

Dec. 5th Thalland

2007年10月28日 17時02分28秒 | エンセンニッキ
決定…12月5日タイでゴリちゃんが世界一番大きなムイタイ大会出場します。 タイの王様の誕生日で世界中からやく200,000人来ます。皆さん応援しましょう。

As of yesterday, Gori Chan will be geared to fight in the biggest Muai Thai event in the world. December 5th is the King of Thailand's Birthday and over 200,000 people from all over the world will travel to attend. Let's support Gori Chan.


2007年10月23日 12時07分56秒 | エンセンニッキ


Just a thought I'd like to share

2007年10月23日 11時36分12秒 | エンセンニッキ
Life is to short…

Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget...Here we are on this earth,with only a few more decades to live,and we lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievances that,in a year's time,will be forgotten by us and by everybody. No,let us devote our life to worth-while actions and feelings,to great thoughts,real affections and enduring undertakings. For life is too short to be little. -Disraeli-


Thou who shed his Blood with me shall always be my Brother…and thou who becomes my Brother I have no problem bleeding for even if it meant bleeding to death!