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John's friend ?

2005-03-12 | animal
My neighbor is keeping this dog named 'ku-u'
She is very gentle and perhaps never bite.
So she isn't usually leashed different from my dog 'John'.
Being always free, she must be happy!!

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Ume with red blossoms

2005-03-10 | plant
This ume with red blossoms;(ko-u-ba-i) caught my eyes.
It is in the yard of next door.

The color of deep red is wonderful!!

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Proverb 28

2005-03-09 | proverb
It is more blessed to give than to receive.

We usually wish to be given.
But we seem to have much more happy feeling when we give something to others than to be given.

Though doing so is difficult, it seems to be worth doing!!

The cold evening sky on March 6.
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Happy wedding anniversary

2005-03-08 | diary

Today, March 8 is our thirty-second wedding anniversary.

I feel the period long as well as short.

I wish we could be fine and have a peaceful life for long !!
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2005-03-07 | plant
 Some hyacinths begin to bloom in my yard.

They arn't so tall yet.

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Benten sama

2005-03-05 | shrine and temple
There are some small shrines around here.
This is one of them.

We call it 'Benten sama' because the only goddess among 'the Seven Deities of Good Fortune';(shi-chi-fu-ku-ji-n)', Benzaiten is deified.
It is said Benzaiten is the god of art, public enterainment, eloquence, music, fortune and so on.
A stream of water seems to be associated with those things.

Benzaiten is origanally a god of the Indus River, so it is usually by the pond or river.
This one is also by the pond.

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Traditional Japanese handball

2005-03-03 | others
These are traditional Japanese handballs;(te-ma-ri).

There seem to be many kinds of patterns.
This one shows 'red-crowned crane';(ta-n-cho zu-ru) by using gold, red, black and white.

These were made by Shizusan's younger sister.
She is learning how to make it at a zen-temple once a month.

She gave me one of them.

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Proverb 27

2005-03-02 | proverb
Heaven helps those who help themselves.

It means if we do our best to do something, god will help us.

There is a proverb in Japan that is similar to this one.
That is 'Ji-n-ji o tsu-ku-shi-te te-n-me-i o ma-tsu'.

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Homeless cats

2005-03-01 | animal

I don't know if the cat in this picture is homeless or not but there are many homeless cats around here.

I see black cats, gray ones, brown ones and so on.
In spite of being homeless, they look fat and very fine.

But I felt sorry hearing the cry of a kitten from somewhere on a cold day while I was walking with a dog.
I wondered if the kitten would be frozen to death.
The next day, I felt relieved hearing the cry of it again.

From now on, they will catch and eat various living things in the nature as it is getting warmer.

They are strong!!

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