Dark Side of Local Fairs

2017-02-11 18:26:07 | 日記
11/02/2017 (afternoon) I went to see local fair called DARUMA-ICHI.

It's 11th, February. The National Holiday of "State Construction". Some emperor in modern Japane was born or died on this day. I'm not sure. Power Holders like to make a holiday. Birthday or Day of Death is a good excuse to establish national holiday.

Before the surrender of WWII, this day was taught that the ancestor of the emperors brought this country by the rope from somewhere. The ancestor should be begger than the country. He would be a giant.
He was called "OOKUNINUSHI-NO-MIKOTO". In Japanese, his name represents the owner of the land.

This episode was talked by my mother. I knew the level of my mother when I was an infant. She is kind however, not good at judging which is fact and which is fiction.

My father is more scientific. Thus, he ordered to stop the ridiculous story.

My mother is, a kind of "Guts ISHIMATSU" tribe. He is an ex-boxer and artist.
When he participated in the quiz program on TV, he answered that the year of the establishment of KAMAKURA government was 4192!
Everyone laughed at his ridiculous answer. However, he insisted that he was taught in school from his teacher.

Yes, he was right. He was just confused "4" with "1".
In Japanese, in vulgar way, "良い" or "good" is pronouced in "ii", and the correct pronounciation "yoi".
"i" means 1 in fugure and "yo" means 4. Thus, he memorized the year as 4192, instead of 1192.
He was quick and not forgetful. However, he couldn't deduce that we are in 21 century.

By the way, in Shirakawa, paper dolls called DARUMA is sold only this day in the fair.
Various sizes of DARUMA are in the shelves.
This doll is a lucky charm. Then, there is a tradition that once a year people buy one DARUMA and burn last year's one.
The smallest costs US$3 and the biggest US$170. The latter is almost 1m at hight.

The shape and design look like Matryosica in Russia.
I have heard that Matryosica was made by the inspiration of DARUMA in Edo era counterpart age in Russia.

There are lots of figures in the fair. However, I found that Shirakawa people's number was small. Most of them were outsiders from somewhere.

And I remembered that yesterday, there were many figures in the supermarket. Yesterday was Friday, normal weekdays. Many young families with kids were there.

I noticed that the parents were not so kind to their kids. For example, in front of the shelves of meat, I found a young mother, looking for a package of cheaper minced meat. Beside her, there was an infant in a shopping cart, shouting, "I feel pain! My legs ache! ", repeatedly. However, she ignored his shout. She was so absurbed in the prices and crashed on me a bit. She appologised me, slightly. "Don't worry, I'm OK.", I gestured. And I thought, "I'm OK, however, your boy isn't OK. Why she doesn't change his position immediately? He can't do it by himself. He needs her help. He expressed his unhappiness. Why this mother doesn't recognize his shout?"

Now I understand. They came from other places to sell their cheap low quality foods in the fair.
They were preparing for the fair, doing shopping at the supermarkets.

Probably, their kids belong to their community, not their family. Today, in any shops, there were no kid. Probably, many of them were used as kids of others, who pretended to be clients of the shops.
We call it SAKURA or ONANISM-ECONOMY. They sell and buy, in a certain small concealed society. SAKURA is decoy. They play the role of clients instead of real clients.

Thus, there is no kids in the tents, even it's Saturday today.
Probably, in their world, there is no sufficient basic necessity providing system. Thus, they are insensetive to others' feeling, because they were also ignored by the others, during their growing up age.

They work for local towns to show up the excitement of only one day per year. They move from south to north, vice sersa all over town. Their kids probably have no education. They are not registered in public agencies. Their birth and death are concealed and unknown to others in public. Thus, the adults can do the kids as they like.
This system would be maintained by the allowence of the minicipalities and the governments, local and central both.
Just for showing up the pseudo prosperity of so short hours, they live. Like a famous song of "Black Orpheus" by Vinisius Moraes.
"Tristesa nao tem fin, felizidade, so.
Felizidade e uma coisa que florese, que passe, que cai nas ondas do mar, como a petra de flor..."

Beautiful, however, sad song. The short life of poor people, especially, of poor kids.
Why we should continue to see the inhuman scene, when the city fair comes once a year.
This is not an amusing event, but a show up of the darkness of inferno.

Shirakawa power holders want to continue the gimmick play of faked prosperity, although we know that the city has no industry.
Shuttered shops in the main street, for example. The clients are rare in appear.
They showed up appear with not cheerful face, despite of lack of clients.

Their goods are second handed products, which were made in another place, as the cheap and more quantative ones.
They opened the package and took the contents, divided one into four in the specially made beautiful package each, put in the shelves on the showcase, for rare clients.
Clients buy it and taste it, and get to know the truth.
Oh, the taste is different. The last shop of this place, which was famous for DoDoMerdas as the shop of quality, fell with a loud sound. Wow, this is not the taste we know. Only a cheap one. The package is beautiful, with a good design, however, the content is the same as more popular ones.
They, I would not buy any more. I paid a bit for one. however, I could avoit to be laughted by someone, who would receive it. "Oh, Miyuki, you believe that the shop makes their own product even now! She is so ignorant! The shop stopped to run, practically. just a name. Just for the appearance of the name of main street, they continue to pretend to exist."

Probably if several shops exist, the region is qualified as commercial zone and the price of the place is kept. Thus, just faking in appearance is important and keeping the quality of the sweet is out of mind. Nor, attending clients. Clients are goddamnit disturbing existance of their still life. "Clients should get out of here. We are too tired to attend them. " This is the real voice collected by our special reseachers.

They are reluctant to attend people who don't know the fact. however, they have to do so, because the people may get to know the fact that Japan, Prefecture, Municipality have been dead already far far long ago.
They kindly attend us, without their opposite feeling. They don't work at all. They want to take a rest more and more.

More? They don't work, while we work. We want to work, yes. I need money. Thus work.

They don't have money, however, they have insurance. The insurance covers their unhappiness. Thus, they are waiting for their unhappiness. Just working? Ridiculous. We have a big dream. I want to be a queen of Alice in wonderland! I would be a witch in Oz land. I would be a Lylis. I would be Mary Antoinette.

Yes, they have a dream to rule the world of their own world. They are the queens of the land. Each one, each world. Thus, they were so arrogant.
They can do so, in their inner world, however, they can't involve us, at all. I don't want to be a member of their societies. I am the ruler of my inner world. I don't need to obey them

They don't understand it. They need to be obeyed someone. Someone important is better. She would be the target. She, that one, who can't get in common. She, is the target. I want her. She should be my pet. She is my mother, she would be my mother. She, she...

Strange to say, this is the real feeling when male DoDoMerdas choose person for some position, even in versities. I want her, means, I want her bust and to suck and lick the nipples. I want it. "The bigger, the better."

This frase is used as a commercial of a big but thin chocolate called "Yale" by Morinaga Company. The composer is called Naozumi YAMAMOTO, a sing a song writer artist and he himself appeared in the commercial.
Where is "YALE" chocolate? We bought it because of the reasonable taste. I liked it.
Now, there are lots of cheaper chocolates. Less than US$1. Much cheaper than in our age. Why? Icecream is also cheaper, that we were child. Why? Because of logistics? No! Because of trading system and customs? Yes. Sweets are cheaper than others, because they are luxuarity.
The costs of luxurity goods are cheaper than that of necesity? Why? Because people need to buy it.

Thus, another contradiction under IDIOCRACY in Japan.
Sweets are cheaper and foods are expensive rather than in my child age.
Some power holders stop the natural law of economy artifucially. Unfairly controled society, it is.
And power holders want to the prices up more and more.

Oh, old boy. Haruhiko KURODA sold his soul to Devils to get the highest position in Economy in Japan.
Miyuki did see him in the memorial meeting for deceised prof.AOMI in his early days of his presidenciary.
Now, he can't recognize the figures at all. He is economically blind. Oh, maybe.

I learned Economy mainly in high school. My knowledge is limited. Even though, I could understand that his remarks are filled with lies and illogical theories and their contradictional combination.
Whe can't recognized it? Only DoDoMerdas. We people feel strange their fluent remarks. Why they lie so many times? Why they think thet their lies have shortest legs?
They believe that we common people don't recognize it. They think that what they recognize can't be recognized by us, common people. They are proud of their knowledge, despite of the opposite truth.

"Cogit ergo sum" or "I think, thus I exist" is DesCaetes' remark. It means that each one understand the world by his own approach. However, probably, DoDoMerdic economists like Mr.KURODA understand it, "I think, thus, Japan is in the highest point of the prosperity." or "I believe, thus, I am a queen of Japanese economy. You should obey me. I am always right, because I believe so!"

Prof.Junichi OUMI's major was Philosophy of Law. Probably, Mr.KURODA, as his ex-pupil, got to know the remark and understood it as he liked. "Wow, this frase fits me! Yes, I want to be a Queen! How can I do for it? Yes, call to Devils and ask them to make me a Queen! That's right! " Thus, he sold his soul and got his position.

All DoDoMerdas do the same thing. "Hi, I'm a professor of Economy. I want to be a Big Man of Damecian Economy!"
Or, "Hi, I'm a president of FRB. I want to sell my position, at the vast money to cover my whole life. Mr.Slump, do you want to buy it?" Easy trading between fainess and vast money, or spirit and financial benefit.
Thus, he turned to be a DoDoMerda now.

DoDoMerdas likes to be a Queen. Why? I have a hypothesis on it.
I think that they began to get iliterate. They don't like reading books. Thus, they don't learn letters well.
Thus, they confused "n" and "r" sometimes. They are so similar, in effect.
They are sexually oppressed and want to be hugged by their pretty boys.
As a matter of fact, they think that Queer is exactly same as Queen.
Thus, they ask to be a Queer or Queen, indifferently. They are equal to them.
"Queer Queen, I want to be, please. It's my dream!" Thus, they beg to their rearest Devils.
Thus, they are now, Queer Queens, dancing Can-Can in a team, on the backstage of the gimmick theater, in a full nude body, showing their short-short ×××× to others.
A formidable scene, however, they themselves love to play the role and think, "I am the most Queerest Queen among us. We are all Queer Queens, however, only one Queerest in them. It's me!", each in their mind.

DoDoMerdas love being Queer Queens. We are astonished at their bravary. And they contine to play the same role in the theater. The play end at night and the next day, the same play. Just repeating. Their lives are only a repetition.
They have already abandoned to being human beings, when they concluded the Devil's contract of obedience.
"Desqualified as human beings" is the title of Osamu DAZAI's popular novel. Why desqualified? Because he chose to be liberal. Nonsense! He should be qualified as human beings. Who are desqualified as human beings? DoDoMerdas, who love money more than peoples' life, personality, soul and body. Thus, Prof.Shozo OHTA is totally desqualified. He chose financial safety rather than love and affection. He failed the ordial at least twice, according to his own confession.

Strange skewed case I know on Prof.Yoshiko KAKISHIMA.
This is a kinky laghing story heard from her dilectly.

KAKISHIMA is her surname when she was born until her marrige.
When she got married, she chose her husband surname. Thus, she turned to be Yoshiko TERAO.
After 20 years of their marrige, they devorced, and she became Yoshiko KAKISHIMA again.

Why they divorced? Because she fall in love with one of her ex-pupils.

She met him in his 1st grade of Law School. She lictures "Gender and Law" there.
After he graduated from law school, he became a lawyer in a big firm.
He wanted to study in a renown graduate school of law(?) in USA.
Thus, he wrote to her, asking to make a recommendation paper for him, putting some amount of money, US$300 or so.
She got in rage. She didn't want his money. She wanted to write it for free.
Thus, she wrote him, refusing his request.

Then, he sent a appologizing letter to her, explaining that the money was given him from his deceased friend.
He was a 10 years old or so and suffered from AIDS by transmission via unbical tube from his mother.
The KAKISHIMA's lover participated in the activity to save his life. He made all his efforts. However, the boy died. He gave his money to her lover, saying "You are my best frend.Please accept my money, for your sake."

Thus, her lover wanted to use the money in the most valuable way. Thus, he put it in the envelope of the letter to KAKISHIMA.

She showed me the letter in envelope. She also showed her friend and colleague prof. KATOU, whose major is Politica Science. Prof.KATOU laughed at her, saying, "You are lied by him, stupid girl!"
KAKUSHIMA got upset and said the story to her daughter. She responded her, "Prof.KATOU is jealous to you. Just it!"
She asked me, "How do you feel?" I evaded the reply. I felt just as the same as Prof.KATOU. However, KAKISHIMA had already denied the opinion. I just said, "...And then?"

She accepted the money because she was so impressed by his heartful story. Then, their relationship deepened.

She wanted to get married with him. However, he was married already. He has kids, also. Double betrayal, so called.

She invited him to her house and they passed one night. However, he didn't even touch her.

I was astonished! "This old kinky bug wants to get married with a boy who doesn't want to sleep with her! Absurd! This is the obvious expression that he denies her physically. Why she doesn't recognize that he dislikes her? Crazy. You are disliked. This is his answer!"

She continued to attack him. She dared to offer a proposay, calling on the phone, saying, "Why don't you sue Kyorin University? I want to approach him one more time. Let's employ him as your lawyer. I will pay until US$50 thousand to him. He would look me again. "

Of course, I didn't get involved in her strange love affair. I wanted to sue the versity by myself, not by the kinky boy lawyer KAKISHIMA wants to meet.

During her love affair with the boy, she got undurable to her husband Mr.TERAO's body smell.

She has been disliked his smell since she met him. However, she igonored it for more than 20 years.
Now, when she fell in love with the boy, if it could be called "love", she noticed that she couldn't put up with his smell any more.

Thus, she quitted the marrige relationship with Mr.TERAO and left his house and started to live alone, buying one apartment called Classy House, fairly near the old one.

Her two daughters were already married and live with their husbands.

When she was exhausted by the Project Soul, as I wrote before, her daughter comforted her, saying, "You should fall in love! You are so tired and losing the power to live. To your survival, you need love affair, mother!"

Thus, with total accordance with her daugters, KAKISHIMA is pursuing her lover, altough he is running away from her.

A strange story for us, common people. I didn't comment anything at all. Because I felt just like a mixture of sobstories and Harlequin Romance like pulp novels. I didn't say how I felt honestly. If I were her, I would choose the other way. Just it.
I'm sure that I don't get married with person who I feel smelly, absolutely.

DoDoMerdic pursue of happiness is too too different from ours. Their happiness is totally superficial and "melow Drama" like, I feel.
In Japan, there is a serie of morning drama broadcasted by NHK, a BBC's counterpart, for DoDoMerdas. There, NHK shows how DoDoMerdas should live. A standard strict model for them.
And soon after lunch time, there is a serie of afternoon drama broadcasted by private TV channel, in which, the more sexual and morally skewed situations are forcussed for the sake of their outlet of the oppressed desire.

My ex-colleague Tooru OOYAMA was a fanatic on both of them. He was a habit to inform the summary of the week's highlighting episode with mimic gestures.
His favorite is "Mrs.Pearl" "Peony and Rose". I admired his mimic peformance to immitate the hiroines. I praised him for his play, saying, "You are rially good at immitating their performance! Do you show your ability on the stage in your class? Students will admire you!"

Now his versity is closing. I don't know where he plays the role.

By the way, these dark topics were only one part of my report on local fair.
I found a good place to buy local foods, especially agricultural ones. I passed the place always when I walked arround, because I thought that the forum like place were only for restaurants.
I bought 500g of buckwheat powder produced in this region at US$2.5 and 3 lemons from HIROSHIMA prefecture at US$1.6.

I will make SOBAGAKI, a simplest and delisioud dish, crapes good with ham, cheese and eggs, cookies.
Oh, I will try pancake with the powder and Japanese sticky Taro-potatoes. I'll try the cookies with olive oil.
If I consume all of it, I will buy it again the shop.

The vegitables of this region are also cheaper than at the markets. I will save money, buying more unique and tasty ingredients of foods. Good discovery in Miyuki's culinary field.

Hiroshima lemon's peel will be used for various dishes. Greek egg soup, for example.
When I was in Kyorin, I sometimes read the blog of Ms.Chikako TADA. She was a food journalist.
She was a local journalist but quit the job and went to Cordon Blue in Paris and learned sweets making for more than 1 year.
Caming back from France, she opened her sweet making school in Kyoto and after in Tokyo.
She was now living in India, perhaps.

When I got to know her career, I thought that she was so flamboyant to quit the precious job for the sake of DoDoMerdic cooking. However, now I understand. She couldn't put up with being OMANKO-journalist.
Thus, she learns and teaches sweets and works as journalist writing the articles related to Foods.

She easily flies to anywhere in the world. When I read her writings, I felt sympathy to her. She decided, and she goes, she does, she fails, she reflects, she tries. She does the same thing, as I do. And she is more active than I. I admire her power. She loves running. I live dancing, all night long type.

Maybe, she would come to my dancing night party held in the future. Probably, only few people could accomplish full all night dancing. It would not be a torture. Just a fun. I will hold a competition and prepare a prize for it. Who would be the real QUEEN of the night? It all depends on its own endurance ability. I want to get the position. I want to prove that I am stronger than my daughter Clare.
She is a long sleeper. She sleeps except playing basketball in lato sensu.
Recently I rare see her. She is always sleeping when I visit her room.
She goes to school earlier than Alex, comes back late to our house. She eats a lot, takes a bath a bit, sleeps a lot. Everyday, almost.

Anyway, Ms.TADA is from OKAYAMA prefecture, beside of HIROSHIMA.
Tooru OOYAMA is from OKAYAMA, also. My alumna Ms.Hiroko NAKAMURA and Mr.Tooru WATANABE are the same.
The character of OKAYAMA residents are calm and a bit slow, in generally.
However, Ms.TADA is more monkey like quick type.

I think that the SETO-NAI-KAI or inside ocean of SETO influences on the character forming.
When I visited the region, I saw the calm waves and warm sunny weather.
"Oh, a merriterrenean sea in Japan!" I thought. There are lots of small islands. Sunny and brilliant brightness of the ocean would be important to their character.

Maybe, OOYAMA was skewed by his monstrous mother's spaltan education. A educational veirsion of "KYOJIN-NO-HOSHI" or the story of Ittetsu and Hyuma HOSHI.
Hyuma is OOYAMA, while Ittetsu is his mother. The kinkiest version of the story.
"Hyuma, look at the star! It's the star of Kyorin! You should be the Star of Kyorin! You are fated to be the star! Be pacient! Be obedient! Lick! Suck! You can do it! Don't hesitate it! You should do what others don't do!
It's the best way to get to the star!" she yelled.

Thus, despite this beautiful climate and pleasant bleeze, OOYAMA got skewed to be a Testacles host of the versity.
He was indulged by them, abused by them, harased by them, altogether, and was got out of the faculty and found a new paradice in SHIKOKU law school. However, the school was disdained to DEATH.
He liked "Peter and Wolf", doll version and the movie "Alexandros". He once fell in love with a girl from KOORIYAMA in his KEIO versity days. She became a announcer in a TV and he lost his love. Reason unknown.
KOOROYAMA is 40km far from Shirakawa, in which my adorable friend IZUMI-san lives.

OOYAMA was a mixi user. He liked to participate in his pupils' disputes. He said that his femal pupils were likely to approach him, so he wore a gold ring in the finger of his left hand.
I began to laugh his ridiculous behaviour, "Young girl falls in love with him?!!! Of course not! He is an old kinky bug. Why he should worry about it?"
However, his mate, Yuri KIMURA totally agreed to him, saying, "Yeah, these days, we are in danger. We should protect ourselves from the danger."
Ummm....If I were he, I would be pleased with the lucky chance. "Wow, spring has come! I have a chance yet! Thank you, girl!"

DoDoMerdas' response is always just the opposit of me. For me, at least, young lady likes me is a luck. However, for them, "danger". Misterious two. OOYAMA and KIMURA were as the same. Male and female, however, their way of thinking and value preference coincided. A big coulple should be born, if they knew the reality.
Unfortunately, KIMURA liked handsome males, while OOYAMA pretty females. The apprearance distroyed the best coupling. They were always looking for their partner.

OOYAMA dared to register in a wedding candicate introducing company. However, according to him, he was almost desqualified in the company.
All he met as candidates was a single mother, who asked him, "I don't need your love. I need a father for my kids. Nominal couple is enough. I even don't want to live with you. Just on the paper. Please get married with me."
He refused the offer. I felt strange. She dared to say, "I have a job. I don't need your money.Just a paper couple, in public. "
"For him, ideal, isn't it?", I thought. What he wanted in marrige? Sexless, just on the paper, pratically separated. Well done! Why he refused her proposal? He wanted a nominal marrige, doesn't he?

His opinion on family is skewed also. Once he said, "Your post-retirement would be safe, because you have two kids. I would not."
I immediately opposed to his opinion. "I'm independent, and my kids also. I don't want to depend on my kids, even I get old. I should resolve my problem and you, the same."

Now, his way of thinking is just like YUKARI. Family members depend on the the other members of the family. Terrible successive chain of dependence and indulgence theory.
The most dependent is the winner, in this case. Free rider wins all the race.
The shameful spoiled kid turns to be a jobless and is feeded by the other members all his life. NEIT gets the victory in this competition. Being the most idol is the best policy.
How he earn money, without his boss? The quickest way. Being the other members' dependent. The repetition.
Until being the last one of the family.
This formidable chain is based on the proposition that the others are protectionalists.
Just relying on the other's favour, without doing any contribution in return.

We call it "shameless chain of dependence". However, this is established as hard as possible under IDIOCRACY in Japan.
Natural born paracites, they are. They lost the sense of shame any more. Doing as they like.
They are treated with too much pleasure and indulged by protectionalists.
Now, what they do? Work? Not at all. Making friends? Sure, that is! Get along with old bugs. They are easy to be targetted. Now they have chance to pay for us. A good idea. Be a band to do the job. You would be a receiver, you would be a boy, you would be a boy's lawyer, you would call her. OK, then, have a good job!
Thus, now, idol boys and girls trap old boys to pay more money to them.
"Ore-Ore SAGUI" or "FURIKOME-SAGUI", it's called.
In Japan, it's too too common. Idol boys and old rich kinky boys. Onanism-Economy in this field also.

It's 1:00 in the early morning. I should sleep. I will write on common DoDoMerdic crimes in Japan, also tomorrow. Thus, sleep well!

