


2013年12月11日 21時25分53秒 | 政治・社会

This is an english broadcasting from Japan.

Here is the scinario broadcasted on the 11th December 2013 Wensday at 9:00 in thevening of elocal time.

Thans you very match for your attention looking at the emmission tonight on thefollowing address .

1) No1 11min17sec http://twitcasting.tv/chateaux1000/movie/28658659


Hellow Everyone !

Thank you very much for your attention to my English broadcasting from Japan.

My name is Ysuhiko Yamazaki.I am an independent journalist on web-media.

I am also a social-political activist.

We are today the 11th December 2013 at 9:00 in the evening at local time.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese at 2 oclock in the afternoon.

I started English broadcasting on 19 th August this year.It passed 4 months.

The purpose of English broadcasting is to talk directly to 500 million english speaking people in the world and I want to let them know the real Japan and the real world.

■ Here is the title of tonight 今夜の英語放送のタイトルです!

▲ Why did Shinzo Abe and his fascist clan appeared and got the political powersof Japan to destroy the peace and democracy of post-war Japanese society and to entirely deny the Constitution ?

They have a dream of the revival of the Pre-war Imperial Military Dictatorship and they want to let again the Japanese people and Asian nations involved in theaggression war and the national oppression and International Great Depression.

We must deeply investigate the reasons why these fascists appeared and took the political powers in modern Japan.

One of the resons that i think is that we din't sum up from the front the pre-war dark histor of Japan.

We din't lean and we din't regret the crimes and the errors of pre-war Japan history in the aggression war and in the nationa opression and in the InternationalGreat Depression.

We din't punish by our selves the war criminals.

Emperor Showa,father of actual emperor and his surrounds were the mastermind of war crimes leading the Asia- Pacific Ocean agression War.They were not executed acquitted by GHQ american except Seven class-A war criminals like Hideki Tojo.

These acquitted war criminals have reinstated in the politics ,in the officialdom,in the judicial community, in the business community, in the Self-Defense Forces, in ther prosecutors,in the police, in the media,in the right-wing-gangsters and in the religious cult defenders on the postwar japanese society.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, chief of the fascist three idiots was the third generation of war criminalclass A,grand-father Shinsuke Kishi who was forced to established the 1960 Security Treaty with USA.

He also took over for free the political and financial grounds of his oncle Eisaku Sato,ancian Prime Minister and his father Shintaro Abe,ancian Foreign Minister.

One of the fascist three idiots,Taro Aso Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance is also the third gereration of ancian Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru.

He also took over for free the financial and political grounds of his grand-father Takichi Aso who has accumulated in the prewar days a vast wealth by forced labor of more than 10,000 korean forced entrainment labors in his coal mines.His grandfather became the post-war member of the House ofRepresentatives.

One of the fascist three idiots,Shigeru Ishiba,actual LDP Secretary-General alsotook over for free the political ground of his father Jiro Ishiba who was the Liberal Democratic Party member of the House of Councilors and Tottori Governor.


【 The information issued Suginami YYNews 】 【 YYNews】 【YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e- mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yampr7
twitter : https://twitter.com/chateaux1000
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