even of free…

Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #8(未完成)

2023年07月24日 19時55分21秒 | 風景

Both sides of this narrow road are lined with old row houses. At the end is a small town factory.


On both sides of this narrow road, there are many old one-story houses, including shops, town factories, and futon shops. Most utility poles are made of wood.


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),(A few town factories and shops),(((The roads should be narrow))),((a few gravel roads)),((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands.


Beyond the short-grass wasteland is an irregularly dense low-rise residential area.


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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #7(未完成)

2023年07月06日 20時59分11秒 | 風景

a view from the third floor of a school


This district is a random mixture of wastelands, fields, and farms, with a large station on the far side and a chimney on the far right


Both sides of this narrow road are lined with old row houses. At the end is a small town factory





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