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2006-03-31 | plant

 Forsythia; (Re-n-gyo-u) is in full bloom now.

This yellow fence looks beautiful.
Taking a walk with my dog, I enjoy this scenery every morning and afternoon.
But the period of flower is short and fresh green leaves will come out before long.  


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2 コメント

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What a long hedge this is! (Cakeater)
2006-03-31 21:34:28
I\' ve never seen such a long hedge of yellow flowers.

Fifteen years ago, on the scarp of Ichigaya moat I walked through the bush of forsythia with a camera in the morning dew to take a field of Nanohana. All around of myself it is the world of yellow color. It is the only Spring when the forsythia and nanohana flowered in full at the same time.

I wish I could take a pictures of the same yellow world again!

Hello ! (ya421)
2006-04-01 14:35:51
I want to look at your yellow world !

