

【English Blog】■Google who stopped unexpectedly my account saying that "I have violated the terms・・!

2017年06月22日 12時50分35秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone!

My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in local time for 5 years.

I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday from the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.

Please find here-after an English blog edited from the broadcast scenario of yesterday on the 21th June 2017.

【video】 34m4s


【English Blog】

■Google who stopped unexpectedly my account saying that "I have violated the terms of service" is a dangerous telecommunication carrier without philosophy!

Google putting Youtube under control stopped unilaterally my account about 10 o'clock in the morning of Monday 10th June 2017 due to my violation of the terms of service.

When I was watching 【Youtube】 I could not login.So I tried to login, the following image of [Google Account Help] came out.

【Image】 Google Account Help

▲ Sentences in Google Account Help

Access to this Google service has been suspended because we have determined thatit violated our terms of service or service-specific terms of service. For guidelines on each service, please check the terms of service of the applicable Google services homepage.

Google has the following rights:

・Disable account for investigation.

・Stop access to certain services or the entire Google Accounts system for users of Google accounts that violate terms of service or policies by service.

・Regardless of reason, regardless of whether or not notification is made, the user's account is terminated at any time.

Next steps if your account is suspended: If you believe that access to this service was inadvertently stopped, please contact us.

(Sentences ended)

When we are reading the sentences of this [Google Account Help], when Google determines that the user who receives all services of Google has violated the terms and conditions decided by Google, Google will be able to unilaterally stop and disable accounts and to make the service unusable without informing or explaining in detail.

Most Google users are using everyday without knowing that Google's terms of service are such terrible content.

Google, raised to the world's largest telecommunications giant, whose services are used everyday by hundreds of millions of people worldwide has no consciousness that it is a private enterprise but provides an advanced "public service".

As a private telecommunications company, Google managers do not understand at all, such as the obligation of "the security of rights and freedoms" and the obligation of prohibition of "censorship of communication and eavesdropping" are obliged as follows.

① Obligation of Security of the right to knows of the people

② Obligation of Security of freedom of thought and creed of the people

③ Obligation of Security of freedom of expression and communication of the people

④ Obligation of Prohibition of censorship and eavesdropping of communication of the people

Politicians, business managers, academics and scientists without philosophies who are pursuing only their own interests are extremely dangerous, and the communications carriers without philosophy are also extremely dangerous.


【Les informations de Suginami】【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
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