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Soft-shelled turtle

2005-07-17 |  creature

 I happened to see a big 'soft-shelled turtle';(Su-ppo-n) yesterday evening while I was taking a walk with my friend .

 It was caught by an old couple who were dipping water with a ladle from a brook to water their vegetables.

The size was about 20 centimeters long.
It was the biggest one that I had ever seen.

 Soft-shelled turtle is very nutritious and valuable food , so the price is very high.
So they said they would present it to their friend who liked eating the turtle.

I've never eaten a turtle before and will not eat in the future.
But the one who will eat this one would become very vigorous !!

There is a saying in Japan.
'The crane lives for 1000 years and the turtle 10000';(Tsu-ru wa se-n-ne-n , ka-me wa ma-n-nen).

In fact, it is said this kind of turtle seems to live for about 100 years.

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2005-07-15 | diary
I have seen something black in the air by the left eye since yesterday afternoon.

They look like waste-threads and they are very obstructive.
They never disappear whatever I do and they follow the movement of my eyes.

Besides, I often see a flash in the dark.

As I had heard about 'floaters before the eye' before, I thought it must be the very symptom.

So I searched 'Hi-bu-n-sho-u' by Google.
They say it is a kind of the symptoms of aging and most of them aren't bad, but sometimes there might be a serious disease.
If it is a bad case, our eye may lose eyesight.

Reading those articles, my imagination swelled and I became fearful.
Then I decided to go to see the ophthalmologist.

I went to see the ophthalmologist this morning.
He said it was 'floaters before the eye';(Hi-bu-n-sho-u) that is the result of aging.
So I didn't get any medicine for that.

I was relieved a little to know that it wasn't a bad case.

We are getting old step by step, having illness one by one!!
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Coral flower;(Ha-ze ra-n)

2005-07-14 | plant

  I found this pretty flower in the pot of cactus.
At first I think it is a kind of grass or 'Mi-zu-hi-ki so-u'.
But I learned that it is a flower called 'Coral flower';(Ha-ze ra-n) reading an article of other person's blog.
It blooms around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, so it is also called 'Sa-n-ji so-u'.





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Proverb 46

2005-07-13 | proverb
Gourd;(Ki-n u-ri)

Like father, like son.

There is a Japanese proverb like this.
In Japanese, it is said that 'U-ri no tsu-ru ni na-su-bi wa na-ra-nu'.

It means that 'An uncommon child is not born from ordinary parents' and that 'It is impossible to fight over blood'.

And there is another Japanese saying.
'Frog's child is a frog';(Ka-e-ru-no-ko wa ka-e-ru).

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Rose of Sharon;(Mu-ku-ge)

2005-07-12 | plant

 Flowers of 'Mu-ku-ge' are blooming now.

There are two kinds of 'Mu-ku-ge' in my yard.
One is this white one and the other is  purple one.
We will be able to enjoy these flowers during the summer season.



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E- trade these days

2005-07-09 | e-trade
Licorice;(Ya-bu ka-n-zo-u)

I haven't written about e-trade since February 8.
So I'll write about it a little.
Though I haven't done so well, I have been watching the price of stocks and sometimes trading.
Now I have ten brands of the stock.
They are 2318H, 2330J, 2353T, 2731T, 3306T, 4714T, 4753T, 8437H, 9427T nd 9448T.

At present, I lost money a little this year.
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The Star Festival

2005-07-07 | weather

Evening sky after the shower

  Today is the day of  'The Star Festival'.

There was a shower and thunder  for a short while in the evening.

And the sky isn't so clear that I can't see 'The Milky Way' well now.
Will 'Weaver star(Star Vega) and Altair';( O-ri-hi-me and Hi-ko-bo-shi)  who can date only once a year on July 7  be able to see each other?

I wish they could date !!  



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Green rice-field

2005-07-06 | rice field (farming)
After raining for about a week, it's fine today.

Green rice-fields look beautiful like this picture.
Enough water and high temperature are necessary for rice-plant to grow well.
Water is enough now so they are growing well.

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Proverb 45

2005-07-06 | proverb

 Japanese Spirea;(Shi-mo-tsu-ke)6/3

 Ignorance is bliss.

In some situations, it's better for us to know nothing about it .



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2005-07-04 | diary
Courtyard of "U-e-ru-sa-n-pi-a"

I was invited to lunch by my sister-in-law yesterday.
We had lunch at "U-e-ru-sa-n-pi-a" which stands on the hill.
Now the facilities are everywhere in Japan and are very famous for having some problems.
Salad and coffee were free of charge.

This is the lunch we had.

I ordered "Red rice";(A-ka-ma-i).

There were few people in the lobby.
So we enjoyed chatting for a while there.
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2005-07-02 | book

 One of my friends likes some kinds of  music, play, movie and so on very much. 
After talking with her on the phone the other day, she sent me a video tape that has  some musics and the movie 'Cats'.

I saw the video tape and I told her the impression.

And next, she kindly sent me these books ;"Old POSSUM'S BOOK of Practical CATS" by T.S. ELIOT and a book of' キャツ’ written in Japanese.

I'll try to read them !!?

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2005-07-02 |  creature

  I can see three  baby swallows in the nest now.
Every time their parents swallows bring food to them, they cry hard to get it.
The noise of their crying is heard from early morning till evening.
But soon they will be able to fly in the air and leave the nest.





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