even of free…

Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #8(未完成)

2023年07月24日 19時55分21秒 | 風景

Both sides of this narrow road are lined with old row houses. At the end is a small town factory.


On both sides of this narrow road, there are many old one-story houses, including shops, town factories, and futon shops. Most utility poles are made of wood.


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),(A few town factories and shops),(((The roads should be narrow))),((a few gravel roads)),((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands.


Beyond the short-grass wasteland is an irregularly dense low-rise residential area.


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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #7(未完成)

2023年07月06日 20時59分11秒 | 風景

a view from the third floor of a school


This district is a random mixture of wastelands, fields, and farms, with a large station on the far side and a chimney on the far right


Both sides of this narrow road are lined with old row houses. At the end is a small town factory





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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #6(未完成)

2023年06月08日 04時57分31秒 | 風景

(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),(A few town factories and shops),(((The roads should be narrow))),((a few gravel roads)),((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands.


(((gravel roa))),(((Irregularly dense low-rise residential area))),(((overgrown with weeds empty lot)))


The narrow road is lined with old one-story tenements on both sides, and the place where it ends is A wasteland spreads out on a slightly elevated land


From this children's park, you can see two old five-story apartment buildings, a small embankment.

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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #5(未完成)

2023年05月30日 04時43分18秒 | 風景

The scene should include a grass baseball field in the center


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),(a few small shops and local factories),(((The roads should be narrow))), ((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),school site,(((The roads should be narrow))),((a few gravel roads)),((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands.


((along the road)),(((in order from right))),(((barber shop,milk store,Yakitori restaurant,cleaning store,abandoned apartment)))


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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #4(未完成)

2023年05月17日 04時31分50秒 | 風景

Produce a photograph with the following characteristics:Shot with a SIGMA Art Lens 35mm F1.8Highest quality and fine-grainedNo people in the scenePhotographic styleThe left side of the scene should feature a grassy areaThe center foreground should include a gravel road that dead-endsFrom the center back to the right, there should be densely populated low-rise residential areas.


Generate a high-quality, fine-grained photo-like image taken with a SIGMA Art Lens 35mm F1.8. The scene should depict a view from a small elevated hill, showing old low-rise houses densely scattered in a wasteland. Ensure that there are no people in the image. Additionally, include a large white-walled train station at the very back of the scene.

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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #3(未完成)

2023年05月12日 04時37分12秒 | 風景

If you go down the embankment to the left, you will see an old five-story apartment building, and if you go down to the right, you will find a thicket of trees, with a field and an old house in it.color photograph,high resolution,fine detail.


Generate a high-quality photo-like image with fine-grained details, using the SIGMA Art Lens 35mm F1.8. The scene should depict a wide expanse of white concrete foundation, with a bank in the background and a thicket of trees and bushes further beyond. There should be no people in the image, and the weather should be clear with an early summer vibe.


Generate a photo-realistic image with the highest quality and fine-grained details using the SIGMA Art Lens 35mm F1.8. The image should depict an old two-story house located at the end of a gravel road. There should be a wasteland on the left side of the house and a low-rise residential area irregularly arranged on the right side. The image should be in landscape orientation.

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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #2(未完成)

2023年05月05日 05時02分20秒 | 風景

When you get off the embankment, there is an old, flat six-story apartment building, and beyond that is a field. Behind it is an old row house and an electric company.sunny day photorealistic images,high resolution,fine detail.


From the top of the embankment, you can see two old five-story apartment buildings in the back left, four houses next to the farm in the front left, and a maze-like residential area in the back right. There is a mixture of fi


The view from the top of the embankment is an irregular mixture of old five-story apartments, grass baseball grounds, material storage yards, tenement houses, fields, and wastelands, with a large white station at the far end.


There is a grass baseball field with fences and benches in the center, a material storage area on the north side, a children's park on the east side, a gymnasium on the west side, and a bank on the south side.

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Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #1(未完成)

2023年04月22日 04時57分25秒 | 風景

A factory in the center, a train station in the north, a river with fields on the riverbed in the south, a maze-like old residential area including housing complexes in the east, and a town with a junior high school in the west..


A maze-like complex of old residential areas, including a junior high school, a milk store, an abandoned church, an automobile factory, and an apartment complex, surrounded by Shinkansen stations, railroad tracks, and riverbeds.high resolution,fine detail,35mm lens.


A railroad depot runs east to west on the north side, and a maze-like residential area spreads out to the south, including a milk store, a shrine, a children's park, and housing complexes, with an automobile repair shop in the center. Furthermore, on the south side, the embankment stretches from east to west, and the riverbed on the south side is dotted with ruined houses and fields.high resolution,fine detail. 

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2020年06月01日 09時34分33秒 | 風景


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