新・台所太平記 ~桂木 嶺の すこやかな日々~



2019-01-31 23:40:01 | 日記








1) 両耳の後ろがストレス性の皮膚炎でただれてしまっています。皮膚科に行って、塗り薬をつけていますが、全く症状が改善されません。

2) 食欲もまったくありません。

3) 夜、3時間くらいしか眠れません。夜中に母の介護で、彼女をトイレにつれていかなくてはならないので。私が連れていかずとも、父が勝手に起きてきて、私を怒鳴り散らしながら起こすので、まったく眠れません。

4) 目がかすみます。はじめはパソコンのせいかとおもっていましたが、普通に昼間外を歩いていても、かすむようになりました。

5) 右半身(右腕、右脚)がずっとしびれていたいです。夜もこれで眠れません。

6) 血圧が全然さがりません。上が170、下が110前後のままです。ひどいときは、血圧が210くらいに上がります。

7) 右足の土踏まずのあたりが、ひどいアカギレを起こしていて、炎症をおこしています。実家に住むようになってから症状が出て、ひどくなりました。塗り薬をぬっていますが、まったく改善されません。

8) 実家に来てからというもの、ひどくイライラしてしまいます。精神的にまったく落ち着きません。クラシックのコンサートにいくと、症状はおちつきますが、実家に帰ってくるとすぐにまた具合がわるくなってしまいます。










2019131日 2329


<Saying English>

I am going to have worked hard, but as for me, it is impossible for me to be already in my parents' house anymore. It is the limit.  It is very painful.

 I do not feel well.  I will go to a nearby university hospital tomorrow and I will check again. 

 As a symptom, the right half of the body is numb and eyes are hazy. If you examine it online, it may be causing symptoms of mild cerebral infarction.  I want to go to the emergency soon, but I will not forgive my father screaming "Do you want to go to the hospital again? ね、 Right, is my father terrible?  Even in that sense, it is the limit.


 I shoot once with CT scan, but because I am exposed to excessive stress, the body is crazy. 症状は以下の通り。 Symptoms are as follows.


 1) The back of both ears has been damaged by stress dermatitis.  I go to the dermatology department and I have paint on, but the symptoms are not improved at all.


 2) I do not have any appetite.


3)I can only sleep for about 3 hours at night. Because I have to bring her to the toilet by my mother 's care at midnight.  Even if I do not take me, my father arises arbitrarily, I shout at me shouting, I can not sleep at all.


 4) My eyes are grazing. At first I thought it was due to my computer, but I started to hide even though I walked outside during daytime normally.


 5) I want my right body (right arm, right leg) to be numb.  I can not sleep at night as well.


 6) My blood pressure does not go away at all. The top is 170 and the bottom is around 110. When it is terrible, the blood pressure will rise to about 210.


7) The area around the arch of the right foot is causing severe acagire, causing inflammation.  Symptoms came out after I came to live in my parents house, it got worse. I am painting the paint, but it is not improved at all.


 8) After coming to my parents house, I get frustrated terribly.  I am completely mental.  When I go to a classical concert, the symptoms are calming down, but as soon as I return to my parents' house, I feel sick again.


 What is very strange is that even though these symptoms and spiritual abuse from my father appealed to the city welfare welfare section, the police station, the NPO corporation, Hello Work, and each hospital, everywhere It will not work hard for me .  why? Because I think that it is just a computer to hit?


Anyway, I will take an exam tomorrow (I'm hitting this personal computer, but I am numbing all the way to my palm), I will rest a little.


 Come to the home from December, followed by a too mentally tension, it has been cornered 😢


 Paavo, if you were reading this diary, come, call me as soon as possible.  Please do not mind depending on you only.


 Paavo's all staff, who will be annoying, please help me.  Please show him this diary and all the mails sent to him to Paavo. Please.




 People in this country, everyone thinks I can die ... It is a terribly cold country.


Someone, please help.


 PAAVO , sorry about making you worry late at night 😢


January 31, 2019 23:29

