Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (74)

2017-05-24 19:39:33 | 日記

24/05/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki is now in her nostargic mode. Her orgoal called ATOM, the astroboy, yelled her! Oh, he is alive!!! Miyuki is so impressed his percistance and cried with plesure. He was her oldest closest frined. Almost 53 years of frendship between the both. Miyuki was given it because she looked so much with this boy robot called ATOM.

  his name is a bit contradictional. Atomic bomb is related, yes. Thus, in the only country suffered the atomic energy explosion, why Osamu TEZUKA chose the name? Even Japanese sometimes questioned.

  However, her answer is so clear to others. He wants to name so because of the praise of individualism. He is natural scientist, in some meanings, and ATOM is the smallest unit of the society and material also. Thus, the core of individualist, it means.

  Miyuki is a bit strange girl since she was born. "I like this, I dislike this." She said clarely, and expressed it as much as possible. Always, she decided as if she were an adult, even she was a baby. Thus, Alex and Clare are similar, and Miyuki liked their way. Anyway, they have their own preference, and not so conformist type, She got relieved.

  She looked so much at ATOM, the astroboy, even at her appearance. Thus, she wore like a boy, as her request. I like this wear. That is not my type. She is so insistent to express herself. Individualist, since she was born.

  She was respected in her infant days, because of her specially insisting preference. Not so egoistic type. "If I could, I want to do..." type. Always within the limit type. And not obedient at all.

  However, her parents forgot her infancy at all. And they pray her to be average among Japanese figures. Thus, they should vanish all together.

  Unfortunately, your daughter is so nasty for us all Shirakawa residents. Thus, you should kill her immediately. This is a some quiz for them all. and they talked on this matter. And her parents and YUKARI agreed to their decision, and signed. Thus they should fail. They didn't know the new system at all, and pledged the royality to the enemy, even after their loss.

  YUKARI is the indusing wrongdoer, yes. However, they believe that Miyuki were worse than her, because she is cleverer than them three.

  This is the fact, and Miyuki should remember this day of your victory!!! Thus, they yelled so pleasently in this special way of yelling her.

  She was in a nostargic mode. I am like this since I was born, and why they don't understand me now, was her question in this period. She told with others, so frequently, and they are Alzheimer patients, she recognized the fact.

  For her, any morally degraded Alzheimer wrongdoers should vanish. No kin, no faked friend, at this point. Eveyone should receive their own ordial. And they got astonished that Miyuki is totally in favour of Animal Army!!! We won, and they stole our victory under the name of human beings!!! And for Miyuki, faked human beings have no value at all. They should vanish immediately in a body. Just skin bags, they are!!!

  Miyuki visited Domestic Animal's Farm, after visiting EAON. She found her mates, both, the co-manager of this farm, and they got upset by the stolen faked legitimacy by some old kinky human beings. Miyuki disliked them all, and got noticed that they are the actual wrongdoers in this area. Old rural agricultural Alzheimer patients, they are!! And they dared to order to Miyuki to obey their order.

  Too strange order they did on Miyuki. "Run with a horse!" What? Miyuki got upset. I am feeding my mate. Why you order me to run with him??? At first, she ignored. Then, she tried that her mate wants to do so. And he ignored it also. Thus, she decided to ignore them, as much as possible.

  She brought some raddishes bought in an annex of JR Shirakawa station, where 東村 or SHIGASHI village rural domestic bugs sold the vesitables. Miyuki ate some strawberries, and tried to buy a package of raddish, at the cost of US$1. And she recognized that one package was written as US$1.5. Why they put the different value to the same quality and quantity type packages???

  And Miyuki made a line, waiting for the counting. There females were there, however, one was practically useless, and one denied Miyuki's existance, and the last one, intentionally, put priority on another female, probably their own mate, rather than Miyuki, and Miyuki should put up with her slow buying, until the end. Thus, she for killing the spare type, started to humming the sound. Now Miyuki's turn. They sold the package, reluctantly, and the last one asked Miyuki, "Are you humming a music?", thus Miyuki nodded.

  And she thought, "If I say, "yes", it means Miyuki is lying, becuase she already did stop singing to respond to her. And Miyuki attended her super politely. Unncessary question. She was singing, obviously, without asking. Why she asked it now? Just disturb her business?

  Anyway, she ate some of the 8 raddish in EAON, and found that there are no man's shopping mall already. Just faked monitors were already there, and almost half of them used a red namecard with a red neck ribbon. Why they put it, even they are faking consumers? Miyuki laught at their strange attitude and took some pictures on them.

  And she targetted some of them. On the second floor, strange thing happened. She chased a targetted one in her high speed walking. However, this targetted one, with a pony tail and white blouse, slowly and flamboyantly walked, and Miyuki couldn't catch up to her at all.

  Oh, she ran faster than I!!! Too strange. She looked so walking slowly, however, as a matter of fact, she walked faster than my evidently first mode. Running competitioner, she is???

  Just faking is enough, she was said, and she did her best, and Miyuki monitored that she was vanishing into the toilet. Oh, are you in a hurry to attend to your client, thinking, "Or, the guy would catch my costomer!".

  Anyway, returning to Animal Farm, Miyuki found that both liked her foods, raddishes. And she named the horse, "Intiryme" according to his dreadhair, and "USAVICH" according to his a bit coolish whitish far and almond shaped red eyes. For my training of avoiding confusion between B and V, Miyuki added.

  Oh, he looked like the character's face. Long face, with a bit demonstrative cold appearance. And they got upset not to Miyuki, but to the wrongdoer above. Miyuki called the name of the horse, in a loud voice, "Intiryme!" twice, to show that he is the boss of this farm, and he has a real name, and Miyuki knows his name.

  He immediately came to her, when he recognized she named him. When she called at the second time, he started to dash to her! And the wrongdoer vanished, immediately!!! We did it, Intiryme!!! Miyuki got pleased!!!

  And "Intiryme" is OK, for you? A name of an emperor of INCA empire. I think you like it. And the hours suddenly immitated his racing mode. Oh, at least, he liked the name. Thus, Intiryme, he is now.

  This is Miyuki's bad interpretation, a bit. however, even though, he liked the name. Miyuki thought that Intiryme played the role of actor for JRA to fake the horse racing. Too too racing type like performance he did. The curving, especially. Thus, he liked Miyuki. She interpretated far from the fact, however, better than the reality!!!

  Later, she remembered, "Oh, race horse called Intiryme was already existing. Oh, thus he played his performance to show it!! " Anyway, OK for them all. Thus, they gained the names. Since now, they are called like that by us!!!

  Deternimated names, they needed to insist their legitimacy. Miyuki was astonished that the entrance was really for the animal farm. The entrance was found when Miyuki did a detective job in this area, and found the wrongdoings in ODAKURA Primary School.

  She entered into there from this entrance, and found that there are two rural houses in front of it, and the old pair was monitoring her, and a sould of lawn morner, operated by one old male.

  And she got a bit nasty and had a fair of they being killed. They, her mates. And when they appeared, Miyuki got relieved so much, and said, "Oh, anyway, you are alive."

  And Miyuki should call to white rabbit. At first, she yelled, "Bunny! Common! I want to see you!!!" and she chaged her mind. He is not so cheerful type. Bunny is not for him. And encouterd with his nasty face. Oh, USAVICH, he is!!! He likes more isolation, rather than faked friendship. And USAVICH, he agreed.

  And the old bugs construct a rabbit house in front of USAVICH's house. Why they established newly, and put theree brown hair ones inside? Anyway, I can't decide which is which now on them. Thus, in the middle, Miyuki thought.  Younger ones. And a brother like ones. Anyway, they came here in some reason. Why they were not put inside the USAVICH's house to get along with????

  Anyway, Miyuki did give her treat to three, anyway.

  And the old one now appeared with a dog, in the totally contrary direction. He vanished at more east point. And now, he appeared at more west point. Alzheimer patient, he is!!!

  They can't play the role anymore. Even faking job, they are not able to do. YUKARI is the same situation. They don't recognize their error at all, forever, probably.

  She ate some raddish with them all. And they liked raddish. good lunch for them three!! They talked on the stolen power holding, and at least, today, they recovered their legitimate reign at the animal farm.

  however, a lot of troubles here in this place. The new wrongdoers split the meadow, and one third of it was established as a baseball ground!!! Terrible!!! For them, field means baseball field, just for their own ego-centric enjoyment!!!!

  And Miyuki got nasty, when she found 4 tumbs in the kids park beside the Intiryme and USAVICH's houses. Kids inducing equipments are there. Miyuki swang in one of them, and found that for kinkiest old bugs, memorial statue means tumbs of the victims. And found a stone curved, 共楽園 or Kyou-Raku-En, like the old OPPABAU house in NANKO lake area. Oh, they wanted to construct the same type, here in this place.

  Pederasty's paradise, Miyuki got to know. The youngest is the best ideology's skewed oppressed ejection, Miyuki recognized it. Old bug could do everything yes, however, until that age, young male bugs should put up with the desire at maximum. Thus, oppressive sexual desire is the cause of this skiewed wrongdoing the worst one in the universe.

  Miyuki got so nasty to recognize the result of their policy. The park only for infants are surrounded by single men's dormitories. One of them are named, "種牧寮” or Breeder's Dormitory. Oh, they wanted to be sparm providers to the infants. Erotic skewed pederasties' paradice, so openly got confessed. And the nearest point was まきば保育園, and it means Kindergarden for the meadow. Oh, the provider of the kids, included.

  And according to the faked map published in 2009, this is the exact place of the Land of the Sun or 太陽の国, a social benefit given challengers' house.

  And in front, there are two ponds. Oh, thus, the OMANKO journalists said that "One challenged turned to be a victim of the flood" in 2008.

  Probably, one of the killed kids floated up, and the kinky old bugs explained so. Thus, they caused the flood, in 1998.

  Too too skewed for us all. Vormitting. however, for them all, as usual. Kids could be born almost one years after, by the same way, as YAYOI's grand mother said to Miyuki and her kids.

  For Japanse parents, kids are replaceble, probably. If one is not good for them, they could reset it, and could gain better model. Thus, only one kid is enough for them type policy. Only for substitute, the second one would be concepted.

  And Miyuki's case, Miyuki is not so good, according to her mother, probably. Thus, she decided to have another, and YUKARI came to her house. At 7 years old, Miyuki felt so nasty feeling in the bed. "I am too too sensitive to live in this cruel world. I can't put up with this nasty feeling filled here in this town. however, I want to live. Thus, I should change immediately. I would be insensitive immediately. Until tomorrow, or I would be killed!"

  And she slept well, and got up in the morning as usual. and she found, "Oh, I am insensitive now! I can put up with any accusation at all! OK, I can live anyway now!!!"

  And she turned to be a cheerful guy type. Why Miyuki felt so nasty, and threatened? She didn't recognize the fact at all. For Miyuki, anyway, I am superior in this house, because I am cleverest here. howver, for others, Miyuki is so nasty girl, with a monstrous curiosity and intellectuality. They wanted more modest type. however, she is superb than others, including them. Adults disliked her because of her superb abilities on understanding the situation and flexibility.

  Miyuki was a kind of idol in her family, when she was in Funabashi, yes. however, in Shirakawa, a kind of burden for the family. Too too quick anyway to perceive the facts. Thus, they didn't want her to stay here. And she wanted to get out of here. And YUKARI was not their favorite. For them, anyway, they are the same type. Nasty daughters.

  For Miyuki, Oh, U2 type non astonishing fact. And for YUKARI, not at all. Go to other place, is their request, and she didn't want to get out anyway. And insisted to stay here as much as possible. "You should agree, because you are my parents."

  Thus, they obliged her to go to hospital, at least, for a while. And she is now treated as Alzheimer patient.

  As Miyuki described, they really sighed. Forgetful, and easily accuse others, and doesn't recognize her errors at all.

  Thus, they failed. Nostargic mode, Miyuki meant, "Oh, I am remembering my infancy. I am surrounded by lots of my old friends" type some affectionate old story. Thus, she took a beer, and ate a canned sardine with squeezed lemmon with some crackers.

  She decided to use quick dinner, especially, "Single lonly male drinking in his lonly house with his some favorets preserved foods" like mood. Now, kitchen is dangerous place to her. Thus, she avoids to use it as much as possible. Too too nasty place for cooking admirers. Thus they failed. They wanted Miyuki to be their exclusive cook, and Miyuki refused the offer forever.

  All Shirakawa figures are nasty and wrongdoers, including my families, she deeply thinks so.

  Thus they should vanish immediately. YUKARI is a kind of far relative for Miyuki's life. It means nothing at all. And her parents, also. Not to get along with type. They chose the way. I respect their own decision.

  And Miyuki is too too cool to keep her mind in sanity. For her, DDMic families are cruel kids' spirits buyers. They should be pusnished harshly.

  No any nortargy to her parents at all, if it were the reality. Just vanish! like other DDMs.

  And they failed. She is the last one to do so. and they also should do it. Platinum Tribe's yelling!!!!

  Not worry about it type. Too too rare among animals. For her, better than faked family, only preference. Why not???

  We passed over 72 years after WWII, and they could not learn liberalism nor individualism. Their fault. Why we should be suffocated by their old pre-modern anti-humanistic treatment on us all???

  They should be punished harshly. And they provided lots of clues to us all, concretly. Thus, they are in ordial.

 For Miyuki, system change from IDIOCRACY to Justice only world is without saying matter. No hesitation at all type easy choice. however, for old ones, some consideration is needed????

  They are not liberalist, however, YUKARI is the exact wrongdoer. Why they hasitate to do rightously? They can't judge right or wrong? Thus, Alzheimer patients, they both. and it means they are wrongdoers. thus, they should vanish now.

  For them, astonishing that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient. Oh, is it?

  For Miyuki, too too exact to say so. however, only 48 years, she is. Yes, thus, too too worse and violent. Spontaneous type, it means too too idol and disliked to work for more than 20 years. Out of mind type judgement is requiered for you both.

  She agreed to have the test, and they did it, and the result was already dead type. No memory at all. and BLA-BLA-BLA. Just a skin bag, she is, yes.


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (73)

2017-05-24 07:45:47 | 日記

24/05/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki awoke in the bed, and soon, YUKARI and her mother got up, and started to rise. At 4:30 or so, thus, for Miyuki, too early to get up. They met in the kitchen, and made a conversation. YUKARI was going toward to the office soon after, and stayed long for 30 minutes or so. Then she came back to the kitchen. Her mother was there even at that time, and criticised her not to have washed rice. YUKARI kept silent. And the mother came back to the chamber, and lied down on the bed again, turning on a radio in the so low volume.

  Miyuki confirmed these acts done by them, then, she slept again. And at 7:30, almost, she got up from the bed. And went to the office. Miyuki found that YUKARI was near the door, and searching someting inside a tool box, and when Miyuki noticed her, she came back to the main house.

  She wore a gold jacket, like her mother liked to wear in this winter, and a streight worn out old blue black pants. Probably her pajama, actually. And, for Miyuki, astonishingly, the door of the office was locked.

  Miyuki opened the door with the key she brought from the main house, and when she entered into the office, another key bunch was there. Oh, YUKARI couldn't enter into the office, thus, she pretended to make a noise of her father?

  And YUKARI opened the sliding door to enter the mail house. YUKARI is accustomed to use the entrance door to enter in and get out from the main house. however, this morning, she used the sliding door to go back there.

  She looked like to imitate to be her father. Miyuki thought. And who locked her out from the office?

  For YUKARI, admitting her error is fatal, probably. Thus, always she excuses as always. This morning, she couldn't open the office, however, she couldn't inform it to anyone, and just waited someone to open it.

  Miyuki came. Her hatred no.1. Thus, she pretended to searching some tools in his father's tool box. Her father has lots of tool boxes to keep his precious heavy duty type working tools. When Miyuki wants to use tome of them, Miyuki always ask him to allow her to use them. Without allowance, she doesn't use at all. Anyway, his precious tools. Iron made ones, so variously. Always MIYUKI is allowed to use them, because she knows well according to her needs.

  YUKARI didn't like to use them, as usual. however, she started to search already someting in the boxes, probably. This is the trace of her life. She found some heavy duty ones, and sold as she liked, because they belong to her family. Easy way to earn the money. Iron would be expensive, she thought. And they bought as they liked. Thus, she tried to do it, when she was asked to do washing job from her dear mother.

  And YUKARI was so interested in the searching, thus, she forgot to wash rice. Washings clothings and rice were her minimum way to live here. And now, washing, she can't do correctly, and the easier one, washing rice was forgotten by her, completely.

  Washing and cleaning up the stains, were her territory, when she was young. And YUKADI didn't like them at all. Always, awkwardly, she did. And now, she can't operate any machine at all. Manually she are forced to do so. And she used AROMA difuser instead of steam iron!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN! Again!!!!

  She wanted to use iron to pass Alex's clothing. Today, Miyuki perceived that YUKARI was steaming Alex's uniform in his chamber, from the smell and sound. However, when Miyuki went down to go to the toilet to the office, YUKARI was already there. ????

  Probably, YUKARI wanted to play the role of her father, however, she made a big mistake. She couldn't change so quick now. Thus, in her own dirty nasty wear, she appeared, and continued to play the role of her father.

  Someone wispered, You should keep clean, when you are in the last stage. Thus, to avoid this nasty wispering, YUKARI wore the dirty clothing daredly.

  And today, again, like on Monday, her mother opened the window of the unused toilet of the main room. Oh, they want to catch me again today, Miyuki felt so nasty. Probably, they want to conceal Miyuki's dead body inside the ditch of this concealed smelly old type Japanese toilet. Thus, they prepared for it. For them, Miyuki is just a nasty existance now.

  And yesterday, her mother criticised Miyuki to wear pajamas on, when she came back from the office, after her toilet use. "What a shame! You are wearing pyjama in the office! Any visitors would appear if you wear such a messy domestic wear there.", in her scolding voice. Oh, I do it as always. And it was only 8:30, not so bad for Miyuki to wear it. And visitors? Practically no visitor at all in the office. Only several time per month, at max, and they appear usually from 9:30 to 15:00. Not so early in the morning.

  This is the life. The family killed the other member easily, and abandoned in the old house or in the car. And they burned them. Thus, they trained to lit the empty kettle. Family life is to earn money or just devastate other's happy life. Wow, serial killers, they are!!!

  Poison would be fine for her, they decided. And they tried a bit. And Miyuki felt nasty with the bit. And she tried to be kind to others, except YUKARI. She wanted to be nice to others, thus, she wore cozy, in her own way. And they disliked her cosy casual style.

  In August, 2016, when Miyuki came back to pick up a car to her father, YUKARI was stealing to hear the conversation, and got out soon. Thus, after ending a conversation with her father, her mother appeared, and started to attack her harshly, especially on her clothings, "I don't like your childish wearing. You are versity professor. You should wear like versity professor", she said to Miyuki.

  "You are too lean. You should get fat!" she added. Miyuki felt so spooky, when she accused her so hard. Like Kyorin conservativists!, Miyuki really felt on her mother.

  Her father kept silent, however, during a conversation, he graspt his phone, watching the vision always. Miyuki felt so nasty. I am talking so serious matter. Why he is in the mode of running away????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They can used the skin bags as they liked, at the cost of payment per minute. Thus, they had a limit. And they did know the limit. This system is not allowed by Gods of Justice at all!!!

  Miyuki would never sell her personality at all. She wants to keep it entirely. She likes herself so much. Too unique, and not perfect, rather, lots of failures she has, she knows well. However, for her, even her skin bag, highly precious not replaceable beautiful unique existance at all!!!!

  Thus they all failed!!! For them, nothing at all type trial. however, for Miyuki, out of mind type situation. Thus, Clare wanted to say Good bye to Miyuki, probably.

  They wanted Miyuki to be sold, because they were sold by others, already. And Miyuki is their consultant anyway. Lawyer, and she confirmed that for free, for our friends. No alternative pragmatically case, saving their own life is requisit. Miyuki is this type. Thus, they did it. And Miyuki didn't accuse them at this point. Uneffective contract, ilegitimate does. In this case, any effect happens in the ral world. This is the rule.

  From the begining, uneffective. And after the recognition, from the begining, not from the moment of the recognition, the faked contract is nothing. This is the stable Roman traditional law's position, and it is the common rule of the universe!!!!

  Thus, they all were saved. Victims should not be being chickens. They were forced to do so. And no choice practically. "If I were you, I would be obliged to do so" type. Miyuki's Kyorin life belonged to this. Thus, she is tolerant to others failure, within the limit.

  This is the rule, we confiemed. She, of course, harshly, criticises others. however, she is not free from being criticism. She knows well. And spell mistakes!!! Pajama type letter, yes. However, for her, necessity to show up her existance. In a hurry mode, they felt. She is in danger. And anyway, she is alive!!!!

  just a once, they allowed, and they failed. and Miyuki kept her way as usual. The most valuable to keep her sanity, in body and soul, is the best policy. and she did it, and they forgot that Miyuki is clean.

  I will change my clothings, because I will leave here soon to avoid their plan's accomplishing. Orphan club's new member, LEMI, the Miyuki again!!! And the temperature? Oh, I would be a girl type!!!

  I should eat outside. Apple would be fine. And some snacks. No choice at all. They triggered already. Thus,

  See you soon after her long walk, as usual!!! Long legs, she wants to have!!! Thus, she should walk, anyway!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Miyuki should be protected by us all!!! She is Pet no.1 among us all!!!!!

   From Quartet MARC, with big LOVE!!!  

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (72)

2017-05-23 23:48:57 | 日記

  Why she vanished? Miyuki thought of the slaughter of the other 4 members. In her case, probably, she decided to vanish, because she was MICCHIKU related.

  For her, immediate resolution in this kind. A kind of promise for the society. high society she lived in, and failure meant DEATH for them all.

  Thus, 新渡戸稲造 or INAZOU NITOBE descrived that "I got to recognize that the main theme of SAMURAI or BUSHI 武士 is suicide."

  Thus, Todai related should commit a suicide when they failed. Thus they stuck so easily. They could chose quick type or slow one, when they fail.

  Alzheimer patients they are. Thus, slow type, probably. And they chose it, yes. Death after getting married, they were said. And YUKARI's case, she explained her situation with her BLA-BLA-BLA. And in short, "I am a domestic worker. I work inside the house."

  She prolonged the terminal care as much as possible. She descrived it as agonizing process. And she wanted Miyuki to recognize it. Thus, she took her medicine to change her mind. Every day, one per each. Not so much.

  Miyuki disliked the medicine priscribed by Goddamnit hospital called HASEGAWA hospital. Ablify, is the name. Some other name it has, according to Dr.Dull, or 富田 裕一郎, a counterpart of YUKARI there.

  YUKARI would get along with him, yes, Miyuki got to notice their similarity. Thus, the two started to think getting married. Fiction was written by someone, and the two believed it. Thus, Miyuki should be killed, because she knows well him.

  "King is nakid", she repeated in a loud voice. And they tried to catch her. She was really astonished when she found his father's car, Jimny, beside the public library. Why he is here?, and she thought, Oh, he is a president of some real state negociator's association, and the building is beside the library, thus he parked it at this lot.

  And they failed. Miyuki could remember his position. And she presumed that almost all of them had vanished already. Thus, he is an actual president or so.

  And they failed at once. Miyuki is too too cool to think so. And anyway, I should run away from this goddamnit place called Public library. Too many wrongdoers are here and there. And she found that no reliable maps are in the library as she said above.

  And now, FUKUSHIMA prefactural library makes a service of delivery at the cost of the user. Thus, Shirakawa library is useless. Just a big vacant facility like a box, and it offered a dating point to evel wrongdoers, as she wrote before.

  Public system should not be changed, they claimed. And they insisted it without noticing the result for us all. It was changed, however, Shirakawa residents couldn't get to know it, because they are surrounded with the residue of wrongdoers. They are all Alzheimer patients, thus, easily to forget things. And they can't differ important things from trifle ones, as we descrived before. Thus, vanishing all in one eternaly in a body is only measure to save us all!!!

  OMANKO journalism believers, Miyuki thought it. And this morning, almost at 4:00, Miyuki heard YUKARI getting up when news paper delivery service came. She dashed into the figure, and Miyuki got up to confirm who was there in the courtyard.

  They started to move immediately all together. And Miyuki confirmed that YUKARI tried to catch him. And she couldn't and entered into the office. And Miyuki chased her. However, no one was seen there. Thus, Miyuki knocked the door of the toilet, because she wanted to use it. No light at all. however, it was locked. And then, abruptly the light got on. "Oh, YUKARI is inside?", Miyuki thought and refrained from knocking.

  Miyuki watched an old lady was sitting on the parking lot, with the style of Deep Squat or ヤンキー座り or Sitting like an young wild guys especially in a rural area.

  Oh, she is in the process of skicking, Miyuki recognized her fact. And she remembered that AMIRO-DOSIS would be the real name of their disease.

  And she found that Musle type Gistrophy the DDMs suffer also, thus, they move so slow, incluging IKKYO kids. Why the kids can't do catch and ball?, Miyuki got in wonder. Worse than I, and I would be a team leader among them.

  Thus, they laught at her slowness. Thus, the rugby coach died with AMIRO-DOSIS, at his 67 old. Too too early to suffer from the disease, Miyuki felt. Anyway, sportman, he was. Keio Versity hired him as a coach in the team. Alumni, yes.

  They can't do work diligently because their body and mind function so slowly. "healthy spirit only can exist in a healthy body." As Greek said. Thus, physics are combined with mind, deeply. And Alzheimer disease is the same as AMIRO-DOSIS.

  For sobstory type, it is explained as Muscle Gystrophy, and for us, just an Alzheimer disease. They chose to be so spontaneously.

  Too early to be so, all of us thought. And Miyuki found some related principles on the matter. Why they can't do plural jobs at the same time?, Miyuki got in wonder, and on Alzheimer patients, only one activity is the maximum.

  And the arrogance. In Kyorin versity, they got more arrogant, when the were recognized as idiots by Miyuki. The same happened to the two in her own family.

  And they, in general speaking, move so slow. Thus, they want to pretend to be quick. BLA-BLA-BLA is for it. Just faking others to get confused and make them to think as if they were quick type, even though the fact is the contray.

  For DDMs, BLA-BLA-BLA is a clue to be a boss type. Thus, they should use this technic sometimes. And they should obey when they start BLA-BLA-BLA. Any body could speak this fact in public, or they get lost. and they lost because of Miyuki's yell, "Oh, you are just an idiot, boss!" in Kyorin campus.

  For her, some natural discovery in her life. Again, Auntie type slight impression she had. Oh, probably, some brain disease, they suffer from, Miyuki thought, and called it 狂頓病 or Mad Swine Disease, according to their plumpy OPPABU BABAA called Mari KITADA. A similar to Mad Cow Diease or BSE, however, probably their moral degradation is the main cause of suffering, she presumed in her harsh observation.

  Why YUKARI is so nasty to us two?, Clare got upset. YUKARI likes to behave to be superior to Clare, accusing her to be so slow to understand anything at all. Now, YUKARI showed the skill near MIYUKI. Oh, every day, she did it to my kids. Day and night, more exactly. She forgets to turn on some switch, and YUKARI started to accuse her with her harshest attacking. "Oh, you forgot to turn it on!! It would cost so vast, because it takes so much time and water to get to be heated up!" with the maximum high pitch tone as much as possible. and Clare kept silent. For her attacking, any word is the cause of the next attacking. Even her accusation is so reasonless, we should put up with the situation, and then, we should make a conversation on the wrongdoing. This is the new rule against the inside DDMs.

  For them, nasty bitches, they are. however, they thought that they were thanked by others, including Gods of Justice. No way!, we all shrugged.

  For them, kids should obey to them both, because they are always rightous, without saying. Miyuki really sighed, when she was a kid, her mother was not so protectionalist. Why now she turned to be an conventional pre-modern kinky old type excessive protectionalist? Alzheimer disease obliges them to be the extremist. And their predilection is this type.

  If the kids were Miyuki, she would have kill her type totally crazy remarks and arrogant orders, filled with illogical gags. For them, enegy loss is a word to accusing others, despite of their own so vast enargy wasting activities, they confirmed it.

  They recognized the waste of energy, however, they prefer to abuse it, because they believe that they are free from any accusation by us all. God like existance, Miyuki expressed on them in the negative meaning. They are the real gods now. No accusation can't be cast on type situation. TODAI related were in the same simptom, for a long time.

  Nasty BLA-BLA-BLA in a loud voice. YUKARI's way to accuse others. For her, making them to show up to be stupid is the best way to punish them because of their failure. Only they live in this society like attitude here and there. Beyond the limit, they turned from being  human beings to Gods.

  Laughing for us all, however, at first, too too nasty. Why they could accuse us, even they did much more serious similar mistakes?, we did think so. and now, they try to inducing the kids by neuro marketing type inducing. For them, just a bit treat would be the sauce of obedience in the future. A kind of investiment on their pets. And Clare refused such kind of treat done by the two, and thus they dislike her. Clare is a bad girl among their queendom.

  Perfect girl type, Clare is. however, they disliked her, because of her ignorance against both of them. Nasty naughty wild type, which they dislike most. She is the second MIYUKI for the both evil nasty old bitches, Clare deeply thinks so.

  Sweets provider, for Alex. They want to gain the kids' allowence, in every field of their evil activities. Thus they like Alex. Idiots and obedient to both of them, they really think so. Nasty, however, to gain the sweets, it could be put up with type, Alex did think so, and played the role of a good stupid boy among the family. And lost his position, because they discovered that he is not so obedient as they thought.

  He is a kind of kidnapped one in the main house. Rapunzel in Grimm stories. And the princess should act to get out of the evil house. Tower building type apartment was for this situation. Even some kids want to help from the faked parents' kinkiest order, they should not be saved by us at all. Unilateral rescue system, we need to provide. In Miyuki's case, at least, amusing to others, yes. however, in normal cases, just fatal, Miyuki thought of it.

  Laughing horror movies, they wrote, and now got realizing it in reality, Miyuki thought. Laughing, as a result. Not intentional. And not amusing type. They are so serious to accuse us, in every moment. Why they could dare to say type accusation, when they recognize a slight failure in our behaviours.

  Kyorin versity was this type. Only trifle matters, they really thought. Thus, just a finding a slightest mistake was their sacred mission. They attack in collectiveness. Sandwitch, we called it, Miyuki wrote before.

  When Miyuki said calmly, "I am not crazy at all." to her mother, the mother replied, "Oh, you should take a rest. You are hospitalized person, thus, you are not normal." Every time, the mother repeated these frases, when she wanted to refuse Miyuki's request. As if she were the kindest figure in the world to rent a small limited space to this godamnit every ones' enemy like nasty wrongdoer.

  And now, Miyuki deeply knows that she really thinks so even now. For her, Miyuki and we all should not be liberal. Against owr constitution, Miyuki exclaimed, howeveer, for her, any her decalration would be obeyed by others.

  Yesterday, again, the mother said to Miyuki, "It would be fine for you to dry up the bed clothings", and Miyuki ignored totally. Minimum communication now Miyuki is doing against them all.

  They should know their limit. And I felt so nasty her repeated attacking using bed clothing drying up. It takes so much time to accompish, and she has her own special way, thus, a kind of tea ceremony like usuless failure finding search she starts, as always.

  Washing is the same type sauce of her accusing job. Just washing and drying up. Why we need to learn from her??? I don't waist any time for her hobby. Thus, I want to get out of this goddamnit house.

  They all think so, and the both lady bugs think that they want to have a new big house like a manner house in a fantasy. They were already queens, and now they turned to be Gods. Gods of beauty, also. Thus, they criticise others because of their own appearance.

  I am lean, and I love my beautiful lean body, Miyuki declared in front of them, however, they didn't understand it, and would never, presumably.

  They lost their memory at all. they are always plump type? Not at all. YUKARI is yes, however, her mother was not so much. however, she criticises Miyuki because of her leaness.

  She has already proved to be healty, eating well, however, they didn't want to believe it, and want to put her to the hospital again, and want Miyuki to build a big house for them, at the cost of her money.

  too too ego-centric world they live. Laughing horror, we could say. Gag, Miyuki put to it. Contradictional and illogical, anyway. Who believes that someone helps unnecessarily to others who hate it so deeply?

  For them both, it is too too natural because Miyuki is their family. And to punish Miyuki, they call again and again to their faked police. Everyday, they get upset, and they call to the police. And they start catching Miyuki game. From 9 to 17, probably. however, with some extra, sometimes, when they want to really kill her.

  Extra version Miyuki experienced already. Mid night drivers, they called. and they came, and went back from the house, saying, "Koubou ABE".

  Always birdies are their enemy. Why they took the flowers, because of their jealousy caused by their own ugliness, always they excused, "Oh, birdies attacked them. They are so evil."

  however, now Miyuki got to know it. They didn't recognize the difference between chilled flowers and shoots of flowers. For her harshest remark, they think that flowers are some kind of extraordinal strange evil existance and should be taken as soon as possible. Green should be green, thus, colourful flowers are the bad trash on the leaves, for the two. Thus, they picked the first flower of crocs, and cut the twiggs of blue berries, just in the period of producing fruits. They are so evil, and so stupid. Morally and intellectually degraded. They themselves are trash, yes!!!

  Thus they failed. Even they pretend to be kind to others, we all know that they are extremely evil, and they can't stop their wrongdoings at all. For them, we should thank to their every activity, because they did it by their whole kindness with affection. How egoistic remarks they always expect for us all!!!

  Now, Alex is a nasty naughty boy. He eats their "Delicious" foods, however, any response except for "yes" or "no". They expect affectionate kind words from him, and they know well that they were revealed to be unkind to others. Why not???

  They should vanish, before they were revealed so, they deeply sighed. All of the other members of their family hate them both. Extraordinarily ego-centric, and don't know the limit. Always audacious with the attitude of "I am superior to you, thus you should obey my kind offer, anyway" like one.

  Unfortunately, we are not so perfect. And Chinkoro, deeply sighed. They don't laugh at his perfect performance with ADACHI. They, the combi, tried to get others, audience in RAKUGO, laughing on the matter. Rabby proposed it for both of them, and they tried. and even we can't laugh at the serious situation. Only Miyuki could laugh at the gag like illogical situation, saying, "Oh, I am an orphan called LEMI, on ANIME A boy who has no house! I should spend whole time outside, because I would be caught if I were in the house during a day. F&F, and supporters, please help me!!!! I am tired of this situation!!! I tried to get out of their wrongdoings, however, they can't stop them at all!! They are fated to be my enemy, yes. And they lost already. however, they want to catch me again and again!!! Many DDMs want to catch me even now!!! Please help me!!!"

  Sympathy, no! Money only! Miyuki yelled to DDMs. Revenge, it means. However, DDMs want to gain any sympathy from her, and they want to provide it to her, also!!! Miyuki hates such extra version of Muck Selling Business!!!

  In her house, the both DDMs are doing Business of this kind. Why they are so nasty to do so? Shames after shames, amount of shames. Shameless world they live, and everyday, they are vanishing, at least.

  Clare would feel so nasty by YUKARI's accusation beyond reason. Clare says, not so much, Aleady dead they are, as we know.

  Only one guy could help our situation. And he would be a cheerful one. And he should be male. They believed. Oh, DDMic dream? Thus, Miyuki's formula works.

  Funny guy type, they prefered, and Miyuki played the role of 釣キチ三平 or Sanpei, the fishing maniac. If I had plenty of time, I could fish in the lake. However, not yet. Too too dirty place, here in Shirakawa, a water front is.

  You occupy the kitchen so long hours, her mother accused Miyuki. And she confuses me with YUKARI, she recoginized it finally. for her, the same daughters. And YUKARI is affcttionate type for her, and Miyuki is coolish. Thus, when she praises, she chooses YUKARI, while when she accuses, just says to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki should be target of YUKARI's wrongdoing. A sacrifice, we call it, and Miyuki is always caught by YUKARI's wrongdoings. Her mother can't recognize the diffrence between the two daughters. They started to study. Why I should be accused at YUKARI's matter? Always her mother was so so serious to accuse Miyuki by YUKARI's failure. Miyuki tried to explain others that "I am free from their accusation. They always put me their own wrongdoing's natural result. They accuse me by their own wrongdoings. They can't recognize the difference of personalities. Already deeply progressed Alzheimer patients they are. Now way except vanishing type." And indifferent from them type attitude only.

  Thus they got nervous. they know the fact. They are all in a body. DDMs did know well, thus, they trapped Miyuki so many times. YUKARI wanted to use Clare's insurance for her sake, and they tried to do so, without any recognition of both, and Miyuki was accused by her non participant attitude. "You are desqualified to being their parent. You should be punished!" Her mother declared, and Miyuki calmly explained their error logically, and put the last words, "Probably you don't understand our ideology at all. however, wrongoers are you, mother. For us all, you are inviding my privacy and going to inferno anyway. Your choice, mother. You chose the wrong way. You would never recognize our simply theory of liberalism at all!"

  And she got nervous.

  For her, just a threatening was enough to gain her agreement, however, she wanted to gain total agreement even in the near future. They wanted to gain total insuranced safety from Miyuki, who should reply, "Oh, thus, you can do it as you like", type deligation words wanted to have, and they failed.

  From the begining, they made a big mistake. Audacious attitude was for it. Just faking their superiority and failed by their own mistake. Anyway, I want to accuse her. Thus, parental right would be fine at this situation, her mother shought of.

  MICCHIKU life they chose, and failed. For them, illogical threatening was highly enough to show up. They are lower degree holders, and always say some strange only OMANKO witers could write it type trash information they caught from the newspaper, and they got interested in Miyuki's physical situation. For these 5 years, her mother asked her so seriously, "Are you OK? Anyway phisical condition weighes most, as you know..."

  Now Miyuki should go to bed. her sleeping time should be assured at least.

  They should vanish in a body at once!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! you are so ugly!!!

  See you for us all, and we will see you tomorrow!!!

  From Quarted MARC, with Big Love!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (71)

2017-05-23 18:27:52 | 日記

23/05/2017 (Tuesday, afternoon) Miyuki should be out from her house, namely, a backpackers' hostel for her own, because the two old DDMic ladies were so cruel to others. For them, just a sign of opposition would be fine to call to ther own faked police. Thus, all of us, should get out until 9 oclock in the morning, to avoid their bomb. Explosive, and they thought and think that they were rightous, and they had right to do so. Subjectively, they are the heroes, and we are the wrongdoers. And they have no objective world. Thus, we are in danger.

  Why we Alzheimer patients should accept your strange opinions on the kids' education? They are inferior to us two. They should obey, even we are Alzheimer patients. This is the rule of the world, they declared to Alex and Clare. And the kids got nervous. Anyway, they got to recognize to be patients. Great step for all of us. They refused to have a test, and now, the result. "Non recognition of the disease means you are suffering from Alzheimer disease. Thus, you are the patients. Sincerely, from your adorable doctors of Tokyo Versity Hospital."

  They wrote the letter in English, because for them, it is her first language. And YUKARI wanted to write in English. and wrote to them, asking if they are the patients or not. and received the authentic letter from them. And they accepted the result.

  Authority, they liked. Thus, there is no any measure to prove their mental illness. At least, my daughter is Doctor degree holder of Tokyo Versity, her father declared to others. And others got upset. She? Such a crazy lean girl or old guy? Oh, she is. At least, yes. Versity professor, she is. Now she is looking for another job, except  her scholary job. Actually she is earning yes, however, she would be fired in September, thus, she wants to start new job. Her major is law.

  Bomba!!!! She is not a medical doctor at all!!! Just a lawyer!!!

  How they got confused the real fact of non medical licence with an authentic medical doctor????Doctor is medical one, for them all. And Miyuki has some formulas on this matter. Thus, they relied on her, and she is too cool to attend them all.

  She spets, when she passed through me!!!! Impolite!!!!

  She ate a handful of cherries in front of me in the middle of supermarket!!! They are free, however, she passed the limit!!!

  She ate icecream in a swing exclusively for kids!!!

  She wear belly bottun showing short T shirt!!!

  She took off her nose muck in the shop for cute girls, looking into the mirror there!!!

  She started to dance in the corredor of the shopping mall!! Broadway, she thought of it, probably!!!

  She tried several sun protecting black glasses in the shop, and didn't buy any of them at all!!!

  Thus, they judged her to be a possible candidate of being hospitalized. And then, they started to vanish. They all.

  Why they informed to some evil address on such trifle naugty jokes? Just laughing should be caused by their conducts.

  Miyuki was too too cool so say so.

  Why the maps, already published by the government, under the name of 国土地理院 or Institute of Geography of Land, and 内務省 or Ministry of Inner Affairs, have so many errors, almost all of them fatal ones, including the names of main rivers, directions, and the big public facilities and so on????

  Miyuki got in wonder in the public library, and found that the public servants didn't work diligently at all from the begining. We feeded idiots under the name of tax, Miyuki really felt.

  Even now, in public library, many non working servents are doing their wrong business. OPPABU-BABAAs, they are. Male Testacles Pets, also. Why they don't want to stop their shameless wrongdoing even now???

  They can't stop it. Because they lost their spirits already, and lost their brain function at that time. They can degrade it, however, can't develop it at all.

  Thus, they said, as usual, "Up to 50. After, our life is just falling." They are this type, yes. however, as far as we live, we should develop in some field. Multipul fields should be better, however, even only one, it would be sufficient not to be Alzheimer patient.

  And Miyuki could prove her sanity in body and soul, anyway. Chinkoro got proud of his participation. She is anyway modest type now, and too too amusing among them. Miyuki would be our pet, they predicted. Miyuki imaged a swinging girl in a Parisienne mode, in a jungle, surrounded by her F&F friends. Smiling, and she is polular among them.

  Her "Pet of F&F" image is so positive. Why not type. However, for others, too too nasty, anyway. The cleverest one in the town is a pet of wild animals, they deeply sighed. Why not????

  For Miyuki's flexible mind, good, and enjoyable. A kind of star or idol! Too good to be so!!! So respectful job, I gained!!!

  And they failed. For her, no excuse is needed. She should be killed by our own honour, they decided???

  Honour??? Some kind of skewed pride, they had, presumably. Some, "We are superior to others, in every meaning" type.

  Anyway, I can wash the dished faster than she, her mother declared. however, Miyuki did know her way. A dried residue was left on the dishes. Miyuki got vormitting to find the fact. Dirty. Anti-hygine. Like Hasegawa hospital's staff, they are!

  Rough, dirty, arrogant, ego-centric, easy to get tired from the activities, loving chattering, easy to rely on authority, especially, power holders. DDMis characters, the two have, yes.

  Alzheimer disease, Miyuki said clarely. And they got to know the fact, that Miyuki is free from it, anyway. Her disease was not Alzheimer one, even according to the evil two hospitals, Kyorin Versity and HASEGAWA Hospital. Just a melancholy.

  They thought that Miyuki had suffered from Alzheimer disease, thus, she was hospitalized for so many days. More than 3 months, in total. And they thought that Miyuki gained from their hospitalization. Non working, just pretending to be a patient type job, she did, they believed. And they informed it to others. Thus, Miyuki was caught in the evil town.

  Village, she should correct the description. Now, the number of residents is so so tiny. How many? Probably, too rare like a doragon in the planet earth.

  Spilberg liked her idea to make "The Real hide and seek in Shirakawa". She would participate as a main character????

  No. Not my idea!!! Miyuki catch, they tried, and they failed, and try as usual, incessantly. Alzheimer patients' army, they combined, and they want to kill Miyuki, because she declared the fact, "All of Shirakawa residents are Alzheimer patients!!!"

  She took a lot of proving photos, here and there. And proved the real Alzheimer patients inside her own house. Two. Double functions. Cheerful and spooky. Sandwitch strategy. Negative and positive. They both are forgetful.

  And they didn't know that others think them so forgetful. According to them, they are good at memories. And they don't make a mistake in every day life. Perfect as domestic workers, they described themselves.

 They could not be objective at all. Thus, they didn't watch mirrors in the house. Miyuki's mother has no mirror in her chamber.

  Clock and mirror, we checked. Alzheimer towns are inclined not to have. They want to live eternaly, without aging. Thus, intentionally, they sold mirrors.

  "Why in this residence, my mirrors were so easily broken or vanishing? I need to buy another soon." Miyuki repeated this type of experience again and again. For them, mirror is the target of attacking. And Miyuki and Clare liked to look at the mirror. Amusing to play some games, including cosmetics.

  Miyuki didn't prohibit Clare to do some makeup, however, she adviced her daughter, "There are lots of skewed old guys in this goddamnit town called HACHIOJI. Thus, you should take care of the existance. I already warn you, Clare. You should be cautious to them." And sometimes, Clare put some cosmetics in her face.

  And Miyuki also warned her daughter, "For me, OK, however, cosmetics sometimes hurt your skin. Thus, I didn't do make up practically up to my 35 years old. I don't care even you choose the wrong way at this point. I've already explained my oppinion against your use of cosmetics. I am free from the accusation. Skin problem, you should manage."

  Thus, liberalist, she is. Really cool to say so. Just a fact declaration. Not threatning. Her own failures, she told to her kids. Not "I think that it would be bad for you two, because I think..." type tautological illogical reasoning. Just a fact only type. For it, she should be good at memory, anyway. and she could remember her past, yes. Of course, her infant days, included.

  She liked tiny eggs of UZURA or quail, milanesa type fried ones in bomboo brocet. Always she asked her mother to buy on the way back home. She was cautous to eat them, thus she was safe. Long brocet is of course dangerous to infants, however, so careful one, she was, thus, had no problem at all, and appreciated the taste. Nurtricous, and rich in flavour.

  Quails!!! Japanese Peacock, she wrote. Oh, quails are similar to female type!!! Her first pets in Shirakawa was quails!!! A pair, yes. And she liked them, and played with them inside the house, because the riving room was not covered with concrete cement or so. Just the earth type. And every day, a fresh tiny egg she ate. Japanese sticky TARO potaoes were cobined with the fresh egg. However, she was alergetic to the potatoes at that time, thus, her mouth got some irritation, every when she ate the dish. However, she chose to eat it, because it was delicious. She knew well the danger, and failed many times, however, she ate it, by her total agreement. And now, she has no problem on the matter. No irritation at all with sticky potatoes.

  Why Miyuki can't eat our sticky potatoes dishes at all?, the kids asked. The two responded, "She is alergetic on it." Thus, they refrained from them. Flavour change, they said. Always, after some big mistakes, they use the way. Again, Auntie? You call the trash collector into our house to allow them to steal our properties. for you two, it's OK type acctivities, however, for us, not at all!!! Miyuki is free from the suspection. She recommended to put the keys on her shelves room, when she recognized the danger. She moved swifly, when she percieved the danger. And she is now all day out of the house type. She doesn't want to stay in the house at all. She refuses to live with you both, Granma and Aintie!"

  They were persuaded by Miyuki to be independent. Better than this cruel situation. Always they do their peeping Tom's job. For Miyuki, nasty. however, for them, not so bad. Anyway, they could gain from it. They sold their spirits already yes. And now, we should be free form the danger!!!

  Always autorities are superior to the both. Selling family type, Miyuki recognized. It was appointed by some Todai related pimps. Youichi HIGUCHI was one of them. He exagerated it, "Even in NAZIS day, German family didn't sell their own members, while Japanese counterpart did it. Japanese is more likely to sell the families to public authorities."

  Oh, they are pre-modern type, both. Thus, for them, selling families to the public agencies is too too normal to do so. Miyuki recognized it, so soon.

  Why we should oblige to your, idiots, Granma and Auntie? I live here in the main room, because you two allowed me to do so. And now, they want me to get out of here, because you want to lit the house on to cause fire incidence. You are criminals, punishable one. And we are free from any insurance, don't you know it????

  For them two, astonishing fact. Miyuki should enter into some insurance, covering fire in the house. "Burning in the house!"♫🎶 World Music intruducing job, he did, Miyuki thought. David Burn, his name was. Brazilian music, especially. Fusion, it was called. Anglo type, yes. however, he understood the superiority of black origin music's rhysim, passion and lyricism. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gill, Djavan and so on.

  And Akemi liked "Homen Gol!!!" because of its African taste. Oh, more primitive type, she prefered, Miyuki understood. For Miyuki, more soft mixed type is amusing and good to dance. Homen Gol, is not so bad, however, a bit Boogy Man like tone, it has, and a bit sad in melody. Soulful, yes. however, Miyuki prefered "Quilombo, ai, voce e eu!" by Gil.

 Light music, Miyuki prefers, as always. Yes, some heavy ones, sometimes she hears, however, danceable is good for her.

  Thus, she made a list of her favorite musics, and bought some selective ones, at the cost of US$1.5 per one, by ipad. And liked to listen to them, especially in her working time. When some nasty illusional hearing like noise appeared, she turned on it and volumed up. And she did her work, listening to them, sometimes, yelling with them.

  Especially in case of boresome jobs ordered by Kyorin bosses, she used this technic. Nasty, however, we should finish the work as soon as possible, type tasks were burdened a lot in Kyorin campus. Thus, she used this pattern, and gained the result. She finished the goddamnit nasty time consuming job without losing her cheerful mood. Great choice! Only cheerful, impressive, danceable songs!!! Only they should be listened by her type good taste type! And she chose from oldies, folklores, rocks, pops, fados, BPM, and so on. Nice!!! And Japanese song? Not at all! She hates Japanese music!!!!

  Not danceable, and so so illogical, just sentimental type feeble musics, they were. Thus, when she sings, she prefers kids music, she had learned when she was so young.

  For us all, they are a kind of bitch. Nasty ones, however, they called them white witches. And probably, in their subjective only world, they are beautiful kind ladies in a perfect mode.

  Narcist they are. And don't know the limit. Alex would be the victim no.1 of them both. for him, no choice at all type remarks they did, to force him to be their pet. He is charming boy, thus, he could escape from the disaster, anyway. Don't get them in rage. They do it, without any excuse, they wanted to tell Miyuki. However, they prohibitted them to do so. Any communication should not be done with the forced hospitalization experients at all. This order was done by Ministry of Land of Transportation. Oh, Ministry Alzheimer disease!!!!

  They coufused their own names again and again. And now, they came to meet MIYUKI directly all the way from Tokyo to Shirakawa, and Miyuki took their pictures, laughing at their spooky SARUSHI funeral goers mode only attitude. And they contracted with the bitches!!! Oh, South East Asians for this object!!! Special train directly to INFERNO!!! Oh, 腹上死 or "On the belly" death!! Shameful trains, they took, and we monitored and video taped.

  Miyuki wispered them, singing the melody of "You shall die!”♫♬, "I know 周藤 利一Toshikazu SUTOU, your member. I know him well. He at first said that he graduated from WASEDA, and later, from Todai. Oh, he chaneged personality yes. And he was a Testacle Pet of Keiichi OOHAMA. A short type, with round bold head. Cerry Boy!!! Runaways.

  She knows well, now, only one ministry is faked by them. Ministry of Land and Transportation. And they used our precious money to play the golf here in Shirakawa, and to be huged by OPPABU young Southern Eastern type ladies. They made so many Golf club arround Shirakawa. Why? Miyuki didn't know the reason. Probably, just because of jealousy. They wanted to devastate our precious forests, and showed up their faked chicken power, Miyuki now presumes.

  岩橋 or IWAHASHI was his predicessor, and vanished already. Thus, SUTOU took advantage and failed. Miyuki wanted to meet some her ex-colleague in her Todai period, however, she couldn't. Oh, public servants in a black SARUSHI funeral goers suits only take the ride of bullet train today. Where is he???

  They failed yes. however, how? In the train, doing Emmanuel Loves to do it type pleasure, and before it, they vanished, probably, Miyuki presumed.

  Only public servant came here using Bullet train. Smart car users type is inferior IKKYO ex-believers combined with actual betrayers. Thus, not obedient even to their bosses. They should check the result of the contract between ABE and Moon Seng Ming, done 3 years ago. And then. the prevalence of North Korean type brought by Kim Jon Nam. These Koreans are kins, according to HACHIOJI's monitoring PC service. Thus, spooky and cruel horror situation, we are passing in Shirakawa. Both have no spirits yes, however, they would deseave to be laughted at .

  Miyuki's resume was too too right to others. Spooky mood, IKKYO believers had. And cruelity came from North Korean type. Eroticism, with some tropical countries nationality holders. All combined together.

  And in many places, Miyuki heard that DDMs talk on the medical service.

  "Oh, my family is now hospitalized. And he would be injected and come back to take a bath. hospitalization is good for us all, because I don't want to see he suffers." In a plant breeding shop.

  "Are you going to be shot? Oh, it would be fine to do so." Conversation between old faked shoppers.

  "She is going to her own clinic. And going to clinic is good for her health. I would like to do so." In a supermarket.

  They are hospitalization lovers, and like to be shot. Thus, they do so! Win-Win relation between them and us all.

  IDIOCRACY has no limit, Miyuki deeply thinks so. They can sell their own spirits to the devils, yes, in the limit. They should not give a damage for us, at all. However, they damege us every day. Even today, Miyuki had no chance to put some sun protective eye glasses and her decorative earings at all. Just a big straw hat, yeaterday she baught at US$1 shop, only she put and got out the house, in a hurry, or, she would be caught by some evilest ones, called by the DDMs in the main room.

  They easily contracts with the evil wrongdoers. They themselves are the same. however, their way is indirect. Thus, they don't recognize that it means homicide. For them, not at all type ordinary days. Just a getting upset is enough to call to the faked police.

  This is their system. Monitoring is for it. If you find someone so unusual, inform to us, and you would gain some prize from public authority. Ton Ton Macute in the family. HIGUCHI would like it!!!

  中山道子 or Michiko NAKAYAMA vanished already. She was a rough type, and good at English and started to learn French. Diplomat's daughter, she herself introduced to others, and her elder sister is also diplomat. Why she quited her major?, was Miyuki's question.  Shigueru MINAMINO wispered to Miyuki that she was thinking of study public sanity in USA, quitting her actual job as a assistent professor of お茶の水 or OCHA-NO-MIZU women's college.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (70)

2017-05-22 18:47:49 | 日記

22/05/2017 (Monday, afternoon) She came back from her forced getting out of the house now. She should be away from the actual backpacker hostel, because her Alzheimer families wanted to catch her.

  In the morning, her mother said to her, "Why don't you dry up your bed clothings?", passing beside her. And Miyuki ignored her entirely. Just her habit's declaration. She has no right to order it to me, Miyuki applied the actual standard in this case, also.

  For Alzheimer patients, ignorance is the best policy. Don't be afraid of their idiocracy. They can't do anything, if we resist against them, because they are incapable.

  Thus, the family entirely cut the tie on the both two. Too many things were stolen by the thieves, and they wanted Miyuki to play the role of the thief. For them, good suitable offer, however, for her, not at all. And she is rich, and against their idiocracy, anyway. They are both Alzheimer patients yes. Thus, they ran away from them both.

  MIYUKI wanted to pass time as she likes, as usual. Lunch in the house, to be economic. However, today is not so good. They wanted to sacrifice Miyuki anyway. For them, system change is indifferent from their thought. Any her sacrifice would be fine for both of them. Miyuki should contribute for them, anyway.

  They are cruel, and Miyuki didn't know her mother's evilness at all. Rather, Miyuki thought that she were a kind woman. And she got to know that the fact is the contrary. Just "Devil of Jealousy" as other DDMs.

  Thus, they failed. For them, calling to the police was a normal ordinary behaviour. And the police ignored their remarks when they were less evil. However, in these three years, they attended them enthusiasitically, thus they gained the ilegitimate power in the maximum mode. Thus, they were so arrogant until now.

  They are already Alzheimer patients, yes, because of their intellectual idolness, yes. However, moral idolness was put on them since three years ago.

  And now, everyone should know that YUKARI is vanishing now. Totally, probably. She was vanishing, yes, Miyuki felt recently. Anyway, the "I will kill you!" like strong eye beam was lost, and she was nothing for her, as she described before.

  Long long struggle with her. Always ego-centric subjective information she produced, and she admired her own rightousness. She thought that she played the role of perfect good girl whole her life. Thus, YUKARI should not appear for a while. Nasty fighting against her. And her mother assisted her indulgence during 20 years. She used her daughter as her assistent, and avoided to work even in the domestic field.

  YUKARI took the place of her mother, they thought. Worse way. Anyway, she doesn't know any domestic task to be done. Why she could call herself as Domestic worker, during her life, they got in wonder.

  for her, sufficient, and for us all, disaster itself. Anyway, I should be feeded by any one of our family like attitude she took. Why me? Miyuki got upset when she watched the vast number of the boxes YUKARI prepared to send from Hachioji to Shirakawa. Absurd!!! Only 66㎡'s apartment was occupied by her all cheapish things!!! Spooky nightmare. And she wanted to live even after Miyuki would move to another place with them. Miyuki did explain her several times, that She wanted YUKARI to go back to Shirakawa, and she had any plan to bring her to her hew house at all.

  However, when she watched at the volume of the boxes, Miyuki got to recognize that YUKARI wanted to live forever with Miyuki's family, as a dependent, despite of Miyuki's evident hatred against her.

  Miyuki was so shocked on the scene, and she could not sleep at the night, thinking, "Oh, she wanted to chase us! She intended to live with us even in our new house", repeatedly, like a bell ringing in her mind, or some recording vices.

  So shocked at the scene, and Miyuki decided to cut all the communication with her, as much as possible.

  Miyuki asked her mother, "Do you plan to make YUKARI to live with me in the new house?" and her reply was, "Not at all!!I didn't know it!" Miyuki believed her remarks, yes. however, now, probably, they planned it altogether. For them, double, triple income was good. Thus, her mother, from her husband's income, while YUKARI, from Miyuki's income.

  Reluctant idol nasty ladies, they are. And now YUKARI is leaving without saying bye to them all. Good. Anyway, the good end for us all!!!

  Too too nasty to say so, however, your mother is not clean at all. She uses the kichen for her teeth blashing. And she put the description, "For Kitchen use", on the towl, used by her own sake to wash in the bath. Thus, Clare avoided to use the place, and showed the way they did as always. Washing their hands with detergent, and pour the dirty water on the dishes of others. Nasty and arrogant attitude here and there. "We take you as less than beast, Trash!" they expressed to others.

  Miyuki could put up with the situation, anyway. Always she took somebody as good doers, until she gets to know its evilness. Good natured one, she presumes as always. Then, when she gets in doubt, she starts to propose hypothesis "if it were wrongdoer, what would be the proofs of the fact I knew or remember?" This is hew way of her scholary job. Investigation starts from the point. And now, confirmed the fact of evil nasty wrongdoings. Too too tough type, and they liked to cover the errors each other. Miyuki did know the system already in Tokyo. Thus, she was easily to percieve the situation.

 For Miyuki, not so unnusual YUKARI's total vanishing. Oh, today. Before her birthday of 49 years old. Good! For Ikkyo believers, 4 and 9 were avoidable numbers. Miyuki presumed so well and thought of her age. For YUKARI herself, I am forever young type. I have no white hair at all. Thus, I am younger than Miyuki.

  For her, any BLA-BLA-BLA is true subjectively. And they caught her today. Too too delayed, however, they could do it.

  Too too slow. Why she can survive so long, despite of her accumulated wrongdoings? Clare got suffered a lot because of her!!!!

  For YUKARI, any activities could be fine, if she were ordered by some authorities. Thus, faked authority functions well to her. She was caught by the faked police, and now in hospitalized situation. She is too too evil and kinkiest among her family, they deeply thought. Why I should be caught? Miyuki is a wrondgoer, and I am a good girl type. You got confused Miyuki with me!!! She cried in a loud voice. And they really recognized that her sister is at least younger than this evil wrongdoer.

  Why she wants to attack us several times?, Clare asked to her family, again and again. And they responded, as usual, "Because she thought that she were superior to you two." And now, she confessed that "I am incapable. I don't work at all. I am reluctant to do work for my sister's goddamnit kids!!!"

  Thus, YUKARI should have refrained from her cruelest job. However, YUKARI wanted to know the kids privacy, as their real Auntie. No privacy conception she has, they decided. Recognition problem yes.

  Makiko got really shocked at Miyuki's forced hospitalization. Lean, yes. However, normal healthy just a young comical character type. Not diserved to be hospitalized type. Why she was put in, while her besickened evl younger sister YUKARI is all free from any punishment????

  And they got nervous to get to know the existence of the system. They monitored us, and tried to catch any of us, if they wanted in reality. IDIOCRACY's fear oriented society, Japan passed, they really got impressed. Anyway, Miyuki was survived from the evil hospitalization at all. Thus, the both, her mother and sister came to the hospital to pick up Miyuki to the home town. They wanted to show who were superior to her. And if she get nervous, the medical staff wanted to shot her twice, as if it happened in 2015.

  They played the role of Miyuki's faked family members, however, they were just Alzheimer patients, already lost their spirits for many years ago type, Miyuki deeply felt so.

  They sold some objects, and her father accused them both on the matter, and her mother replied, "Oh, I didn't know it", thus, they both failed. She added, "Oh, then, I will take care of not to do it". And her father kept silent.

  Shocking confession done by her mother. Oh, we did it. We thought it was good for you type light way of waying, her mother is accustomed to say recently. and she likes to abolish many things. She said to me, in her harshest way, "I like empty in the kitchen. Cleaness, I like." in the accusing tone on Miyuki. Oh, I clean up the kitchen as always. Why you accuse me?

  And her mother never scolded YUKARI at all. Even YUKARI did some violence on Miyuki, her mother was laughing as if, "You should allow her to do so, because she is fated to be so. You are older than YUKARI, anyway."

  For her, nasty sly smiling her mother left on her memory. Why she is so ugly, if she were really so kind? Kindness makes us to be prittier, yes. Miyuki liked the story of OUME-DON of Japanese old story. And the hiroine was so resembling her grand mother, namely, the mother of this nasty ugly DDM.

  Indulged elder sister, she wanted to be, and she got revealed her own ugly character in the period of her ordial, Miyuki thought. She has never  been my friend, and would not ever in the future, either. Miyuki's comment on her.

  Too too kean for us all. Her mother is disliked by her daughter, and the mother hates Miyuki so much. And the mother wanted to keep Miyuki in her territory just to confirm the mother's superiority to Miyuki.

  She suffers from some strange disease, we presumed. Alzheimer disease, presumably. And Miyuki got to know well on her character. Thus, YUKARI was caught. Too young, everyone thought, however, already in the serious stage she is in.

  She couldn't recognize the difference between right and wrong. It means lack of sense of justice. It means she is a promissive wrongdoer. And she attacked her family already several times. And they kept silent, because she attacks seriously after her failure of killing attempt on others.

  Jason, YUKARI would be. And she is an old bitch type. She disliked Miyuki because of her "I like to make an effort to be better!" type positive mood. Always, she is lucky, YUKARI deeply thinks, and Miyuki also.

  Protected by someone, they deeply think so. And Miyuki don't conceal the evident fact. yes, I am protected by my mates, my friends, and Gods of Justice!!!!

  Or, how she could survive the situation??? Always miracles happen on her to be saved. Every time, she fails yes. And after, a big gift from them. She never gets up without grasping the better gifts!!!

  Chinkoro was accused to use the technic to induce her to the site of icecream provider. Too too risky, because she ate all of the golden kiwi in front of them, only one day before yesterday. Thus, she should change the mood. Thus, she put her new straw hat, bought on Can Do, another US$1 store. Oh, Vetnamese!!! Good!! Thank you! I lost Brazilian hat in SHIRASAKA area, and today, gained the real Vetnamese one.

  She chose the lighter whitish one for her summer agricultural job as an stylish naturalist. An urbanized girl type, she thought, and they she changed her mind. More pirate type! Oh, Pirates of Carribian!!! Disney's attraction!!! Johnny Dipp!!!

  She explained the history of Carrib area as a story of Pirate of Carribian!!! Oh, Captain Drake!! Pirate of teh Queen!! Public service, they did. Kinkiest British illegal history, they all thought, when they were in high school pupils.

  Iligitimate however, admitted totally by the supreme authority in the state. Thus, state action. Thus, war, anyway.

  The same situation now Japan passes. Why this country is so evil to attack us all???? Crazy kinky old erotic idiots attack us so many times incessently. They should vanish, immediately!!!

  Silent majority, Edward Lease wrote. And they, Shirakawa residents faked to be them. And silent majority are participants, thus, punishable, yes. Why they don't understand the simplest theory?

  "Don't hasitate to do rightously. Or, you are coward chicken betrayer!" 義を見てなさずんば勇なき成り。OKINO likes to refer to this old proverb. And Miyuki deeply thinks so. She tried not to do so, to her pupils, however, they chose the wrong way. And faked the fact. Thus, they were the proofs of wrongdoings.

  They did know the system, anyway, and enhanced their territory, as they liked, and should vanish immediately.

  YUKARI is the proof itself, Miyuki really feels so. Mirror not to be so type recognition among Quartet MARC. Why she chooses so wrongly? Even just a trifle thing, she choose in the worst way. And they should know that YUKARI is in the silent mood. Thus, be careful to approach her. She would get explosive, after the catch. Always, they caught her, and then, she got nervous, and explosed in some significant meaning.

  She wanted to have a house, yes. However, litting the fire is absurd even to her mate, namely, her mother. Miyuki found the proof, and took a picture, and informed her mother, and the mother turned off the gas, and yelled her mate YUKARI, "I don't know who lit it, however, the fire was on even the kettle was empty!"

  Why her mother was so nervous in the second floor, as if she were waiting for some information? Miyuki said the rightous words to her, "I don't know if someone does it intentionally or not, however, at least, I inform you the fact of vacant kettle on the gas range. If you want, I will turn off the gas fire. Which do you prefer?"

  And her mother said, "I might put the kettle on fire...Anyway I will turn off it by myself."

  And Miyuki checked that her mother really turned off the fire, because sometimes, no cheking system causes disaster.

  Thus, their world ended. Anyway, too too dangerous to others. No cleaness is needed between them, yes, probably. However, for her dirty choice, we suffer a lot. We should get others informed anyway.

  And Miyuki refered the wrongdoing done in the riverside of ABUKUMA river. OZON discomposition room, they wrote and put the plates on the two vacant normal building's normal door. Oh, anti-scientific! Ikkyo like way.

  If we could do it so easily, why the academicians needed to talk in the big table each several years worldwidely? Miyuki got astonished.

  And "FUKUSHIMA Material Company's building had a big pipe without any connection to or from inside. Just a decoration. Highly IKKYO like ways, indeed."

 "Did you know TAKAHASHI river? I went near yesterday. And near there, I found a big JR STATION' plate saying, "KUDANO Station", and it was just parking lots of tracks."

  And in the end, "Oh, this godamnit town has been faking for long long years, unnecessarily. Too too idol residents, Shirakawa ones are. No industry town, rural type, as common rural towns all over Japan."

  As always, she declared the remarks, and left the office quietly. No future in the town like gesture, entirely. And her father, wanted to refuse it, and suddenly he dashed into the toilet.

  This is their punishment. They used wifi even now to monitor Miyuki's behavours. And they got upset to hear her real voice. Too too manish, thus, she wears in manish style, they presumed. And the right answer is, "Miss Saigon, with her casual shopping in the rural town called Shirakawa" mode. Combined with a whitish big hat. She liked it, because it is with thread to put it on her head tightly. She didn't want to lose any hat by naugty wind.

  She wants a big hat for her everyday use. Cheap one is good choice. And Miyuki rememberd on the remarks on Panama hat. Handsome old guy should buy a Panama hat each year at the biginning of summer. And she imaged to throw it when she exausted to use it in entire summer into the ocean, praying some other species taking advantage of it, like nest or boat or so. Coolish, at the same type, romantic!!!

  Miyuki likes to behave like a girl, in her girly wear. And ocean, she chose. Some trash throwal, yes. However, natural paterial. Only few people's world, she could be a heroine of the cheeful summer drama!!!!

  And she sang the medrey of summer cosmetics.

  燃えろ、夏子、眩しすぎる、お前との出会い!♫♫ Burn, NATSUKO, our encounter is so so brigter than we both imagined!!!

  め組の人、or Team ME members by channels.

  君たち、キーウィ、パパイア、マンゴーだね♫♬ by Mayo SHOONO. You are KIWI, Papaya and Mango!

  She likes to sing, indeed. Summer time best hit parade, she likes so much!!!

  And she sometimes poses, when she likes the frases and the melodies.

  She sometimes thinks of her Brazilian counterparts IVANIZA and her younger sister. Anyway, her sisters are not similar each other. and they are all naughty type. Even as parents, they would prefer playing the games. And probably, their kids scold them being their naugty way.

  For her, amusing. And the conductor knows them well, and allowed them to do so. Triple naughty ladies, he thought.

  In Brazil's bus, they should pay the ticket. However, some technic exists not to pay. The merry-go-round type door they used at that time. One round for each. However, they three were so lean, thus, they got combined and passed altogether in a body, all three, in a round, and escaped from paying the ticket. Yes, illigal. However, amusing some kind of the prrof of quickness. Not evil like DDMic jobs. Some naughy boy should learn to do so type requisit in our life.

  Even now, for them, naughy girl type. IVANIZA was a leader of them. She has the fisiolonomy of a bit natural tribe. And her younger, more french type. Girly and with fluffy smoked brown hair. For Miyuki, she is a normal, amusing, rather quicker type. However, according to IVANIZA, she was a kind of challenged, thus, she should go to special school for her slowness on the study???? And they should pay much more for it.

  And when IVANIZA got a baby, she visited her family in her own house. Cozy, good one, better than IKKYO house. And her husband is quiet calm old type Japanese like a bit short one. Sincerity he has, Miyuki thought. And his cheerful mother got praised his boy's big hit. "Oh, my boy, this a bit slow in some area type, gained a Brazilian wife!!! Only quick one could do it, he did, for my astonishing!!!"

  Subjectively, he is a kind of slow one, in some meaning. However, Miyuki thought that he was traditional old type Japanese, in the most positive way of saying. Not actual evil Japanese. And their kid is a semi-blood, and cute boy. And his grand mother praised his grand son's being semi-blooding. For Miyuki, oh, good! Normal!! Mixed blood is good, gegerally speaking!!!

  Almost all of her well know semi-blooded type are beautiful. Some principle weighs. The hybrid system, we learned when we were in a school. And our kids are the real proofs. They equally think so. Miyuki's kids are beautiful. Why they should wear uniforms????

  Joke like situation, the kids suffered. YUKARI liked them to wear the uniforms, because it is easy to wear. Non washing, it means for her. Thus, they asked the kids' school master to adopt the new uniform. For Clare, old type, as Miyuki wore, and hated to use type. And for Alex, new one like AOYAMA high school boys type.

  Why? Miyuki really didn't know what they did on her kids. They didn't say anything to her, and if they need to inform me, they shoud do so. At least, I already expressed my opinion on the school. Costume play's stage for them???

  For Alex, yes. However, for Clare, nothing at all. She disliked to wear it. And in summer, anyway, hot. A steam bath.

  And Miyuki laught at seeing the scene that YUKARI was steaming Alex's jacket with her strange aroma difuser like equipment. What and why she is doing such a strange act??? AROAM difuser she used to pass the jacket. Why? For her, some resembling equipment, anyway.

  Thus, they bought two of them. Several weeks ago, on Saturday, a faked TAKKYU-BIN or net shopping's good deliverer came and Alex received it at the cost of US$12. Then, on Sunday, the same thing happened, and this time, YUKARI paid and received it. What would be it? And soon, on the corredor on the second floor, the aroma difuser, one, appeared abruptly. Why it is located here in the middle of the corredor? And YUKARI was doing aromatizeing job in the corredor, in front of Alex's chamber. She wants to mark by flavour on Alex???

  They likes to mark, in stead of occupation. Miyuki really thought. On the road, there are lots of marks, unnecessarily. They put iron nails with the mark of X with some coloured vinil circle or ribbon. What does it mean?, Miyuki got in wonder. And she just got to notice that asphart is soft rather than she had thought.

  Subjective thinking makes us being Alzheimer patients. Always she is right type attitude makes YUKARI an arrogant queen, in her house. Nasty evil wrongdoers, who abuses any public power for example the police power, even it were faked one. Fire department, of course, yes. BLA-BLA-BLA was enough to persuade them. Thus, her mother hired YUKARI as their watch dog, and the both failed. Why we should sustain such broken robots, two both? Clare really got upset. They gives us damage only type. Why we should put up their wrongdoings???

  And she recognized that Miyuki have no power to do it. Oh, just the same. Miyuki could irradicate them in math. And as an individual, she doen't work at all.

  Thus, they got nervous. YUKARI came back from her provisional stay in her own house. She could remember the Alex's smell, she said. However, for her, just an appearance is enough. Anyway, dirty messy woman in the house type. Hermit, she is. Thus, they could find YUKARI in the end yesterday.

  Her mother started to worry about YUKARI's delayed arrival, as usual. It already happened several times, after Miyuki's discharge. And Miyuki recognizes that her mother confused her with YUKARI. Thus, last night, at 22:00 or so, the mother came to the office, and asked Alex, "Do you know if your mother MIYUKI already came back or not?" Miyuki was there, in front of her. However, she kept silent. Why she asks it to Alex? I am here, mother. And Alex replied instead of Miyuki, "She is now here." And her mother got relieved and added to say, "Her shoes were not in the house, thus I got worried about her vanishing."

  My shoes were on the entrance hall, as usual. And my sandals were in front of the office. Why the mother wanted to know if I were here or not???

  Probably, for them both, Alex's reply is more reliable than their own recognition on my existance. Thus, only a remark should be fatal for them all. "You are already dead, King Rah!!!" by Godhand HOKUTO.

  Strange dream they had. Tokyo residents adorers, they are. And now, YUKARI is the same as usual. Broken evil robot, as always. She would commit a lot of big errors incessently, probably. And she tried to call the faked police, incessently to kill other members.

  Thus, all of the families run away from the both two. 9 to 5, like Jane Fonda's film. Miyuki should take a rest in several supermarkets and eat some cheapish foods there.

  The shape is really similar, however, its contents are different totally, Miyuki tamed Rabby and Chinkoro. Oh, raisins!!! Rum Raisins!!! This shape? Oh, yes, looks like ours. Thus they failed. Miyuki knows well. Resemblance only in the shape. Smell is different. Just a faked resemblance. Amusing joke, except in time of meals. They laught at the coincidence.

  Why Miyuki forgets to say the fact? YUKARI ate the muck? Because she found muck, and YUKARI was the ruler of the water place at that time, yes, however, she didn't watch that YUKARI did really eat it.

  Thus, presumption. The fact is, in a cup, with YUKARI's favorite type design of Bear, reluctant to do anything type, there was a small muck of dog or so, in the basin of our face washing closet, in the changing room beside the bathroom. What is this? Like it, and smelly! Thus, it would be. And why, it is here? Why anyone put it away? and Miyuki flushed it immediately in the ditch. She wanted to spill the smell in the air anyway. The reason? YUKARI is Alzheimer patient, she got to realize deeply at the case. For her, any recognition ability is lucking now, Miyuki confirmed at the day.

  Thus, she started to attack her in her writing. Muck eater, Miyuki thought. And now, she is in the process.

  "What is it?!", with YUKARI's astonished voice, when she opened the door of the fredge in the main house. And Miyuki recognized the smell of rotten fatus like some rotten protain flavour. Miyuki spinched her nose with the two fingers, showing that I could sense this nasty smell to Alex. Almost vomitting type. And Miyuki refrained from the fredge anyway.

  A knd of evacuation from the dangerous zone to a tiny limited place, called a fredge in the office.

   YUKARI did explain always that she did just for MIYUKI's sake, because MIYUKI liked it. Oh, she likes to eat muck??? And they should recognize that YUKARI is not forever young type. Forever old type, since she was a baby.

  Degradad gradually since she was born, and earlier than others. Muck like life she should send, they thought, and she did. YUKARI was a mirror of our wrongdoings, thus, she should be praised????

  Not at all!!! She is the contrary to us. We should avoid to be she, the evilest wrongdoer. Thus, mirror. The ugly figures in the family. For them, normal. however, for us, abnormal.

  They damaged the image of maternal love, they really think so. Thus they should vanish. They all, yes!!! Maternity itself is anti-scientific illusion. Miyuki could confirm it, by her harsh experiences. Wrongdoers wanted to attack her because of lack of maternity, and they failed. No maternity yes. Because she is a male. We are males, yes. No maternity type. Just friendship, we have. Not so gene oriented type.

  Rabby & Chinkoro is Daddy and Sonny yes. However, they are good friends. The similar, they feel in reality. ADACHI feels sympaty to Miyuki's each remark. Anyway she thinks like I!!! Too too male, she is!!!

  She likes to fake yes, as a professional. She needs to do so, to trap someone. And she enjoys the diversity. And we differ from others. Thus, unique, and individual, and independent.

  Muck is sticky. Totalitarians. No difference, no separation among them, as individual. Collectiveness only world. Thus, they two. Only one, they were so weak. Thus, they enhanced so much.

  They didn't know the limit, and easily passed the limit. We suffered a lot because of their wrongdoing.

  Now we should eat pork!!! Vanish!! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!! And we are so hungry!!! Especially Miyuki is now!!!

  From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE,   toward us all, Fauna & Flora, and our supporters!!!