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Flowers of vegetable

2010-04-11 | plant
Lovely yellow flowers are blooming in Shizusan's vegetable field now.
These are some of them.
These flowers will bear tiny fruits or seeds soon.
By the way, Shizusan has been in the hospital for about three weeks and she is getting well now.
So she will leave the hospital before long.

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potherb mustard (水菜)

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broccoli (ブロッコリー)
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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-04-12 16:32:26
I suppose you feel easy about your mother's coming back to your home from the hospital within a few days.
To keep in good health is the best.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-04-13 10:22:49
I don't know when she comes back, but she will leave the hospital soon.
She wants to came home.

