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Cartier ring to marry a marriage where the kneeling is the kneeling

2018-06-12 16:44:16 | 日記
Many of the boys in love will be Valentine’s Day to the beloved girl to marry him. On the marriage proposal, of course, should know some of the details of the problem. Such as marrying which leg kneeling, how to wear imitation cartier ring and so on. With regard to these concerns.

On the marriage proposal, of course, should know some of the details of the problem. Such as marrying which leg kneeling, how to wear imitation cartier love ring and so on. About everyone concerned about these issues, to marry the leg kneeling on the international practice is the right leg kneeling. It is said that this type of marriage comes from ancient Europe. In the hundreds of years ago, there are two men together by a beautiful girl, and the two boys are very good, the girl suddenly difficult to choose, do not know who to choose as their partner. The result of one of the men made a way to duel, winning that will become a girl’s partner. Finally won the men who knocked the other side, the excitement to the girl kneeling to marry him, he used the right leg kneeling way. Today, to marry his right leg kneel, has become a consensus of young people around the world. To marry the standard posture to marry not only the right leg kneeling so simple. The standard posture is very strict, first of all boys should keep the distance between the feet and shoulder with the empty, keep the body straight, and then left a little step forward, then the right leg slowly kneel, knees and the ground to keep Ninety degrees angle. And then took out the diamond ring to his girlfriend confession. On the imitation ring cartier, you can choose Levi’s real name diamond ring, because the real name diamond ring can be based on the girl’s image and temperament for personalized custom.

How to wear a modern wedding dress, most of the imitation love ring cartier will be worn on his girlfriend’s left hand ring finger. This kind of wear is also derived from the West. It is said that the ancient Western people think that the ring on the left hand that can get the blessing of God, the two emotions will be happy. Some people think that the left hand ring finger has a direct access to the heart of the vein, known as the vein of love. Therefore, the boys in the marriage proposal to marry a diamond ring wearing his girlfriend’s left hand ring finger, can represent his love to his girlfriend’s heart. Of course, there are many young people in China will be in accordance with the tradition of male left female wearing the ring on his girlfriend’s right hand! Which marriage is the kneeling, the specific kneeling position is how the marriage ring should be how to wear. On this series of questions, Levi Xiaobian has given their own views. If you intend to Valentine’s Day to marry his girlfriend, not only to understand this information, but also should be carefully planned a creative and romantic marriage proposal!
