Life's like this.



2005-09-15 00:47:56 | ☆ピアノ☆
天気=  気分=80%
今日オーケストラで音楽の先生の前でピアノをひきました そしてすごく上手だったらクリスマスにみんなの前でひけるの ひきたいよ~~ッ☆☆ そしたらもっと練習しなきゃ 毎日結構練習してるから、できるかもッ 

ハウスキャプテンになってうれしいよ~~ッ 今日朝礼の時、ハウスキャプテンがみんなの前で立ったんだよ~~ッ(●^A^●)ちょっとはずかしかったけど…

小学生ブログランキングおうえんしてね だって、頑張ってるもん 

My brother went to Holland!

2005-09-06 05:17:30 | ☆旅行☆
I couldn't write yesterday, and I'm really sorry
Today, my brother went to Holland on a school trip
Mum, my brother Kento and I walked to his school at 8:00am and I was still halfway asleep He was so excited, but for me, I wasn't because he will be gone for 4 days My brother forgot a really important permission slip at home so my mum ran and ran home and got it But then, she didn't run down, she rode on my little bicycle Because she didn't have time to run down, because the bus had already arrived it was a little embarassing Kento was on the bus and I tried to wave goodbye to him but I couldn't because there were so many people I was seriously upset You mean my brother is going away for 4 days and I don't even wave goodbye to him...!? I can't help it, it's too late, he's gone anyway...