

【英日語放送】What was the real meaningジョン・レノンの言葉の意味とは何か?

2016年08月08日 00時00分00秒 | 政治・社会

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very much for your attention to my English-Japanese brodcast form Japan.

We are now Sunday the 7th August 2016 at 9.00 PM in locla time.

【video】 37分23秒



My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in local time for more than 3 years and 11 months.

I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday from the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and
the world.

【the principale subject of touday】

■What was the real meaning of the words that John Lennon has said during his lifetime?


John Lennon has said that our society is moved by a madman in order to achieve mad purpose.


I have carried out public opinion surveys [24th YYNewsLive Net Ppoll] in the above theme during July 31 -August 3d.


The results were as follows.



Theme:The Beatles former member, John Lennon has said during his lifetime that our society is mouved by a madman in order to achieve his mad blur purpose.


①the words of John Lennon are correct ........ 99%

ジョン・レノンの言葉は正しい・・・・・・・・99 %

②the words of John Lennonthat are wrong・・・・ 1%

Number of respondents: 74 people (by Twitter 72 people, e-mail 2 people )

ジョン・レノンの言葉は間違っている・・・・・ 1 %

回答者数: 74人 (Twitter 72人 e-mail 2人 )

Number of respondents: 74 people (by Twitter 72 people,by e-mail 2 people )

▲The first question:What was the real meaning of the words that John Lennon has said during
his lifetime?


(1)Who is the "madman" who mouves our society?


It is a never show up the world ruling class Okuno =

They are the persons hidden in the inner sanctuary of the world ruling class=th Convert Jewish Rothschild International Financial mafia and their faithful representatives.


The origine of the persons hidden in the inner sanctuary of the world ruling class were the 13 persons of the secret society "Illuminati" taht the founder MayerAmusheru Rothschild has created in 1774.


Mayer Amusheru Rothschild has formulated "the Rothschild World Revolution Platform for Action" consisting of 25 items in 1774 in order to realize the teaching of Jewish secret scripture "Talmud".


Their faithful agents are the persones who have been chosen and who follow faithfully the instructions of the inner shrine in the world by using the following powers.


①financial power: Central Bank Governor, officials of Ministry of Finance Mega Banks management


②military power: officials of the Department of Defense , War weapons production comanies business owners, Military company management, intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6, Mosad)


③political power: the president, the prime minister, ministers, ruling party politicians, parliamentarians


④administrative power: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, General Attorney , the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Ministry of Transport and each Ministry officials

行政権力:外務省、法務省、検事総長、経通省、総務省、文部省、国交省 各省高官

⑤judicial power: chief justice of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court justices,


⑥religious authority: religious cult (Nippon Kaigi, Shurinpes Central Office,Zaitoku-Kai)


⑦corporate power: general contractor Mafia, Nuclear power plant Mafia,large companies of keidanren


⑧media power: Dentsu, Hakuhodo, news agencies, TV broadcasters, national newspaper, radio stations


⑨scholar and educational power: educators, researchers, research institutions


⑩right-wing fascist organizations and organized crime gangs :


(2)The second qustion:What is the meaning of "mad purpose in order to achieve a mad blur purpose"?


In "the Rothschild World Revolution Platform for Action" consisting of 25 items formulated by Mayer Amusheru Rothschildn 1774 and in a letter sent to the italian top executive Mazonii by the american top executive of "Illuminati" Albert Pike in 1871,"the mad blur purpose" was written as followed.


"In order to realize the teaching of Jewish secret scripture "Talmud",3 times of World Wars would ne necessary.

In other words, in ordee to etablish the world unity government, the first World War, the Second World War, and World War III were predicted.


Already two world wars have benn implemented as planned.


Regarding the world where the wars and the terrorism have broken out and the poverty and the large social disparity have been rapidly expanding., the world seems to mouve toward the outbreak of the Third World War which Albert Pike has predicted 145 years ago.




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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