「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

advantages and disadvantages technique - 2 (利点と不利テクニック)

2013-02-24 19:55:23 | Sedona Method
advantages and disadvantages technique - 2 (利点と不利テクニック)

advantages and disadvantages technique - 2
 ( (利点と不利テクニック))

Use the Advantages/Disadvantages Process to further your work on a host of different things, including:

• Goals. In addition to working on a goal directly, ask: What advantage is there to me to have this goal? And: What disadvantage is there to me to have this goal?

• Decisions. When an opportunity arises, such as being offered a new job, and you’re not quite sure whether or not to take it, doing advantages and disadvantages will help you get a lot clearer. The process cuts through confusion about career changes, purchases, taking trips, and starting new projects.

• Problems. You can use this to let go of overspending or not saving appropriately. Other problems it would be useful to address include difficulty with particular types of people, leaving things incomplete, or procrastination, to name a few.

• Habits and Tendencies. Not sure why you can’t quit smoking or feel the need to shop all day long Advantages/Disadvantages may reveal hidden attachments and aversions.

• Positives. I find it freeing to do advantages/disadvantages on positive feelings, such as having abundance, more joy, feeling more alive, or recognizing your true nature. These may not necessarily be goals that you’re pursuing right now, although most people would like to experience many of these qualities. When you release on a positive feeling, it always deepens your releasing and cleans out that area―even if you’re already feeling good about it.

I think you can tell I’m pretty enthusiastic about this process, so why don’t we do some work on it together?

Think of an area in your life that would apply to this process: a decision you need to make, a problem you’d like to resolve, or a goal you’d like to fulfill, or any other topic that you’d like to do some in-depth releasing on. If you need inspiration, revisit the work you did in your releasing journal as you were reading the sections “What Do You Want in Your Life?” from Chapter 1 (see page 46) or “Writing Down Your Goals” from Chapter 8 (see page 200).

The Advantiages/Disadvantages Process

This process is similar to the Likes/Dislikes Process we explored in Chapter 9 (see page 217), however it captures the imagination in a slightly different way. After using both, you’ll discover which process works best for which kinds of issues in your life.

Begin by making yourself comfortable and shift your focus within. Bring to mind the topic that you’re going to be releasing on―a goal, a problem, or whatever it is.

What is the advantage to you in it being that way? Remember to accept the first thought or feeling that comes to mind.

Does the advantage come from wanting approval, control, or security?

Whichever want it is: Could you let it go?

What’s the disadvantage to you in your topic being the way it is?

Go a little deeper and see if the disadvantage comes from wanting approval, control, or security.

Could you simply let it go?

Repeat the steps above, shifting between aspects of the topic that are advantageous and aspects that are disadvantageous, and then releasing your NOW feelings and underlying wants. Remember, if you’re having a hard time coming up with new advantages or disadvantages, allow yourself to release on that-and keep going. Be diligent. The deeper you go into this process, the more you’ll get out of it.

Once you’ve done about nine rounds of releasing in total, stop and notice how differently you’re starting to feel about the topic you’ve been releasing on. Each advantage and disadvantage together forms a layer of unconsciousness or limitation on a particular topic, so the process is like drilling for oil. The deeper a stratum you penetrate, the more insights, the more understanding, and the more freedom comes on that particular topic.

“The best part of releasing old issues using the Sedona Method is that it is a one-time event. No other tool or technique I have encountered is so instantly and permanently effective in removing conscious and unconscious barriers to living in comfort, ease, and joy. Since learning and utilizing the Method, I live with less fear, more peace, and from a much deeper, more spiritually connected part of myself. Even amidst the apparent harried and ‘emergency’ situations that I encounter, I am able to remain calm and to approach challenges from a balanced perspective.”―Jeff Goodman, San Jose, CA

Although you may never arrive at a specific big “ah-ha” moment, there is likely to be a series of small ones along the way. If you persistently release on advantages and disadvantages, I’m certain profound changes will occur. I have yet to see it produce a less than positive effect either for myself or for those I’ve assisted in focusing on it.

Laura: Uncovering a Forgotten Decision

Here is a story that shows how significant the Advantages/ Disadvantages Process can be. Many years ago, I met a woman named Laura who had a genuine issue about being overweight. The instructor working individually with her in class was leading Laura through the Advantages/Disadvantages questions, but every time she was asked, “What advantage is there to you in being overweight?” none came to mind. Laura kept responding, “There aren’t any.” She was having absolutely no problem thinking of disadvantages, however. Nonetheless, the instructor was persistent. She had Laura release on her NOW feeling about the fact that she couldn’t think of an advantage.

Finally, around the ninth time she was asked, Laura started getting frustrated and blurted out, “Why are you asking me what advantage there is to being overweight? How could there possibly be an advantage to being as overweight as I am?” She was ready to pick a fight. The instructor calmly asked again, “What advantage is it to you to be overweight?” Suddenly, Laura flashed on a suppressed memory and she started to cry. Twenty years earlier, she’d been an exquisitely beautiful woman, and her body was an ideal weight. While she was hospitalized for a couple of days, her husband took it upon himself to make an investment that he knew his wife wouldn’t approve. He figured he would get away with it by being able to report wonderful rewards afterwards. But it was an irresponsible investment, and it didn’t do well.

Towards the end of Laura’s stay in the hospital, her husband showed up one day and sheepishly said, “Honey, I’m sorry, but I’ve lost our investment money. It’s all gone.” She was so furious in that instant that she had a fleeting thought, “Oh, I know how to get back at him!” Soon after she left the hospital, she went from being the type of woman who turned everyone’s head when she walked into the room to being overweight. In fact, she kept growing more obese and had absolutely no understanding of why it was happening. She had totally forgotten that she’d made a specific decision.

Well, 20 years later, she was still very overweight, even though it had been a long time since she and her husband had divorced. She had tried dieting in the past, but nothing had helped. When she rediscovered her decision to punish her ex-husband, and released her feelings, she let go of a very large hook in her subconscious and the main reason she’d been holding on to being overweight. The very next day after class, she phoned a specialized diet doctor to whom a friend had referred her a year and a half earlier. Now, she immediately began taking actions to lose weight―and those actions finally started to work. About a year later, Laura was a normal weight. Years later, she still maintains it.

Written Releasing on Your Advantages/Disadvantages

On paper, the Advantages/Disadvantages Process is exactly the same as what we were doing above, except you write down your responses to the questions as a way to monitor yourself. So, get out your releasing journal, and let’s begin. There are eight steps in total.

Step 1: Write your topic at the top of the page. Then, draw a line down the middle of the page. At the top of the left-hand column, create a label: Advantages. At the top of the right-hand column, create a label: Disadvantages.

Step 2: Ask yourself: What is the advantage to me of _____ (your topic)? Write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind in the left-hand column, without any censoring.

Step 3: Check to see which basic want your advantage comes from by asking: Is there a sense of wanting approval, control, or security? Once you’ve identified it, write down the want from which the thought or feeling comes using the usual abbreviations: w/a for wanting approval, w/c for wanting to control, and w/s for wanting security.

Step 4: Allow yourself to let go of the underlying want by using either one of the following questions:

• Could I allow this want to be here?

• Could I let go of wanting _____ (approval, control, or security)?

Cross out the want as you let it go, then move on to a disadvantage. Do only one advantage at a time. Please refrain from the impulse to make a list. However, if more than one advantage or disadvantage spontaneously occur to you at the same time, write them all down, and then release the wants associated with each, one at a time.

Step 5: Ask yourself: What is the disadvantage to me of _____ (your topic)? Write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind in the right-hand column, without censoring.

Step 6: Check to see which basic want your disadvantage comes from by asking: Is there a sense of wanting approval, control, or security? Write down an abbreviation next to the disadvantage.

Step 7: Allow yourself to let go of the underlying want by using either one of the following questions:

• Could I allow this want to be here?

• Could I let go of wanting _____ (approval, control, or security)?

Advantages/Disadvantages Process

Cross out the want as you let it go. Do only one disadvantage at a time.

Step 8: Repeat Steps 2 through 7 many times, alternating between an advantage and a disadvantage, then another advantage and another disadvantage and so on until you feel complete, or at least ready to take a break for a while.

Carol Su








を作成する際に必要な意思決定、あなたが解決したい問題があるか、全うしたい目標、またはあなたがしたいのですが、他のトピック:このプロセスに適用されるだろうあなたの生活の中で地域を考えるいくつかの深さでリリースを行います。あなたがインスピレーションが必要な場合は、セクションを読んでいたとして、あなたは解放ジャーナルに行った作業内容を再検討 "あなたはあなたの人生で何をしたいですか?"第1章(46ページを参照)または第8章から "下の書き込みは、あなたの目標"(参照から200ページ)。

Advantiages /デメリットプロセス











"セドナメソッドを使用して、古い問題を放出する最良の部分は、それが1回限りのイベントであるということです。私が遭遇した他のツールやテクニックはそう瞬時にかつ永続的に快適性、使いやすさ、そして喜びに居住している意識と無意​​識の障壁を除去するのに効果的ではありません。法を学習し、活用するので、私はあまり恐怖は、より平和、そして自分自身をより深く、もっと精神的に接続された部分から一緒に住んでいます。さえ見かけ悩めると私が遭遇する "緊急"事態は、私は冷静さを保つために、バランスの取れた視点から課題にアプローチすることができるしています " - ジェフ·グッドマン、サンノゼ、カリフォルニア州の中

あなたが特定の大きな "AH-HA"現時点では届かないかもしれませんが、道に沿って小さなもののシリーズがありそうです。あなたが永続的に長所と短所に解放した場合、私は重大な変化が発生します確信している。私はそれが自分のためか、私はそれに焦点を支援してきた人のためのいずれかの肯定的な効果を生み出す未満未だ見たことがありません。


ここでメリット/デメリットプロセスがいかに重要示し物語です。何年も前に、私は太りすぎであることについて真正な争点を持っていたラウラという女性に出会った。クラスの中で彼女と一緒に個別に取り組んでインストラクターがメリット/デメリットの質問を介してローラをリードしていたが、彼女があったたびに "どのような利点が太り過ぎであなたにありますか?"未頭に来なかった。 Lauraは、応答保持 "いずれかが不足しています。"彼女はしかし、欠点の全く問題の考え方を持ってませんでした。それにもかかわらず、講師が永続であった。彼女は彼女は今、彼女は利点を考えることができなかったという事実について感じでラウラ·リリースを持っていた。

最後に、彼女は頼まれた第九頃、ローラはイライラ始めと口走った、 "なぜあなたは太りすぎであることにそこには何か利点が私を求めている?どのようにそこには、おそらく私と同じように太りすぎであることに利点があるだろうか "彼女は戦いを選択する準備ができていた。インストラクターが冷静にもう一度尋ねた、 "それは太りすぎであることがあなたに何の利点です?"突然、Lauraは抑制メモリでフラッシュし、彼女は泣き始めた。二十年前、彼女は絶妙に美しい女性だっと思いますし、彼女の体は理想的な体重であった。彼女は数日間入院しましたが、夫は妻が承認しないと知っていたことが投資を行うために彼自身にそれを取った。彼はその後素晴らしい報酬を報告することができるということで離れてそれを得るかと思った。しかし、それは無責任な投資だった、そしてそれはうまくやっていませんでした。

病院でローラの滞在の終わりに向かって、彼女の夫は1日に現れたとおずおずと言った、 "ハニー、私は申し訳ありませんが、私は私達の投資資金を失ってしまった。それがすべてなくなっています "彼女はつかの間の思想を持っていたその瞬間にとても激怒し、"ああ、私は彼に戻って取得する方法を知っている! "彼女が退院した直後、彼女はすべての人のを回した女性のタイプであることから行った彼女は太り過ぎに部屋に入ったときに向かう。実際、彼女はもっと肥満成長維持し、絶対にそれが起こった理由の理解していなかった。彼女は完全に彼女は特定の決断をしただろうことを忘れていた。






ステップ3:あなたの利点は尋ねることによってから来たい基本を確認してくださいは:承認、制御、またはセキュリティが欲しい感はありますか?セキュリティを望むために制御するために欠けている、とw / sの承認をしたいのw /、W / C:一度あなたがそれを認識している、思考や感情がいつもの略語を使用して付属しているから希望を書き留めます。














SelfHaven.org - 魂のための聖域(魂のための避難所) Dedicated in Love and Gratitude to Lester Levenson - 3
 2013-02-19 04:54:58 | 感情のリリース


注記) 以下のサイトでは、次のように訳しています。

MarketTorrent.com - Lasting Happiness, Peace and Emotional Well-Being (Page 23)

Written Releasing on Your Likes/Dislikes

Written Releasing on Your Likes/Dislikes

On paper, the Likes/Dislikes Process is exactly the same as what we were doing above, except you write down your responses to the questions as a way to monitor yourself. So, get out your releasing journal, and let’s begin. Before you begin, draw a line down the center of the paper, leaving room at the top for your topic. There are eight steps in total.

Step 1: Write your topic at the top of the page. Remember, this could be the name of a person, place, or thing, or a few words that describe a situation from any area in your life where you’d like to experience greater freedom. For example, you might write down the name of a city that you’re considering moving to, such as New York. At the top of the left-hand column, create a label: Likes. At the top of the right-hand column, create a label: Dislikes. Now you’re ready to move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Ask yourself: What do I like about _____ (your topic)? Then write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind in the left-hand column. Using the same example of New York, you might write down “Excitement,” or “Broadway theater.”

Step 3: Check to see which basic want your like comes from by asking: Is there a sense of wanting approval, control, or security? Once you’ve identified it, write down the want from which the thought or feeling comes using the usual abbreviations: w/a for wanting approval, w/c for wanting to control, and w/s for wanting security.

Step 4: Allow yourself to let go of the underlying want by using either one of the following questions:

• Could I welcome this want fully?

• Could I let go of wanting _____ (whichever want it is)?

Cross out the want as you let it go, then move on to a dislike. Do only one like at a time.

Step 5: Ask yourself: What do I dislike about _____ (your topic)? Then write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind in the right-hand column. Using the example of New York again, you might write down “Overcrowded,” or “Noisy.”

Step 6: Check to see which basic want your dislike comes from by asking: Is there a sense of wanting approval, control, or security?

Step 7: Allow yourself to let go of the underlying want by using either one of the following questions:

• Could I welcome this want fully?

• Could I let go of wanting (whichever want it is)?

Cross out the want as you let it go, then move on to another like. Do only one dislike at a time.

Likes/Dislikes Process

Step 8: Repeat Steps 2 through 7 many times, alternating between a like and a dislike, then another like and dislike, and so on until you feel a positive shift in attitude towards your topic. You can work on it for as long or as short a time span as you decide. The more you put into the Likes/Dislikes Process, the more you’ll get out of it.

Opening Doors

As you work with the Likes/Dislikes Process, you’ll find that it opens many inner doors that you may not even have realized you once slammed shut. In opening these doors, you will be letting go of the limitations that they’ve trapped inside of you. This will free you to truly enjoy your relationships and your life. I highly encourage you to experiment with this process before you move on to explore the next chapter.






• 私はこの欠乏を完全に歓迎することができましたか?

• 私は_____(それがであるどちらの欠乏)を望むことを手放すことができましたか?





• 私はこの欠乏を完全に歓迎することができましたか?

• 私は不足(それがであるどちらの欠乏)を手放すことができましたか?






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