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Beginning of summer

2007-07-24 | weather
Mouse on !

Today's sunset

It's very hot today.
The Meteorological Agency announced the end of the rainy season in Chu-go-ku area yesterday.
I feel somewhat the air being dry and I hear the sound of cicada too.

It's the beginning of hot summer !
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« Second trial | トップ | It\'s very hot ! »

2 コメント

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frst comment (jack)
2007-07-25 15:47:55
it is very hot day today. real summer has come. you took lot of nice picture. i'm enjoig your photo very much.flower are taken much beautiful.
it might be thunderstom soon. sky is coming dark.
Hi ! (ya421)
2007-07-25 19:54:43
Welcome to my blog!

Thank you for visiting here and leaving a nice comment.
I'm very glad to read your comment.

It's very hot and we also have a thunderstorm a little.
But it stopped soon.

See you !

