シオン研究所 Ⅱ

ホワイトホール公理 時間遡行理論 不老不死理論 伝染病の原因
+と*の謎 動物細胞に電気泳動 回転理由 3次元時空理論

Pandemic 伝染病の謎

2015-03-29 22:06:54 | 日記
In Medieval Europe It's Occurred by Human Shit Piss (Plague Cholera Typhoid).
In Present It's Occurred by Human Shit Piss(Influenza Ebola AIDS).
Bacterial in Shit and Virus in Piss is Unsolved 80% over.
In Enclosed space human with human Shit became Strong Nosebleed and Fever.
In Enclosed space human with human Piss become Strong Chill and Tremor.
Other people Shit or Piss is Very Danger.
Bio Weapons Shit and Piss Must seal in bottle.
