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Chanel J12 Watches Establishes Itself On Second Life

2014-11-18 17:14:17 | 日記

In what seems a strange marketing decision, replica Chanel J12 Black Watches with its new French captain, has sailed in to the waters of Second Life and purchased a virtual island there. For those of you now keen on all that is virtual, Second Life is a well established virtual world. Not quite a game, not quite a second existence, Second Life (run by Linden Lab based out of San Francisco) got its claim to fame by making some of its inhabitants rich by selling virtual real estate. Millionaires from selling what some people claim is vapor. Other see virtual worlds as the next big thing in real estate. A couple of years ago, Second Life was the haute place to go for the marketing elite to set up shop. They were not interested so much in buying and selling, but more branding and getting themselves out there in a new way. Companies like Coca-Cola and Toyota saw this as the next big tech land grab. Not since the days of sweeping up .com names, did companies flock to establish themselves on Second Life. Things fizzled out a bit as the Second Life population did not bubble as expected, but Second Life held strong, showing the world that there is a lot of innovation in virtual, user created content. As such, you have to applaud Second Life for being the locus of so much user created innovation. Now that is on Second Life, things aren't going to change much there, unless you really want to play around on a big H shaped island. Chanel J12 promises to offer interesting insights on how replica Chanel J12 White are made and designed. Best of all, you get the outfit your Second Life avatar with a Chanel J12 Black watch! Whether or not there is a fee involved is unclear. Basically, you have a virtual Chanel J12 amusement park. Meeting Chanel J12 representatives, and checking out Hubolt media. From a marketing perspective this might seem an odd route for Chanel J12 to go given the medium and audience. However, consider this, setting up shop on Second Life is relatively cheap. Several graphic designers and coders working a couple of weeks could do it, and then just one or two would be contracted to upkeep it. So costs are cheap. While you may have heard of Chanel J12 watches and not Second Life, chances are that most people on Second Life have never heard of Chanel J12 watches. The branding potential is there, in a big way.
