

【English】The major media of Japan日本の大手メディアは謀略機関!

2016年02月28日 20時30分55秒 | 政治・社会

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very mauch for your attention to my English broadcast from Japan.

Today is Sunday on the 28th Feburary 2016 at 077pm at local time.

No1 52m31s   http://twitcasting.tv/chateaux1000/movie/246537452


My name Ysuhiko Yamazaki.

I am a japansese independent journalist based on internet media.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in local time for more than 3 yearsand 8 months.

I started English broadcast once a week on Sunday on the 7th Feburary 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.

【pricipal subject of today】

■The major media of Japan are conspiracy agencies manipulating public opinion in place of the news agencies!


One of the evidence is as belpw!


3 major Japanese media have recently carried out the national survey on the support rate for the Abe cabinet by phone of 1000 people.


Kyodo Tushinn is 54%, Yomiuri Shimbun is 52% MainichiShimbunp is 51%.

共同通信が54% 、読売新聞が52%,、毎日新聞が 51% という数字だ。

They openly declared that the figures would be seen in the great lie.

彼らは, 誰が見てもウソだが分る数字を公然と報道しているのだ.

These figures show that more than half of the japanese population are supportingto thepolicies lead by the Abe cabinet.


But Who are really supporting to the Abe Cabinet who has accumulated the mismanagement and committed the power crimnes for 4 and half years since Shinzo Abe was tow times nominated as Prime Minister in 2006 and 2012.


These are the principal mismanagement and power crimes taht the Abe Cabinet has committed for 4 and half years.


1)The Yen lost half of value for 3 years by his financial terrorism "Abenomix",that has given the huge profits to the big export enterprises such as Toyota.

安倍内閣の金融テロ=【アベノミックス】によって、円の価値は3年で半分となり トヨタなどの輸出出大企業に莫大な利益を与えた。

2)On the other hand,the Yen losing half of value for 3 years by his financial terrorism "Abenomix" has rised the prices of imported foods and raw materials.

他方、安倍晋三内閣による金融テロ=【アベノミックス】によって、円の価値が 半分になったため輸入食料品や輸入原材料の価格が急騰した。

Japanese people became poorer than 3 years ago by higher prices and pay cut


3) By the financial terrorism "Abenomix", the Bank of Japan has printed for 3 years 300 triillion of bills of Yen "the national asset" and provided all of them to the private banks to make them buy the financial products lile as stols and gouverment bonds.

金融テロである【アベノミックス】によって,日本銀行は3年間で300兆円もの国 民資産である円紙幣を印刷してすべてをメガバンクなどの銀行に提 供し株や国 債や債券などの金融商品を買わせた。

The Bank of Japan gave to the private banks the huge profits.


4)Abe Cabinet has abandoned many victims of the Great Earthquakes of Este Japan of 11th March 2011.

150,000 people are still living in temporary housing without enough help.


5)By the great earthquake of the East Japan of March 11 2011 followed by Tsunami ,the power supply of the nuclear power plant of Fukushima were completely destroied and lost the cooling systems of 4 reactors.

2011年3月11日の東日本大地震と直後の津波によって、福島第一原発の4つの原発 の冷却システムが全壊した。

That has caused the dissolution of nuclear fuels and the ommision of the large amountof radioactive material in the air, in the sole, in the sousterranines waters ans in the Pacific Ocean.

その結果、第1原子炉, 第2原子炉, 第3原子炉の3つの原子炉の核燃料が溶解して 大量の放射性物質を大気, 土壌, 地下水, 太平洋に拡散させた。

The 2 million of residents of Fukushima Prefecture and 40 million of residents of the other egions including Tokyoregions were contaminated by radioactive exposition causes by the Fukushima Nucelar Accident.


The Abe Cabinet don't recognize the causal relationship between health damages and radioactive expositin.


6)By the change of interpretation of the constitution,Abe Cabinet has forced to establish "the war law" to let the Japanese Self-defense Forces join ijn the american wars.


7)By th forced participa to the TPP, Abe Cabinet will destroy the nationaleconomy by selling the independence and the sovereignity of Japan to the US goverment and to the big american companies.

安倍内閣は,TPP加盟強行によって日本の主権と独立を米国と米国大企業に売り渡 し国民経済を破壊しようとしている。

8)By the false name of "constitutional amendment," the Abe Cabinet will replace the current Constitution with "The Great Empire Constitution "of Meiji.

安倍内閣は、【憲法改正】の偽名で現在の日本国憲法を戦前の大日本帝国憲法に 差し替えようとしている。

The Abe Cabinet will completely destroy the five basic principles of the currentConstitution.


9)Shinzao Abe distributed to the foreign coutries 80 trillons ofbYen of national asset without authorization of the people.


10)In 2013,The Abe Cabinet has forced to establish the ptotection law of secretsto be served for the suppression of the people.


11)The Abe Cabinet has forced the re-operation of nuclear power-plants which have been stopped since the great acccident of nuclear power-plants in Fukushima.


▼The major Japanese medeia are in the process of inducing the public opinion by absolute lies saying that more than half of japanese people are supporting thpolicies of Abe Cabinet who has committed bad managements and power ctrimes.


The major japanese media indicated here-after are conspiracy agencies manipulating public opinion and they are accomplice ofpower of crimes.


NHK (public TV & Radio )

Kyodo Tsushin (agence de nouvelles)

Jiji Tsushin (agence de nouvelles)

Yomiuri Shinbun - Nihon TV, Yomiuri TV

Asahi Shinbun - TV Asahi

Mainichi Shinbun - TBS TV

Nikkei Shinbun - TV Tokyo

Sankei Shinbun - Fuji TV





読売新聞 - 日本TV,読売TV

朝日新聞 - TV朝日

毎日新聞 - TBS

日経新聞 - TV東京

産経新聞 - フジTV


【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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