極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

The three trusted leaders of the United States, Japan and Russia

2017-09-09 16:40:00 | English diary

The following sentences shall be incoherent miscellaneous notes.

I'm sorry, English translation is difficult, I think there are sentences that I can not understand.

Prior to the main program in 2008, the New York Phil continued to perform the national anthem and North Korea national anthem. It was the first time that the national anthem was played in North Korea's Pyongyang. To this concert, many people, including Japan and the United States at the time, were saying differently.
Funding provider of this concert, the leading figure is Ceskena Yoko Nagae, a Japanese woman living in Italy, I do not know about politics, but I answer in an interview that he took on two responses if it would lead to peace through the power of music.

The screen of YouTube in the North Korean and American anthem performances (3 minutes 56 seconds) by New York Phil commanded by Mazere may be telling us something. By all means, please also watch. This figure may have suggested the original bilateral relations that President Trump wants.

I think that it is close to the limitation point of North Korea recently to North Korea. I think North Korea is already using nuclear weapons deterrence as much as nuclear weapon states and nuclear weapons owners of the world as well.

Petroleum export prohibition among sanctions to North Korea ... It is Japan's own sanctions most understood in the world. It is the way that Japan followed in the past.

 For the nation, precious petroleum that should be said to be all life, in general terms this oil export is also equivalent to declaration of declaration. I think that there is a possibility of giving North Korea a cause of casualty if it carries out a full oil export ban · · · It is stupid.
Even if it is implemented, I think that it will not be implemented except for extremely limited oil export quantity restrictions.

Now, I think Keiman of the Korean Peninsula can be called Prime Minister Abe, President - Trump President = President Putin. Three people are particularly conscious of the public viewpoint policy (it is under heavy pressure, media seems to be reporting avoiding national perspective), a way of thinking, view of the world, warfare of Sun Tzu etc. I can see and hide. Looking at past actions etc., the trust of the three people seems to be extremely high.
What is common to these three people is criticism from the thorough media ... Why do you get criticized, reporting to the three people in the media pulls your legs out of the way to separate it, maybe deliberately ) I think that there are a lot of coverage of the distortion, as I struck the corner of the box, I think that the three people report distortion as if they are in conflict. Especially President of Trump and President Putin, Prime Minister Abe and President of Putin

President of the Republic of Korea and Chinese President of China are out of the line as seen from three people, President of South Korea seems to be said to be out of the out-of-bounds column, especially unreliable.
I think that the problem of North Korea against North Korea has now been committed to Prime Minister Abe of Japan. Because Prime Minister Abe is also a trusted leader if you look at it from the US and Russia. I think that these facts are difficult to understand because Japanese media coverage is funny. From the world perspective, Prime Minister Abe's evaluation seems to be high.

Indeed, I think that the three people of this day, the United States, and Rosia are in the modern world, preventing the way to conflict.
Of course, I think diplomacy, dialogue with strong strength backed up, is quite common in the modern world, common sense. I think that North Korea is practicing diplomatic measures based on nuclear forces and that nuclear forces are a deterrent from ancient times. Why will North Korea develop nuclear / missile, launch training ... Of course, you will be familiar with the truth as well.

The United States plays North Korea as the axis of evil, the target country ... ... President Trump is wanting to make a top talk with North Korea as he said during the election period, but there is a power that absolutely does not allow, North Korea's nuclear forces are a powerful deterrent ... ... well-versed soldiers said to support President Trump, knowing how meaningless, unreasonable warfare is stupid.

* North Korea poses a threat to neighboring countries, but there is no intention to invade other countries.
We somehow wish to avoid a US attack, conclude a peace treaty with the United States, want to prevent the collapse of the state ...

What I can do now is not to let the attacks of the United States carry fingers and to allow the country to collapse.
If so, I will develop a nuclear missile, I will do fire training, of course, I will not attack the United States from my own. Mothers(Megumi Yokota) will not allow attacks on Japan. When the US discards nuclear weapons we will be willingly abandoning our country ...

* Japan is a friendly country · engagement with the United States · · · Although North Korea is a threat, there is no intention of invading Japan, there is also a problem of abduction, easy friendship relations with North Korea are legal
* Russia will mediate between Japan and the US · · · The problem will surely be overcome.

* China's current situation seems incongruous with the fact that diplomatic force is unknown, North Korea is already in the table of nuclear weapon states, and the same nuclear possession countries in the future and there is sense of incongruity in anything, I hope 3 countries will manage somehow in a mild way anyway.

* In South Korea's anti-North Korea measures, Sun Tzu's war law is disregarded, what to say is incoherent, and there is a US-ROK alliance, but the real intention of the United States will allow blood of young American soldiers of the United States to flow for Korea? In the international community outside the row outside the rows ... From the viewpoint of Japan, the United States, Rossia etc, there was a president in South Korea!
I think that the current situation of the Korean Peninsula is that North Korea is also implementing measures devised by Sun Tzu's weapons law. In the end, I think that the country which deviated from the war law of Sun Tzu loses national interest.

Recent Japanese media seems to have a lot of tone that will encourage conflict, and it seems that everything started in North Korea = evil scenario.
Why will North Korea be a poor country desperately develop nuclear and missiles, fire and training?
Why do you want to conclude a peace treaty with the United States of America peacefully as soon as possible?

Where is the axis of evil, why is it the target of the attack of the United States ... What should Japan do if Japan and North Korea are reversed?
What I can say now is that President Trump and President Putin trust Prime Minister Abe and it seems that it is not too much to say that Japan is committed to the keys of the Korean Peninsula.

Now for Japan it may well be at the biggest crossroads after the war. I do not know what to say, but what I can say now is that I think that the four countries (North Korea, Japan, the US, Rossia) will be attributed to the warlord of Sun Tzu's weapons.
What we can do is to be interested in the North Korean problem! Do not take the media's North Korea coverage as it is! I think that it is extremely important.


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