

Motorcycle Rules For The Road

2017-03-06 09:38:27 | 日記

Riding a motorcycle requires an attention to detail that most drivers of passengers seldom if ever think about. Jumping into the car for a quick errand takes little preparation and people do it quite often without even wearing shoes much less anything that would be considered 搒afety gear.?For the motorcycle rider even the shortest of rides requires making some decisions about safety to prevent catastrophic motorcycle accidents.

Safety Choices Before Embarking

Inspecting the Bike ?Most motorcycle enthusiasts are committed enough to the maintenance and upkeep of their bike that they can tell you at any given time what condition it is in (dirty or clean, needs maintenance, etc.). Most people have had the experience of going to their vehicle and find a flat or very low tire. For the motorcyclist riding on a low tire can be especially dangerous. That example demonstrates the need for the motorcycle rider to inspect their vehicle each time before riding. A quick inspection of safety related components can help avert a potentially dangerous situation. Items that should be routinely inspected include:

?Tires ?check tire pressure and inspect for wear & damage

?Controls ?check cables for wear and binding

?Brakes ?both front and rear functioning properly

?Lamps. ?Check headlamp, tail lamp, turn signals and brake lamp

?Horn ?functions properly

?Fluids ?check oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid levels

?Chain ?if chain driven check for proper chain tension

Wearing Safety Gear

In Alabama helmets and eyewear are mandated by law. The decisions that a rider must make about safety gear are much more comprehensive than simply deciding to wear a helmet or not. Safety gear recommended for wear by motorcyclists includes:


?Eye Protection

?Jacket (spine protection)




?Rain Gear

?High Visibility Gear

Choices on the Road

Choices for safety may give a rider the edge they need while riding that can mean the difference between an accident or one avoided; and even between life and death autel maxisys elite. There are a number of safe practices or 搑ules of the road?that motorcyclist should observe to help keep them safe while riding. Having made good choices for safety prior to embarking, the rider then has choices to make that can impact their safety on the road autel maxisys ms906. Choices that the rider makes while on the road include:

?Lane position ?Choosing the proper lane position for the type of roadway and traffic conditions postures the motorcyclist to handle the unexpected

?Proximity to other vehicles ?Not following too close or riding in another vehicle抯 blind spot helps to ensure drivers see the rider and he/she has ample reaction time when something changes

?Caution when approaching intersections ?The size of a motorcycle compared to passenger autos makes them difficult to see for many motorists. Any time a rider is approaching an intersection there are more opportunities for mishaps because of much activity taking place in a confined area.

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