Times. Thus, the use of people to the color of emotional cognition and moral expression, can give the city logo system deeper spiritual and cultural connotations, highlighting the unique charm of regional culture.
The guiding system is an important part of the design of urban signage system, whose function is to give guidance, consultation, confirmation and warning to the public through visual symbols or concise text. But often in the design, the designer excessively emphasizes the function and ignores the guidance system belongs to the visual transmission category, also needs to set the function and the esthetic feeling in one. The visual effect of a good guidance system not only for the general public life to provide the role of instruction, but also to allow the public to enjoy the United States. In order to better reflect the unique characteristics of the city, we can also integrate regional cultural elements into the guidance system environment, such as the Zhengzhou track for the construction of the subway Guide environment, the main text of the guide system is the color of the central Plains Red, the site of the use of the text is vigorous and vigorous calligraphy body, So that passengers in the use of the guidance system at the same time, feel the strong Henan style.
With the continuous advance of society, the development of city construction and the rivalry between cities, the city image must show its unique spiritual culture and form spirit. The image is not just an outward manifestation, it is the manifestation and inheritance of a city's spiritual pulse, the use of regional cultural characteristics can arouse the psychological resonance of urban residents, as well as the recognition and appreciation of foreign tourists to the city, finally to achieve a good city image, increase the visibility of the city brand, and promote the city's continuous development.
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2017-11-22 16:46:51 | 日記
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Paper代写:Analysis of Hamlet's character

2017-11-22 16:46:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Analysis of Hamlet's character,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了哈姆雷特的性格。在莎士比亚的创作中,哈姆雷特是一个具有积极乐观性格的人文主义者,但由于自身的种种经历,而被赋予了忧郁沉思的性格特征。哈姆雷特的悲剧主要在于他性格上的局限性,他拥有的忧郁沉思的性格导致了他行动上的延宕,最终酿成了复仇的悲剧。
The most prominent feature of the drama "Hamlet" is the description of the character, especially the character of the protagonist Hamlet. Hamlet was first endowed with a humanist with positive and optimistic character, but because of his various experiences, he was endowed with the character of melancholy meditation.
"Hamlet" is Shakespeare's "four tragedies" of the first, written in 1601. The show was based on the Danish history of 12th century, mainly narrated the protagonist Hamre to Claudius Revenge story. Shakespeare's changing character in the play is the root cause of Hamlet's revenge tragedy.
Danish hamlet once studied at the cultural center of the University of Fort Brandon, Germany. In that Hamlet received the edification of advanced thought and culture, is a typical humanist, has the rich humanist spirit. In his heart human beings are sublime, is the most beautiful existence in this world. Man is a masterpiece! With noble rationality, great power, graceful instrument and gentle action! Like an angel! is the essence of the universe, the spiritual length of all things!
At the same time, Hamlet abandoned the traditional class concept, with equality, democracy, the relationship between friends to replace the feudal fortified hierarchical relations, treat others in good faith, willing to and a servant in the name of a friend commensurate. Not only that, Hamlet is also a passion for life, for the future full of people, he has his own ideals and aspirations and full of fighting spirit. He said: "If a person to the well-being and purpose of life, only to eat sleep, he is a thing?" It's just an animal! ”
However, slowly his positive, optimistic personality traits were masked by all the hardships he experienced later. His father's violent death, his uncle's usurper, and his mother's remarriage made Hamlet start to become pensive. He faced this series of sudden blows, but can not show out, can only be stuck in the heart. Especially when the ghosts appeared to tell the truth about his father's death, Hamlet's whole worldview began to collapse, and the heroic and wise father was brutally murdered by his uncle Claudius. Hamlet's heart is full of hatred for Claudius. The Revenge of the Father, the resentment of the usurper, the hatred of the mother is pressed on Hamlet, let him breath. Hamlet can only use the madness to disguise their cowardice, but also hope that through the madness to reduce their presence in the enemy Claudius in front of the feeling of seeking revenge for the best time for the father.
But what about it? The more he touches reality and faces reality, the more evil he will find. The betrayal of a friend, the distrust of a lover makes Hamlet's feelings melancholy. After this kind of attack, Hamlet, he knew that everything he desired had vanished. His whole worldview has changed.
But we should know that even Hamlet is in a state of depression and in a mental crisis. But his responsibility for himself is not slack. Just don't know how to start their own revenge action.
In the eyes of others, Hamlet is the eye of courtiers, the tongue of the scholar, the Sword of the soldiers, the was of the country, the with of the Mirror, the Yavan of the human Relations and the center of the world. He is such a good man that all the beautiful aura revolves around him. But his experience let him gradually discover the reality of cruelty, the ugliness of human nature, so he did not hesitate to the two betrayed him and the enemy of the hard friends sent to the tomb. But for his true enemy Claudius, Hamlet has become hesitant. In a Claudius confession, Hamlet had the opportunity to hand his enemy, precisely because of his momentary hesitation, wasted a good opportunity.
Hamlet himself recognized the melancholy of his character and his procrastination in action, saying, "All that I have seen and heard." All seem to condemn me, whip me quickly to carry out my great wish! Hamlet is aware of his own character melancholy meditation, review himself should act as soon as possible to complete his father's responsibility for revenge, is his mind in a great progress.
The character of Hamlet's melancholy meditation is not due to his weakness, indecision, but the contradictory conflict between ideal and reality, and the pursuit of spirit caused by the disillusionment of ideal in reality. In the final analysis, Hamlet in the specific launch of the action of revenge but do not know how to cause. He longed to get rid of that corrupt, corrupt, wicked, Wicked King. But how to let Claudius deep darkness of the soul of the Eternal Hell, Hamlet is difficult to achieve.
Because of his character and indecision in action, Hamlet missed the great opportunity to kill Claudius, instead he was sent to England by an attempt to kill Hamlet by the hand of the King of England, Claudius, though luckily escaped, and fell into another trap of Claudius. After coming back, Hamlet was Ophelia by his lover's death, and accepted the fencing contest plotted by Claudius without thinking rationally. He fought alone, with the last ounce of strength to fight with the enemy.
In a word, Hamlet's tragedy mainly lies in his limitation of character, his melancholy meditation character led to the delay in his action, and finally caused the tragedy of revenge.

Paper代写:Creation of oil painting art

2017-11-22 16:46:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Creation of oil painting art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了油画艺术的创作。随着当前时代的发展变化,油画艺术创作也需紧跟时代发展,创作出满足大众审美需要的油画作品。多写生、多创作对于油画风格的形成是至关重要的,因为每个作者的个人情感、生活经历以及观察视野的不同,就算是面对同一事物常常也会注意到不同的关注点,也会有不同的探索与追寻。
With the development of the current era, the creation of oil painting art also needs to keep abreast of the development of the Times, to create oil paintings to meet the needs of the public aesthetic. This paper discusses the ways to create oil painting art, from stimulating their own interest in creation, strengthening their own artistic accomplishment, and proposing a variety of artistic attempts in the creation, skilled use of scientific and technological means, hoping to provide reference for the current oil painting creation.
Today's era, is in constant development and change, and our oil painting art creation can not be complacent, must be in the works to reflect the needs of the times, to create a work to meet the public aesthetic need. How to create a high level of work, is the current every artist is trying to think about the problem. Combining with the creation practice, this paper sums up the previous works' experience, and probes into the ways of oil painting art creation, hoping to provide some reference for oil painting creation.
With the rapid development of China's economy and society, under the guidance of Socialist cultural policy, the form of art works has diversified trend of development, and in this situation, how to arouse the interest of their own creations become the focus of every artist to think about, to find the topic of interest in the creation of the work is very critical, Only in the interest of the theme to stimulate the efforts, and continuous exploration, can gradually constitute the style of the work of the self, and then use the works to express themselves, realize the picture Luchi.
In fact, the early art creation is based on certain practice Foundation. Multi-Sketch, many creations for the formation of oil painting style is crucial, because each author's personal feelings, life experience and observation of the different horizons, even if the face of the same thing often will notice different concerns, there will be different exploration and pursuit. At the same time, creators also need to grasp the creative law of oil painting art, this is a fundamental point, based on the continuation of the law over the years, in order to truly understand the work of the Masters, will be in the creation of a good sense of propriety, grasp the rhythm of the painting, rhythm, it is said that before the creation, need to have a solid basic skills as the basis. In the creation, occasionally flashes some small innovation, small change, both the continuation of the law and the flash of self-interest, often can get unexpected results, which is the author in The accidental discovery of a flash of inspiration, to stimulate their own creative interest in the work of the present, and constantly practice, after so repeated, Creative ideas will naturally open, thus creating a satisfactory level of work.
Another key point of oil painting creation is the artistic accomplishment level of the creator's self, specifically, the creator's knowledge of how to accumulate, only at the same time with a scientific perspective and solid knowledge accumulation, can constitute a good aesthetic tendencies, to obtain accurate artistic goals and artistic motives, to create a satisfactory oil paintings, This determines the level of the painting, and also determines the future path of the creator.
The artistic accomplishment of the creator stems from the long period of knowledge reserve. On the one hand, it is necessary to have an accurate understanding of the creative ideas of different artistic directions at home and abroad to realize accurate judgment. At the same time, to grasp the Western historical trend, cultural tradition, only in this way to recognize the source of oil painting, to find the true meaning of the work. For example, the ancient Greek culture, can be said to be the origin of Western art works, the medieval cultural development, renaissance and so on are the Western art's pluralistic exploration period, today's Western art works are more belong to the Western fusion, you have me, I have your stage, no matter which period has a worthy of our study. And we must always pay attention to the artistic views and the latest works of art masters, grasp the latest artistic trends, can have a certain understanding of the current art development. At present, there are a variety of art exhibitions, we need to see more, learn more, in order to continuously enhance their own artistic accomplishment, promote our creative thinking of art. On the other hand, we also need to learn more about our history, culture and other aspects of books and periodicals, this is our compulsory course, but also our fundamental place, the Chinese nation 5,000 years of history, to create a bright culture, to promote the entire human society's progress. At the same time, also in different forms to describe their pursuit of beauty, the mastery of national culture can enhance our artistic accomplishment, but also to bring us a wide range of artistic ideas.
Innovation stems from the unceasing artistic attempt, if lacks the bold artistic attempt, cannot obtain the superb artistic achievement. In the ordinary life, can try to use the pen, pen painting to sketch, pay attention to all kinds of life moments of the United States Flash, the expression of various characters change, a variety of modeling space movement, and so on, with a lot of art to try to feel the need to meet the needs of the arts, feel the line of various density combination, configuration and other causes of the To explore the physical changes of things, to find the body to meet their own feelings change, "with the line to walk", feel all kinds of modelling, the work of the language needs to follow the needs of various forms, more practice writing, reserve more, can choose the material naturally more, creative ideas will naturally open for you, Thus realizes the creator's work innovation. A lot of oil painting creators are very careful about the practice of sketching, around the market, flowers and so on are their source of creation, not only can continue to pursue artistic inspiration, but also more reserve material. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh art Master will often sketch for artistic creation, will occasionally copy the previous mature works, reference to creative skills, for the future creation and accumulation, visible art attempts to oil painting has played an irreplaceable role.
In addition, in the art creation, can also try to do some kinds of composition in the work of the attempt, from the point of the size of the change, different forms, different directions to bring us a variety of creative effects. The circle of points to the person is a full feeling, square to point to the person is a stable feeling, the point of the triangle to the person is a sharp feeling, irregular points to the person is a lively feeling. The author tries to strengthen the ability of the creators to control their own works, tries to find the shape that conforms to their artistic needs, and transforms the art language into the artistic characteristic by creating the composition.
With the rapid development of science and technology, technical means are more applied to the creation of oil paintings, to a great extent, promote the breakthrough in more layers of oil paintings, such as some people will use the camera film, and then the corresponding color to restore, through continuous attempts to obtain the most satisfactory results ; others add a variety of colored lenses to the camera, in order to obtain the color effect of a variety of colors, but also the use of computer editing software for the image of various deformation processing, color processing, the different colors or shapes to edit, to achieve the image color ratio or some part of the size of the block adjustment, Have the potential to produce unexpected results. The computer has gradually become an important supplement of people's artistic creation, and it is similar to illiteracy if computer-aided tools are not used. In addition, some creators use projectors to project the things they want to portray onto the screen, using the principle of light and shadow to restore the color, the effect is both accurate and intuitive, is often used by many creators of the method.
Therefore, the creation of oil painting art can not be separated from the effective use of new scientific and technological means, skilled use of various techniques, the use of different forms of creation, and vigorously expand creative thinking, in order to keep up with the development of the Times. However, the application of scientific and technological means must not be able to form a dependency, once left the computer can not create works, painting as a simple copy, lost the creator of the work of the unique thinking and perspective, that is the horse-cart.

Essay代写:Byzantine painting

2017-11-22 16:31:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Byzantine painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了拜占庭细密画。拜占庭细密画是一种精细刻画的小型绘画,在中世纪的欧洲十分盛行,这是一种属于皇室贵族和接近“神”的人才能享受和欣赏的艺术,它也不像油画、雕塑等属于完全独立的画种,细密画是属于书籍和一些刊物中的插图,有时也把细密画用作是珍贵首饰、象牙摆件,绘画题材包括风景、肖像、风俗故事等,有些类似于现在的插画艺术。
The category of close painting is very unfamiliar to many people, it belongs to the more important part of Byzantine art, in short, the Byzantine painting is a kind of fine-grained painting, which includes paper, sheepskin, ivory, plank and so on. The unique artistic style of Byzantine paintings is of great significance to the development of many kinds of art.
The Byzantine painting is a fine depiction of a small painting, in medieval Europe is very prevalent, this is a royal nobility and close to "God" talent can enjoy and enjoy the art, it is not like oil painting, sculpture, etc. belong to a completely independent painting, close painting is a book and some publications in the illustrations, Sometimes it is also used as a precious jewelry, ivory ornaments, painting themes including landscapes, portraits, customs stories, etc., some similar to the present art of illustration.
It was not a form of art that appeared in medieval Byzantium, according to historians, the detailed painting originated in Africa, the existing fine paintings first found in more than 3,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh buried in the product, in the funerary volume of this style of illustrations, this is considered to be the earliest fine painting works. From the earliest fine paintings appeared to the medieval Byzantine prosperity, meticulous painting has been developing, in ancient Greece and Rome, although there has been a period of popularity, but because there is less space to play, the development of meticulous painting has been a relatively small crowd.
The Eastern Empire, the Byzantine Empire that was often said in art history, the ancient Greek city, so in the Byzantine Empire period of all the arts have obvious traces of the Greek, especially the early development of Byzantine painting, painting wind has a very strong traces of Greek, including the characterization of characters also have this feature. With the disintegration of the Roman Empire, the development of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire went far in a very different direction, and the Western Roman Empire suffered a "barbarian" invasion, and the fine ancient Greek and Roman art was destroyed, but the Eastern Roman Empire came to the Byzantine region, due to the ease of attack The Eastern Roman Empire basically inherited the ancient Greek and Roman art of the rigorous, simple features, the former culture and art retained. Constantinople as the capital of the Byzantine Empire, is a complex cultural background and rich cultural experience of the city, on the one hand, it has a strong classical taste, on the other hand, actively absorb the spirit of Islam and from the ancient Oriental mystery, which for the fine painting in Byzantium to obtain a new artistic style laid the foundation.
The Byzantine Empire was a major transport barrier across Europe, Asia and Africa, and because of its political and economic strength, it became one of the most important economic centers in the world and became a major exporter of business and art. Many countries have seen the fine paintings of the Byzantine Empire, so much so that they have custom-made books and works of art, which flourished in such a positive atmosphere. Byzantine paintings have two sizes of size, large-scale paintings are similar to murals or large mosaic paintings, such works in the dissemination of a certain limitations, the development is not popular, and small fine painting is completely different, it can exist in books, Ivory box, jewelry box or small print, this kind of works easy to carry, Easy to transport to all parts of the world, all these reasons are close painting in this period swept the world.
The classical style, which was popular and used in the Middle Ages, was different from the ancient Greco-Roman period, and it has evolved into a style that is a spiritual example of the art culture of ancient Greek and Roman times. The classical style of Byzantine painting is a classical style but with the ancient Greek and Roman period completely different spiritual connotations of art. Its artistic language features include: first, emphasizing the characteristics of realism. The image of the figure is more realistic, with visual sense of the entity, this way of expression so that the characters in the screen has a lofty and great image, in addition, but also pay more attention to the realism of color, good at using color to shape the image, the color of simple in the noble, lifelike figure. Second, pay attention to the expression of space sense. In the forced story or scene of the screen, the three-dimensional space is particularly important, which not only inherited the traditional characteristics of classicism, but also to the creators of greater play space, the image of the characters and backgrounds of the nearly large and small basic perspective relationship is also very clear. Third, scientific. When the Byzantine paintings were drawn, they followed the scientific proportions, anatomical features, perspective principles and color relationships of the ancient Greek and Roman dynasties, although these theories had not yet become complete systems, but the observation methods of this initiative were very rational.
The oriental characteristic of Byzantine style is a very important part of Byzantine art style, and it can be said that Byzantine art is the result of blending of eastern and Western art. Its characteristics are: first, emphasize the planar two-dimensional feeling. This two-dimensional art treatment technique is mainly used in religious icon painting themes, this style of painting is relatively few paintings of natural landscape, the performance of the characters is also a relatively flat, giving people the feeling is far from the reality of the image, this situation on the one hand by religious and political dual influence and demand, on the other hand, is influenced by the art style of mosaic painting Secondly, focus on symbolic meaning and abstraction. This is also in the works of religious subjects than more see, abandon the original physical feeling, the image of the people to deal with the relatively withered, this is the time to draw religious painting patterns, used to express the spirit of religion. Again is the emphasis on decorative performance. Because of the object of the service is noble, so in some oriental style of the meticulous painting appeared a lot of decorative works, the work of colorful, flower and bird plants have become patterned to enhance decorative effect, some works are to add gold foil to the screen, so that works more magnificent.
Stylized not only in Byzantine paintings, throughout the medieval art genre, stylized is one of the most important features, in the religious portrait of the more obvious, the appearance of the characters are sacred but also withered and unchanging, this stylized artists are no longer artists, but painter, According to the theology of the subject, character posture and other requirements, painter with the same shape to paint up. Of course, not every artist has been imprisoned into a painter, some artists under the cover of the stylized to find the artistic taste of freehand brushwork, this kind of freehand taste also makes the programmatic performance under the rules have a different taste.
The appearance of early fine-grained paintings is illustrated in the middle of the Bible manuscripts, this is because the society can read and literacy is relatively few people, the church's people spread religion in addition to the mouth of the explanation, it needs to find a poor people can accept and understand the way, intuitive visual arts at this time played a role, On the one hand is to rely on the form of religious sculpture spread, on the other hand is dependent on painting, especially in the form of meticulous painting of the biblical story. The biblical story drawn by the meticulous painting relies mainly on two mediums, one is the paper products, the other is the board products, the scope of paper products is very wide, not simply the meaning of modern paper, but including animal skin, plant fiber paper, cocoon paper and so on material, the limitations of these materials will determine the size of the relatively small painting, In order to make the painting full of biblical stories spread down, the craftsmen in the material processing also more attentively, so that materials become more substantial, has a better durability. The small, detailed painting is an important way for the church to spread the teachings, and the Biblical codex is one of the most widely circulated books, and it serves the Christian. At the end of 3rd century AD, the great Diodosi of the Roman Empire, the second year proclaimed Christianity as the state religion, with the support of the government, Christianity prevailed, followed by a surge of Christians, the Christian people from all walks of life in the country, the degree of education is very different, only by the original religious rituals, The morality of word of mouth has not been able to meet the huge amount of Christians, and hand-painted drawings are popular when they appear. It appears to be the original monotonous Guzhuo of the hand-written scriptures to become more perfect, not only to draw some biblical stories, fine paintings are also used as decorative paintings appear in the Bible manuscript, in the slightly distorted text around the formation of some beautiful decorative patterns, although it looks very beautiful, But actually it takes a couple of months or even months of Kung fu, and the conditions dictate that the Bible transcripts cannot be printed, and that each is painted by painters. The characters in the picture are elegant, dynamic and natural, with a smooth pen, a variety of composition styles, in addition to the spread of Christianity means, or art in the long river of treasures.
As a relatively rare part of Byzantine art, Byzantine painting has played a very important role in the position of Byzantine art in the Long River of world art, and it has very positive significance for us to examine and study Byzantine art from a new angle. Through the spread of religion, Byzantine paintings have enriched and developed the artistic and artistic styles of the surrounding countries, the fine art of Byzantine painting as Christianity is more accurate, the spread of the Orthodox Church affects the surrounding countries and regions, so that the spread of fine-grained paintings spreads throughout the region, and this influence expands geographically to Western Europe, Persia and the Far East have joined in the development of their own artistic styles, and have grown and prospered.
Not only that, its influence on the later Renaissance art is also obvious, whether it is the processing of the character costumes or graphic layout and decoration have a clear Byzantine painting shadow, the late meticulous painting appeared a very obvious humanism style, the screen simple, This style can be said to have a deep impact on the style of early Renaissance. In the influence of time not only in the early Renaissance, some people studied that the works of modern famous painter Klimt were deeply influenced by Byzantine paintings, and in his works both the character's handling and the change of costume have the shadow of Byzantine painting.
On the painting technique, the combination of egg whites and pigments has a great enlightening effect on the later painting technology and even the formation of oil painting. Studies have shown that the painting on the plate is evolved from Byzantine paintings, because Byzantine paintings added egg whites as a modifier in the painting process, especially in the cortex, and later the technique evolved into an independent work or painted on the bottom of the material, which is the technique of Tempe. And the painting of the temple is the predecessor of oil paintings, so the calculation, if there is no Byzantine paintings of prosperity and a variety of materials to try, there is no Tempe, no oil painting.
From a religious point of view, the spread of the Orthodox Church is inseparable from the meticulous painting, assuming that there is no detailed painting, at least at the rate of transmission and public acceptability will be greatly reduced, which hinders the spread of religion, and now retained the Byzantine heyday of the meticulous paintings, It is also a very meaningful historical material for modern people to study the religious and social situations in Byzantine times.