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An icicle

2006-02-10 | weather

It's cold these days !

I found this icicle under the faucet of water.
Water dripping from the faucet froze during the night.   

It melted away soon in the sunshine.

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4 コメント

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How interesting! (Mrs.Monologue)
2006-02-11 20:57:12
It\'s a very interesting and rare picture.

Amazing. Thanks for leaving a comment in my blog. I\'m glad to know someone visit and read my story.
Unknown (Minatsuki)
2006-02-12 11:17:48
Wow, it was terribly cold, wasn\'t it? Be careful not to get a cold.

By the way, the icicle looks very long. How long was it? It\'s interesting to look like a stalactite.

To Mrs.Monologue (ya421)
2006-02-12 15:54:54
You are welcome !

I\'m enjoying your article in English.

So I\'ll visit yours again.

See you !
To Mrs,Minatsuki (ya421)
2006-02-12 16:00:41
The length of the icicle was about 15 centimeters.

I seldom see the icicle like this.

It seems to be too cold this winter.

Please take care not to catch a cold, you too!

