シオン研究所 Ⅱ

ホワイトホール公理 時間遡行理論 不老不死理論 伝染病の原因
+と*の謎 動物細胞に電気泳動 回転理由 3次元時空理論

宇宙開闢理論 space frontier theory 3-dimensional time and space

2015-04-21 06:37:20 | theory
1 .Gravitational lens effect
light go Shortest distance
white hole is space zero and time fast.
space zero is Shortest distance.

far light is red near light is blue
light distance no unlimited.
far light is long wave and near light is short wave.
High-temperature light never reach to earth.
Genesis 4000K light is red shift 3K light.

3.Why Electron is spin ?
A.Core is High-temperature face is low-temperature
Temperature difference make Twist.Naturally spin.

4. Equivalence principle of time and space
time and space is same. 1sec=Circle Length/2pai*r
1sec=Disk Area/pai*r^2
60km par mile is Nonsense.

5. Observer Axiom
time and space and light consist on Principle of Lever.
far box is not look like small,but being real small,
far box is small, near box is big.
All things from Observer to target distance Is determined.
it Relate timetravel.

6. What is Quantum Flicker

circle in Double size circle
rolling along side wall,
no rolling and rolling is error in Mathematical formula.
observe the internal of Electron is not able.
we observe Establishment and random.

our Dimension is three
time inch time yards space cm.
four dimension is Fantasy

all light is yuuki oka
