

【英日語】The genuine米国と世界の庶民を幸福にする米大統領はトランプでもクリントンでもない

2016年11月13日 22時39分58秒 | 政治・社会

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very much for your attention to my English-Japanese broadcast form Japan.

We are now Sunday the 13th November 2016 at 9.00 PM in local time.

My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japanese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in local time for more than 4 years.

I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday from the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.




【the principal subject of today】

■The genuine US president who could make the American and the world's common people happy will be never Trump nor Hillary Clinton!


He should be a person who could carry out "the revolutions"!


In the US presidential election of the 08 th November 2016,a commitment of the intentional leak by Mr.Comey,Secretary of FBI to the press saying having had sent to the Congress a letter of his intention to re-investigate the Hillary Clinton's private mail case has caused a nothing's reversal drama and it has elected the far right fascist Trump.


It is sure that the next US President Trump would make the American and the world's common people more unhappy!


The genuine US president would be a person who could carry out "the revolutions"!


The genuine US president who would makes the American and the world's common people happy should carry out the following "revolution"!


1.The current american presidential electoral system is an indirect election system and an inconvenient system that does not reflect the
public opinion in which voters elect the delegates and the delegates elect the president.The genuine US president will immediately abolish it and he will change to the direct election system in which voters directly choose the President.


2.The current american presidential election system is a money right election in which huge amount of election funds is invested.The genuine US president will immediately stops it and he will regulate the amount of election funds.


3.The American Central Bank called the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) is a 100% private bank that violates the US Constitution.The genuine US president will instantaneously nationalized it at 100% and he will transfer all powers of decision to the Congress.


4.The genuine US president will deprive the money issuing right from the FRB and he will transfer it to the Congress.


5.When the private banks deposit 1% of depositors' deposits in the Central Bank,they are instantly given 100 times credit. "The current reserve deposit system" is a magnificent fraud system. The genuine US president will immediately abolish it.


6.The genuine US president will make all financial services performed by the Central Bank directly to the individuals, the enterprises, the state governments and the federal government without interest and with low fee.


7.The genuine US President will immediately abolish the interest of money which makes money and expands the gap between rich and poor infinity to infinity.


8.The genuine US President will disengage the rights of issuing government bonds and state bonds from the Federal Government and the state governments. Lack of financial resources of the Federal Government and of the state governments will be financed directly by The Nationalized Central Bank without interest and withe low fees.


9.The genuine US President will ban brainwashing and political activities by the religion and he will realize the perfect separation of politics and religion.


10.The genuine US President will let the government introduce a basic income system to guarantee a healthy and cultural life for all citizens and provide child benefits to all children under the age of 18.


11.The genuine US President will make all educations free and he will make all educations up to high school compulsory education.


12.The genuine US President will make the annual income of business managers be within five times of the average annual income of workers.


13.The genuine US President will make the annual income of politicians and civil servants be within three times of the average annual income of workers.


14.The genuine US President will introduce a progressive taxation on income tax with 75% maximum.


15.The genuine US President will introduce a progressive taxation to corporate taxi with 75% maximum.


16.The genuine US President will abolish the tax exemption of religious corporation and he will tax it with 75% maximum.


17.The genuine US President will tax the wealthy tax on wealthy people with assets of 100 million yen or more and he will tax it with 75% maximum.


18.The genuine US President will establish the new US Citizen Constitution.


19.The genuine US President will establish the Constitutional Court of the highest authority with public election system.


20.The genuine US President will dramatically reduce the military budget


21.The genuine US President will dismantle all intelligence and plotting institutions such as CIA


22.The genuine US President will close and withdraw all US military overseas bases.


(to be continued)

【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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