終には覚むる 夢の世の中 


3/18 投稿<その3> 嘘をついてはいけない

2017-03-18 11:10:39 | 世界の過誤


ハンバーガーに人のDNA!? 全米で

Are You Eating Humans? Video Shows Human DNA Found In Burgers All Over America.


Disturbing video talks about how human and rat DNA have been found in burgers all over America. You can trace almost every single piece of meat that you eat back to 4 corporations…




ワクチンのことで嘘をついてはいけない !

 SICKO: California State Sen. Richard Pan caught on video LYING about aborted human fetal cell tissue used in vaccines


(Natural News) California state senator Richard Pan just can’t stop lying about vaccines. Two years ago, he was caught blatantly lying about mercury in vaccines, attempting to push the blatantly false, anti-science fiction that mercury is somehow safe to inject into children. Now, he’s been caught on video, falsely claiming that aborted human fetal tissue cell lines are not used in vaccines when even the CDC list them prominently in the excipients (ingredients) listsfor multiple vaccines (see list below).

Both WI-38 and MRC-5 cell lines are derived from aborted human fetal tissue. The WI-38 cell line is widely known to be “derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female fetus,” as even the pro-vaccine Wikipedia website admits. As the Coriell Institute for Medical Research explains about the MRC-5 cell line / WI-38:

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.

The WI-38 / MRC-5 cell lines are used in all the following vaccines, according to the CDC: (see the CDC.gov document at this link to prove it to yourself)

Hep A
Hep A / Hep B
Varicella (chicken pox)

Chicken pox vaccine ingredients include “human embryonic lung cell cultures” and “human diploid cell cultures”

The chicken pox (Varicella) vaccine, by the way, is listed by the CDC as having the following excipient ingredients which obviously include fetal tissue cell lines:

human embryonic lung cell cultures, guinea pig cell cultures, human diploid cell cultures (WI-38), human diploid cell cultures (MRC-5), sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride, EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), neomycin, fetal bovine serum

From the CDC document linked above, here’s the relevant section:

Again, see this list for yourself at this CDC.gov link. If the CDC removes it, we’ve saved a copy at this Natural News link.

This means that every parent giving their child a chicken pox vaccine is injecting their child with cell lines originally harvested from aborted human fetuses.

This is not a debate. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is established, admitted FACT that’s DENIED by vaccine pushers.

Isn’t it fascinating how anyone who cites a CDC document and points out that vaccines contain African Green Monkey kidney cells or aborted human fetal tissue cell lines is immediately branded a “conspiracy theorist” even when they are irrefutably, factually correct?

That’s the tactic of the lying, dishonest vaccine industry: Fill vaccines with the most grotesque, unclean and disease infested ingredients imaginable, then count on the fact that nobody will believe it when these facts are pointed out.

To this day, Richard Pan continues to insist that vaccines contain no harmful mercury and no human fetal tissue cell lines even when the CDC openly admits vaccines are deliberately made with mercury and human fetal tissue cell lines. (See Sen. Richard Pan lying in the video below.)

Thus is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a confirmed fact. But it’s a fact that Richard Pan and other medical child molesters refuse to publicly admit to because they know if the truth came out, parents would go berserk over the fact that their children have been injected with abortion harvested human fetal tissue cell lines (and other bizarre ingredients) year after year, all while the vaccine industry has absolute legal immunity from all the damage caused by their defective products.

Richard Pan, you are a liar, a medical child abuser and a science denialist

As you’ll see in the video below, Richard Pan, whom I’ve dubbed the “mercury joker” villain, blatantly lies about all this, claiming vaccines contain no human fetal tissue cell lines. (He also blatantly lies about mercury in vaccines, but that’s not surprising, given that he’s such a dishonest, despicable human being who seems to take great pleasure in the mass maiming of little children…)

H/t to Experimental Vaccines for this video, where Richard Pan is caught blatantly lying by saying:

First of all, vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. That, unfortunately, is a myth… A couple of the vaccines, Rubella vaccine, there was use of fetal tissue to develop the original Rubella vaccination, but the continuing production of those vaccines do not involve aborted fetal cells.


Richard Pan is either medically incompetent or a pathological liar

While Richard Pan says vaccines don’t contain aborted fetal cell lines, the CDC says they do. This means Richard Pan is either medically incompetent or a pathological liar. Either way, he is a clear and present danger to the children of California.

We already know the answer to this one, by the way: Richard Pan is a pathological liar and a medical child abuse promoter. That’s why he also fled VAXXED documentary cameras when they wanted to ask him a simple question about vaccine ingredients:


微生物の排除が病気を作っていることが常識になる時代へ Vol.2




A Priest Who Spent 20 Years Studying Aloe Vera Says That Cancer Can Be Cured! This Is The Recipe!


A priest that goes by the name Romano Zago from Brazil found a way to discover a natural medicine for cancer that is made from the plant Aloe Vera.He discovered about the benefits of aloe vera after a long period of 20 years studying this plant in Brazil and Bethlehem.

aloe vera after a long period of 20 years studying this plant in Brazil and Bethlehem.

 Where he moved afterwards and still lives today. While on duty in poor cities in Brazil, father Zago noticed how many people use Aloe Vera to treat different diseases and condition. Intrigued by the plant’s potential, he started studying it and invented a natural cure for cancer that he described in his book “Cancer Can Be Cured”. 

According to father Zago, the remedy helped him treat colon, breast, bone, prostate, brain cancer as well as leukemia in thousands of patients. Here’s how to prepare the remedy: 

For best results, we suggest finding the Aloe arborescens plant, but if you can’t find it, Aloe Vera will do just fine. Cut 300 gr. of the leaves and remove their thorns, then wash them well and mix them with 500 gr. of honey and 6 tablespoons of brandy or apple cider vinegar in a blender. Transfer the mixture in a glass jar in the end and keep it in the fridge.

 To treat cancer, you should take 1-2 tablespoons of the remedy 3 times a day before tour meals. For best results, we suggest taking 3 teaspoons a day and slowly increase the dose. The mixture should be enough for 10-12 days. Once you finish it, take a 10-day break to recover from the low toxicity of Aloe Vera and repeat the process until you see positive results. The treatment can be safely used along chemotherapy.


 Via : http://recipesfornaturalremedies.com 






