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U-me blossoms at a temple

2007-02-08 | diary
Ume blossoms at the precincts of O-da-i-shi temple

I happened to see these blossoms blooming at the precincts of O-da-i-shi temple while I was taking a walk.
I don't know when it began to bloom.

An old priest of this temple is in hospital due to sickness now.
But these plum flowers bloom beautifully when the time to bloom come.

It looked lonely !

Mouse on !


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Beautiful (Minatsuki)
2007-02-10 22:30:06
They're beautifully blooming, aren't they? I want to go to somewhere to take pictures of them,too, but I have no chance so far, even though it's not so suprise since I miss the plum flower season every year.
Hi ! (ya421)
2007-02-11 20:02:32
Yes, they are.
Please go somewhere and show me your nice pictures.

