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世界最新情報 CBKのテレグラムから【他】:JST 2021/6/17

2021-06-17 19:17:55 | 社会問題 日々雑感


CBKのテレグラムから:JST 2021/6/17

HILLARY (640x354)

Hillary: “We never thought we had to worry about domestic enemies. We never thought we had to worry about people who didn’t believe in our Democracy, in our Constitution, in our separation of powers, in our institutions... and sadly what we’ve seen over the last 4 years - in particularly since our election in 2020 - is that we have people within our own country who are doing Putin’s work.”

...says the traitor.

ヒラリー:「国内の敵を心配する必要があるとは思ってもみませんでした。 私たちは、民主主義、憲法、権力分立、制度を信じていない人々のことを心配する必要があるとは思っていませんでした...そして悲しいことに、過去4年間に見たもの-特にそれ以来 2020年の私たちの選挙は、プーチンの仕事をしている私たちの国の人々がいるということです。」


TRUMP935 (640x364)

Trump just announced he will be visiting the border soon. It reminded me of this past January, right before he left office & went down to the TX border.

I believe he was warning us about the upcoming border crisis. He also said to Biden, “Be careful what you wish for.”

25th Amendment incoming?

Trump knows. Trump always knows.

トランプはちょうど彼がすぐに国境を訪れることを発表しました。 彼がオフィスを出てテキサスの国境に降りる直前のこの1月を思い出しました。

彼は来たるべき国境危機について私たちに警告していたと思います。 彼はまた、バイデンに「あなたが望むものに注意してください」と言いました。


トランプは知っています。 トランプは常に知っています。


PANDEMIC (640x374)

It's all here...
For decades Politician's, The rich and Royal family have been telling the population that they want to depopulate the Human Race. Well its here and has already started wake up!

何十年もの間、政治家の金持ちと王室は、人類の人口を減らしたいと人々に言ってきました。 さて、ここで、すでに目覚め始めています!


FAUCH (640x358)

NEW - Dr. Fauci on lab theory: "We’ve always said to keep an open mind and continue to look. So I think it’s a bit of distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed that."



FOX (640x366)

ICYMI - Tucker Carlson: What really happend on January 6 and to what extent were FBI operatives involved?



photo_2021-06-17_01-22-16 (494x640)

BREAKING: Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6th Capitol protest.



Twitter becomes the first American social media platform to lose its safe harbor protection in India over failure to comply with the IT laws of the land. With this Twitter now stands exposed to further action under the IPC (Times of India)

Twitterは、国のIT法を順守しなかったために、インドでセーフハーバー保護を失った最初のアメリカのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームになります。 このTwitterにより、IPC(Times of India)の下でさらなる行動にさらされることになります。


The Guardian: Ghislaine Maxwell subjected to raw sewage in New York jail, lawyer says.



Arizona Recount of 2.1 Million Ballots 'Finished' in Maricopa County .



Biden almost refers to President Putin as President Trump.



Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill HB1239 Prohibiting Heretics Within Government From Closing Places of Worship



Was this FBI false flag exposure strategically released to act as a hedge of protection?
Maricopa County audit results are on the verge of being released and right before this massive boom the FBI's ability to create false flags is being exposed.



Here's the latest on the Arizona election audit, from spokesperson Randy Pullen:

Pullen says that the official ballot hand count wrapped up Monday, other than braille ballots (fewer than 100).

The counting we are seeing still happening is one of two things ...


1. They are going back and recounting some boxes as a sampling method, to compare to the original count.

2. They are reviewing boxes where discrepancies were noted in original count, such as duplicate ballots w/o matching originals, or boxes w/ unexpected number of ballots.








Arizona election audit ballot recount & inspection is estimated to be complete by Saturday, June 26, Pullen said. The coliseum lease ends June 30.

No estimate from Pullen on how many ballots left to inspect. 15-20 pallets still have boxes on them, out of 46 total.

アリゾナ州の選挙監査投票用紙の再集計と検査は、6月26日土曜日までに完了すると推定されているとプーレン氏は述べた。 コロシアムのリースは6月30日に終了します。

検査するために残っている投票用紙の数についてのPullenからの見積もりはありません。 合計46個のうち、15~20個のパレットにはまだ箱があります。




photo_2021-06-17_07-21-31 (640x320)


Hunter Biden, talking with his cousin about sex, claims that he doesn’t want an Asian woman by saying “no yellow”




CNN’s Brian Stelter Loses 72% Of Viewers In 2021. He lost 72% of his hair as well.


BRIAN (640x353)

Ratings Free Fall: CNN’s Brian Stelter Loses 72% Of Viewers In 2021.



5e8bb66ad5873a7ae04add85 (640x320)

John Fredericks discusses nexts steps in Georgia...

If they find the fraud to be real (which they will), the State Senate can DECERTIFY both the Presidential election and the Senate election in Georgia 👀

“All hell is gonna break loose. It’s gonna be a constitutional crisis... This is going to happen. Either Perdue is going to get reinstated by the 9 justices or they are going to call a new election.”

If Perdue is reinstated, it changes the balance of power!



「すべての地獄は解き放たれるでしょう。 それは憲法上の危機になるだろう...これは起こるだろう。 デイビッド・パデューは9人の裁判官によって復活するか、彼らは新しい選挙を呼びかけるでしょう。」


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