

【English Blog】■At first glance, the United States looks like "a modern democratic nation" bu ・・(No1)

2021年07月01日 11時34分07秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone!

My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Sundayat 9:00 p.m. in local time for more than 8 years.

Approximately 500 persons are watching every time.
I started English-Japanese broadcast biweekly on Wednesday night from the 7th 2015 in order to talk directly to 1.4 billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.



【Video】  ______________________
Please find here-after the English blog based on the scenario of English-Japansese broadcast made yesterday on the 30th June 2021.

【English BlogNo.3673】

■At first glance, the United States looks like "a modern democratic nation" but it's true identity is "a Christian fundamentalist nation". (No1)

In the U.S,about 30% of the population (about 90 million) believe seriouslyin in the Bible's "Creation" and "Apocalyptic thought"

What is the Bible's "Creation"?

"Creation" is the theory that "the world and humankind were created by God in a week."

"The truth" of "the world and humanity" is that "the world and humankind" began 4.4 billion years ago when the earth was born and the sea was born on the earth thatwas cold over 200 million years and a simple microorganism with only one cell was born in the sea.

"The present world and humankind" is the result of "evolution" over the next 4.2 billion years and "Creation" is an "unscientific lie."

What is the "Apocalyptic Thought" of the Christian Bible?

The theory is that "the world and mankind are destined to be ruined in the end, the world will end due to a natural disaster and the good of God will win eternal victory at the Last Judgment."

"Apocalyptic thought" advocated by Christianity and Judaism that "the only the omnipotent God can save the world and humankind from ruin" was "an unfounded lie "forged by the religious leaders to brainwash and rule their believers.

What is the "Christian fundamentalist" in the United States?

Many of the Trump's supporters who took part in "the Federal Parliamentary Raid"shortly after Trump's speech in front of the Parliament on January 6 2021 were "Christian fundamentalist evangelicals."

Many of Trump's supportes who believe in "Trump's big lie" that "the new corona is a type of influenza and would go down in the summer" and who still refuse "vaccination", "wearing a mask" and "social distance" are "Christian fundamentalist evangelicals."

It is said that there are about 30 million people in the U.S who believe in "theconspiracy theory" of the far-right conspiracy theorist "Q-Anon" who claims that"the world is dominated by the pedophile and "shadow nation" such as the Democratic Party and the business world and that former President Trump is the savior who fights against them."

Many of them are "Christian fundamentalist evangelicals."

Why do the successive Presidents of the U.S swear at the inauguration with his left hand on "the Bible" instead of "the Constitution" ?

This is because the United States is "a Christian fundamentalist nation" in which "the Bible" is located above "the Constitution".

[Image 1] Inauguration Ceremony of US President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021


Why do the succesive Chief-Justices of the Supreme Court of the U.S swear at the inauguration with his left hand on "the Bible" instead of "the Constitution" ?

This is because the United States is "a Christian fundamentalist nation" in which "the"Bible" is located above "the Constitution."

[Image 2] Inauguration Ceremony of Roberts Chief-Justices of the Supreme Court on September 29, 2005


(end No1)

【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp

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