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How to Remove Water Stains From Shoes

2016-12-07 13:14:57 | 日記

An important part of the wardrobe, shoes serve as both protection for our feet and make a fashion statement. But they also take a beating, exposed to the elements on a daily basis. Take care of your shoes so they will last for many years. Treat water stains on your shoes with one of these home remedies.

Dyed Shoes
Mix 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup bleach.

Wet a clean, white cloth with the bleach mixture.

Dab the water spot, and then wipe the wet cloth across the entire shoe.

Mix 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1/2 cup water.

Wet a new clean white cloth with the vinegar mixture.

Wipe across the entire shoe to remove the bleach mixture.

Suede Shoes
Buff the water spots with an emery board or suede brush. Gently work on each spot until it is removed.

Dust off any residue.

Prevent future damage by spraying with a waterproofing product.

Leather Shoes
Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup water.

Wet a clean cloth with the vinegar mixture.

Rub water stain.

Polish with a shoe polish matched to the shoe's leather, to restore shine.

Tips & Warnings

Test any treatment on an inconspicuous part of the shoe prior to applying treatment to the rest of the shoe.
Spray new leather shoes with a silicone designed to waterproof shoes. This will prevent water damage.
Take new shoes to a professional shoe repair service for an appropriate treatment for your climate. Use their services for severely damaged shoes, or for shoes you do not want to risk damaging any further than the water stains.

Top 10 Athletic Companies

2016-12-07 13:13:13 | 日記

Adi Dassler founded Adidas in 1949 following a falling-out with his brother Rudolf, who he helped co-found the company which would later become Puma. Both ventures have gone on to become two of the three biggest athletic companies in the world, yet they both trail the 800-pound gorilla of the industry and its trademark swoosh. Footwear dominates sales in the industry, but a few lesser companies command huge market shares in sales of equipment to certain niche sports.

When you generate more revenue than the next three competitors combined, you're not just the top dog; you're a juggernaut. The company that Phil Knight built after his days on the University of Oregon track team hit the national consciousness with its Air Jordans back in the 1980s, and hasn't slowed down. In 2013, Nike controlled about 59 percent of the athletic shoe market in the U.S., with Adidas second at 10 percent. For fiscal year 2014, Nike had revenues of $27.8 billion.

Prior to 2006, Adidas would have struggled to rank as high as second among the world's top athletic companies. But its $3.8 billion purchase of Reebok that year gave it huge market shares of the athletic footwear segment. The Adidas Group, which has sponsored FIFA since 1970, also markets TaylorMade golf equipment. Along with the company's fourth brand, Rockport, these labels pulled in revenues of $19.95 billion in 2013.

Unlike their counterparts, Puma made it all about shoes. Equipment and accessory sales were almost nonexistent. But in 2010, the company did an about-face and ended up purchasing Cobra Golf to add to its brand stable. In 2013, Puma reported revenues of $4.38 billion

The Latin translation of "sound mind in a sound body" is "Anima Sana In Corpore Sano." But that doesn't fit nicely on a side of a sneaker, so this company decided to go with the acronym. Its gel technology has made Asics the preferred shoe of distance runners and triathletes, which in turn led to $3.2 billion in revenue for the fiscal year 2014.

Amer Sports
Amer Sports has 10 brands in its portfolio that span a wide variety of activities. Wilson is synonymous with American ball sports, especially golf and tennis. Precor is one of the biggest manufacturers of fitness equipment and elliptical cross trainers. Salomon, Arctic and Suunto produce gear and apparel for some of the more extreme outdoor sports. Amer Sports reported revenues of $2.94 billion in 2013.

New Balance
Looking back, Jim Davis got a steal of a deal in 1972 when he bought the Boston-based New Balance company for $100,000. That company, which began in 1906 producing prescription-specific shoes for fallen arches, pulled in $2.73 billion in revenue in 2013.

Jarden claims to be the world's biggest sports equipment business. It's keystone brands include Rawlings baseball gear, K2 skis and snowboards, Coleman outdoor equipment, Gait lacrosse gear and Worth, the biggest producer of aluminum bats for softball. Jarden had revenues of $2.72 billion in 2013.

Under Armour
The brand that arrived on the scene less than a decade ago with what looked like trendy thermal underwear has expanded its lines to include moisture-wicking head-to-toe apparel. Forbes reported that its second quarter in 2014 was the 17th consecutive such quarter with revenue growth of more than 20 percent. Under Armour was projected to do about $3 billion in revenue for fiscal year 2014.

For years, Mizuno was known as "that volleyball company," with a heavy presence in what was a niche sport in much of the U.S. But since the 1980s, the company has made steady inroads towards market shares for gear in softball, baseball, golf and track and field. In fact, Mizuno has the top market share in baseball and softball gloves in the United States. Mizuno reported revenue of $1.78 billion in 2013.

Performance Sports Group
While many of the other top companies have commanded large sales in the major sports, Performance Sports Group has dominated hockey and lacrosse. Its Bauer and Easton brands have held the top spot in market shares for hockey equipment, from pads and skates to sticks and gloves, while its Maverik brand has been a staple of the lacrosse world. PSG also markets baseball and softball bats through its Combat brand. While the company reported 2013 revenues of $448 million, it has been growing rapidly since 2005.

Speed Bag Benefits

2016-04-08 10:52:59 | 日記
adidas clothing for sale Using a speed bag on a regular basis builds up and tones the muscles in the wrists, arms, and shoulders. Regular speed bag practice develops muscle endurance, which is equally important. According to Balasz Boxing, muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle "to do repeated contractions against a less-than-maximum resistance for a given period of time." Boxers, in particular, are required to keep their arms up for long periods of time during a match. Speed bag practice trains a boxer's shoulder and arm muscles to work for extended periods.

If you see an exhausted-looking boxer who just can't seem to keep his hands up past round five, there's a good chance he's been avoiding the speed bag.

Cardiovascular Endurance

Using a speed bag continuously and rhythmically for as little as three minutes can have a positive cardiovascular effect, but to get more dramatic results, you'll want to build up to longer practice times. By using the speed bag with rhythmic intensity for 15 minutes or longer, one can start increasing his aerobic capacity and actually begin burning fat. To ensure the best results, you will need to eventually do speed bag drills for a minimum of 15 minutes, divided into five three-minute rounds.

Eye and Hand Coordination

adidas clothing outlet Much like boxing with a human partner, a speed bag requires the user to respond quickly and accurately. Regularly sparring with the speed bag hones reaction time to a noticeable degree and sharpens reflexes. A sense of timing and rhythm are also improved through three-minute rounds of repetitive punching with a speed bag, because the only way to keep the speed bag rolling in a way conducive to exercise is to hit at the speed bag with an unbroken rhythm, and with consistent force. Any wasted, excessive, or irregular motions will cause the user to have to stop the bag and start over, breaking the rhythm of the exercise, and rendering the exercise ineffective.

Ease and Safety of Use

Speed bags, unlike free weights, do not require a spotter, and pose almost no risk of injury. A securely set-up speed bag is completely safe. The only sorts of injury possible are wrist strain or bruised knuckles, though one would have to be punching pretty hard to suffer either of these. To use the speed bag effectively is to use it with controlled force and rhythm, not to pummel it off of its platform. The odds of hand injury with a speed bag are very low.

Things to Remember when Starting

Common complications for the beginning speed-bag user are that the bag is too small or fast for a beginner, and the bag is either too high or too low. The bag should be set at face level. A bag that is too high will force you to move your arms more than they should just to reach the bag. Specifically, the fattest part of the bag should be set at mouth level. This setting lets you concern yourself with whether your fists are hitting the "meat" of the bag, rather than what your arms are doing. Your arm movements when using a speed bag should be minimal.

adidas coats It is also important to remember to wrap the knuckles with a gauze bandage to prevent severe chafing and bruising. Nothing fancy is needed here--a simple, cheap gauze bandage will work nicely. Use enough gauze to wrap the knuckles a few times, with enough left to firmly tuck the end of the bandage into the wrapping. dsrteaarm1569

Not Only a Fun Experience But Also A Learning Expe

2015-01-28 16:41:57 | 日記
nike air max pas cher Children tend to get inspired by learning through playing board games and purchasing a chess set could be a great educational experience for them. Many people don’t realize life lessons can be learned just by sitting down one day and playing that game of chess with a child and who doesn’t like chess? As a child, I remember the days when my older brother and I would sit and play the game of chess for hours upon hours never seeming to grow tired of it. What I didn’t realize at that time were the many things that I had learned while playing this board game.

Thinking Before Acting: Chess teaches in an almost brutal way. Chess taught me to think first before I make a move. And it taught me by punishing me again and again for failing to do it. Those lessons were painful, but less painful then learning the same thing in real life. When you choose a house or a career without enough thought, or even if you choose what to say to an irritating co-worker without enough thought, it can punish you far more than losing a queen in a chess game.

Cause and Effect: nike blazer homme pas cher Thinking about an action and what will happen after the action is carried out. This is a perfect representation in chess that teaches an all important life skill. What will happen after I make my action? In real life we all know that actions always lead to a reaction. The same idea applies to playing a chess game.

Keeping Your Goal In Mind: In chess, the goal is getting your opponent into checkmate. As a youngster myself I remember always trying to get as many of my opponents ponds as I could. But then later found myself sitting at checkmate. Why did this happen? I lost focus about what my goal really was, to checkmate my opponent!

In life, it’s equally as difficult to keep our important aims clearly in mind. The world seems to constantly take us off course and soon we forget about what our goals once were. By playing chess your child attains the ability to bring there mind back to the goal, and this teaches them an invaluable skill about reaching goals in life.

nike blazer femme pas cher There are Certainly many more skills that children can obtain from playing a classic game such as chess. These include; making a plan but keeping your plan flexible, utilizing time wisely, protecting what you have, and much more. As you can see, Chess can be a great way for kids to incorporate learning while at play, this type of quality time between parent and child can make for the best educational experiences as well.

Your 7 Keys to Success in Business

2015-01-17 15:36:39 | 日記
new balance trainers For any professional goals and objectives you may have there are 7 consistent keys to success you must follow for business success to be yours. These keys are not really complicated nor do they require special skills to be properly implemented. All that is really needed is for you to possess the ambition and resolve it will take to reach the goals you set.

Here are the 7 keys to unlocking your potential and achieving the professional success you seek.


In order for business success to be achieved you first need to envision the 'complete picture' of what it is you want to achieve. From that point you can literally 'backtrack' by piecing together the plan that will help to complete this picture you envision.

It is also of equal importance to maintain this 'vision' in your mind as an incentive or motivation to keep your efforts moving forward as you enact the plan.

Be Realistic

When establishing any goals or objectives you are putting together for your 'vision quest' you need to be realistic. Careful consideration must be given to whether you have the necessary resources or skills to achieve the goals you are setting.

Develop a Plan of Action

Your professional success at achieving any goals will usually require a well thought out plan of action. This plan should enable you to methodically accomplish each objective you have already listed that is necessary to reach all your goals and realize your vision.

This plan or 'roadmap' is crucial to the level of success you will achieve so take the necessary time and invest plenty of thought in putting it together.


new balance 574 You developed a plan since it is the best way for you to accomplish all the steps needed to reach your ultimate goal. It is important that you stick to the plan. The only reason you should divert from it would be if you feel it is necessary to revise the plan due to its failure to produce the required results.

Positive Attitude

As you start out on your quest it is vitally important that you truly believe you are capable of succeeding. If you have any lingering doubts dispel them first or you will only be fooling yourself and wasting your time and effort.

As the saying goes "if you think you can, you can, and if you think you can not, you are right!"

Maintain Personal Accountability

The goals you set will only be successfully realized by you accepting the personal accountability for every action taken to reach them good or bad. Finger pointing will not get the job done if tasks are not completed correctly or at all. Someone will need to step up and ensure that the plan is being followed and that you are on track to achieve the goals you set out to reach. Nothing will get done properly or on time if a time limit is involved unless personal accountability is accepted by some. That someone needs to be you!

Maintain Your Resolve

Along the way things may not always go according to your plan. Unforeseen results or perhaps inefficiencies may be uncovered in the plan itself. Regardless of things like this you must maintain the resolve to continue forward. Take the time when necessary to make corrections or alter plans. Once this is done continue striving for the end result which is accomplishing all the goals set forth to reach your ultimate objective.

new balance u420 As you have discovered the 7 keys to success needed to reach any professional goals and objectives do not require special talents but merely the ambition to be successful. These keys are merely the individual components that need to be combined with your efforts in order for business success to be yours.