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EzTalks shine 70 education exhibition, leading education and recording into the interactive era

2017-05-11 19:29:31 | 日記

EzTalks shine 70 education exhibition, leading education and recording into the interactive era

Recently, the highly anticipated 70th China Education and Equipment Exhibition in Shenyang International Convention and Exhibition Center successfully concluded. As an important channel for the dissemination of information technology, the exhibition attracted nearly 10 million people to come to observe the study, but also created the largest ever.

At the current Shenyang show, ezTalks with a new upgrade of the "remote interactive classroom solutions" shine debut, from all over the country at home and abroad to teach teachers and educators of concern and praise, once again become the exhibition site "popular king" The

Figure 1 ezTalks booth popular bursting

At the booth, ezTalks arranged a number of "remote interactive classroom" solutions to explain, so that visitors to ezTalks how to solve the educational information of the pain point has a more intuitive understanding, and also recognize the educational record to the interactive change The trend, many customers after the end of the explanation, take the initiative to find ezTalks staff to learn more product information.

Figure 2 Moderator to explain the scene

Figure 3 customer detailed consultation to understand the product
In order to allow customers to experience the interactive experience, ezTalks also arranged a number of award-winning interactive activities, customers have enthusiastically enrolled, some customers even asked to play a few more rounds. Throughout the course of the game, customers fully experience the interactive classroom of high efficiency, convenience and fun.

Figure 4 interactive game wonderful moments

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EzTalks remote interactive classroom so that a number of classrooms on the Internet can be the same class, and the classroom live recorded simultaneously for Internet users after the class after-hours. The system realizes the simultaneous teaching of the local classroom and the distance class classroom during the teaching process, as well as the real-time audio and video interactive communication. Interactive process can be synchronized recording, the real show interactive teaching scene, but also support the higher leadership, experts for the quality of the course to observe and comment, academic exchanges, teaching and research activities.

This exhibition, ezTalks exhibited a new upgrade of the remote interactive classroom solutions for the education of information technology to create a new interactive teaching model, a variety of PC, mobile phones, flat and highly integrated terminal access, so that interactive teaching from the Time and space constraints, anytime, anywhere. Around the "let everyone have high quality education opportunities" concept, ezTalks will continue to optimize the product, reduce the threshold of interactive teaching, real quality education resources to achieve rapid sharing.

EzTalks help school-enterprise cooperation network meeting a complete success

2017-05-11 19:28:04 | 日記

ezTalks help school-enterprise cooperation network meeting a complete success

May 18 sponsored by the Chinese school enterprise information network, Zhengzhou Hongbang Education and Culture Communication Co., Ltd. co-sponsored the national school-enterprise cooperation Network Video Conference successful conclusion! From the country's 113 vocational institutions and corporate recruitment of leaders in the busy experience in the successful experience of the Internet under the school-enterprise cooperation innovation model! Through the ezTalks video conferencing system has eight participating units; in the group meeting to achieve the initial cooperation intention!

So that the future development of Internet video technology will certainly change the user's habits and service needs. School-enterprise cooperation video conference convenient way of communication, free from time and space constraints, ezTalks video conference is bound to set off a school-enterprise cooperation industry a revolution!

EzTalks: Multi-communication licenses will become the new standard for video conferencing operators

2017-05-11 19:26:54 | 日記

EzTalks: Multi-communication licenses will become the new standard for video conferencing operators

Recently, the Ministry of Industry has made a formal response to the rumors of the "call to non-operator free calls", which calls for the classification of telecom services and the licensing system. The call service can be divided into the following categories: one is based on the communication network (fixed network and mobile network) end to end two-way real-time voice business, the second is provided by the communication network and the Internet IP telephone business, the third is based on the Internet End to two-way real-time voice service. The first two belong to the basic telecommunications business, should hold the basic telecommunications business license. The third category belongs to the value-added telecommunications business in the information services business, should hold the relevant value-added telecommunications business license. Do not hold the relevant permission to carry out business, are illegal business behavior.

The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Information to provide all the services provided by the enterprise a clear signal, the future will not prohibit the provision of any communication services. This measure not only on the well-known social and communications products have an impact on the increasingly mature domestic video conferencing market also knocked a warning.

Standard service, the user can rest assured

As early as the first half of 2014, good view through the Ministry of Industry from the enterprise size, technical capacity, service capabilities, and many other comprehensive review and evaluation, access to the Ministry of Industry issued the "domestic multi-communication service license."

Although in the pursuit of efficiency and information today, more and more enterprises have begun to realize the importance of video conferencing, market demand has led to video conferencing vendors in recent years, such as mushroom is generally frequent; but today, This qualified manufacturers are still very few, which also shows that the current market, most of the video conferencing manufacturers of technical capacity and service level also meet the requirements.

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Although more and more manufacturers lead to the user in the choice of time is difficult to decide, but the Ministry of Industry's position is undoubtedly to the user pointed to a Ming Road. Only to choose a license to qualify the manufacturers, in order to enjoy more stable and better quality of service, those who are not qualified video manufacturers sooner or later are to be stopped.

Based on the user, good vision through continuous progress

Since its inception, good vision has been committed to providing users with efficient communication and collaboration services. In product technology continue to break through innovation, continuous improvement in the user experience, in the after-sales service on the continuous improvement of standards in the enterprise qualification also dare not have a trace of sloppy.

It is because of continuous progress, it laid a good view today in the video conference SAAS field dominance, and access to the national and even tens of thousands of users worldwide unanimously approved. Good view of the user to provide not only high-quality video communications services, but also a standardized, secure video communications services!