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Rural scenery in early fall

2006-09-19 | scenery
The day is becoming shorter and shorter and the air cooler and cooler these days.

Typhoon No.13 brought much damage.
For example, a train was derailed by a big tornado, ten people died, a man was missing and many houses were broken down.
After the typhoon has passed away, it is becoming cooler again.

Walking in the evening, I saw a big tree named Se-n-da-n and Japanese pampas trees in the dim.
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« Sky in the evening | トップ | Ha-gi »

2 コメント

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dwindling days (Cakeater)
2006-09-24 13:29:12
Like a verse of September Song:

>Oh, it\'s a long, long while from May to December

>But the days grow short when you reach September

>When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame

>One hasn\'t got time for the waiting game

>Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few

>September, November

I like the September Song sang by Lou Reed.

The next is the one played with three fingers guitar by Djjango Reinhardt.

Your picture makes me pick out these CDs.

And these few precious days I\'ll spend with you

These precious days I\'ll spend with you

Hi ! (ya421)
2006-09-25 13:38:52
Thank you very much for introducing a nice poem.

Did you enjoy the music by CDs ?

