

Is that the way you talk

2017-02-22 17:44:13 | 熱讀類
With these words he sprang forward, intending to run to his friend's assistance; but before he had made half a dozen steps his heels flew up and he was sent at full length on the deck, which he no sooner touched than two men, whom he had not yet seen, sprang up from behind the windlass and threw themselves across his shoulders. He had been entirely deceived as to the number of enemies with whom he had to deal. He had seen but four men on deck and there proved to be a dozen of them—more than enough to render resistance useless.[72] Almost before he realized the fact he was powerless, a pair of irons being slipped over his wrists and another about his ankles. When he was helped to his feet, he found that the struggle on the quarter-deck had ended in the same way. Dick Lewis was led up, and by the light of a lantern which one of the crew drew from under a tarpaulin, Frank saw that he was ironed like himself dermes

The man who carried the lantern held it up so that its rays fell full on the prisoners, and gave them a good looking over, bestowing his attentions principally upon their arms and shoulders, as if trying to judge of the amount of muscle they might contain. They'll do, said he, at last, and now we're all ready to be off. Can you pull an oar? he added, flashing his lantern in Frank's face.

I can, was the reply.

I can! Is that the way you talk to me? I am mate of this vessel and there's a handle to my name.

I did not know that you were an officer, replied[73] Frank, and neither am I aware that I am under any obligations to put a handle to your name.

Well, you'll find it out pretty sudden. It shall be my first hard work to teach you manners dermes , my fine gentleman. Take 'em below.

The mate handed the lantern to one of the crew, who moved toward the forecastle, followed by the prisoners, who never uttered a word of complaint or remonstrance. Frank knew it would do no good, and Dick was so bewildered that he could not have spoken if he had tried. He kept as close to his young companion as he could. He seemed to think that Frank, powerless as he was, could in some way protect him. They followed their conductor into the forecastle, and the latter, after hanging the lantern to one of the carlens, went on deck again, closing the hatch after him.

Frank and the trapper looked about them before they spoke. The very first objects their eyes rested on were the two missing seamen, the coxswain and the boatswain's mate, who lay side by side in one of the bunks, snoring at the rate of ten knots an[74] hour. They were there, sure enough—the bogus captain told the truth on that point—and Frank was glad to see that they were all right, or would be as soon as the effects of the drug they had swallowed had been slept off. There were three other men in the forecastle, and they were in irons like themselves. They lay in their bunks and looked sullenly at the new-comers. What's the matter with you? asked Frank. What have you been doing to get yourselves in this fix?

Trying to desert, growled one of the sailors, in reply dermes
. What's the matter with you?

Shanghaied, answered Frank. What ship is this, and where is she bound?

She's the Tycoon, and I expect she's off for the Japan station.