
2017-02-13 10:59:53 | 日記
13/02/2017 (morning) I made 3 pancakes of buckwheat, milk and egg, and caramel source and shredded lemon peels.

I took them with cafe latte. A good tasty light meal for breakfast. Today, I ate sweet version. Tomorrow, I would eat salty snack version. Thus, I have to buy some bacon, sausage, or ham.

This ham and egg version, I ate in IKEBUKURO, in a restaurant for French food. It costed US$12. Too expensive. However, I wanted to know the way. I learned there and made it in my house in HONKOMAGOME, near Tokyo Univ.
It was a good experience.

Now I rememberes that Sausage Egg Muffin in Macdonald was my favorite taste when I was in FUNABASHI in my Graduate School days.

I took a refugee there.
I had to get retired from Platinum Dormitory, because of my error.
I was a president of the Dormitory.
We have a member change, in April each year.
We confirmed the number of vacant rooms, putting an anouncement on the wall of the corridor near the entrance.
We put it for 2 weeks.
I counted the number and offered the result and started to select new members.
Now, the time for changing the room.
"1 more room is needed?!!!", the night before the change, the big mistake was noticed by me.
This is why 1 member forgot to declare her presence until them.
How should I do?
I decided immediately.
"OK, I will leave. There would be one more room, sufficient for the members."
I called to my parents, explaining the reason.
They came to the dormitory to pick up me and we left the dormitory.

No room for full members. Yes, the girl forgot to declare. However, I din't confirm and failed.
I was the top, that is, most responsible for the error.
Thus, I should go. I have enough to leave there.
At leaset, a newcomer of 18 years old is poorer than I.
I should go. I gave a great damage to my family.

To where? It was a problem. Anyway, I have to go to versity. Thus, I need to live near Tokyo.
In this case, we made a drive to FUNABAShi, where my Grand Mothere was there.
She asked my uncle to leave me here for a wile. He agreed it.
Then I looked for some place to live. however, the price was too expensive.
Thus, I decided to live in Funabashi.
My grad mother asked her neibour to rent me an old house, a NAGAYA type.
Two rooms were there and one part was rented by the owner's employees. A young couple. Another is emply.
Thus, I rented the space FOR FREE!!!

The owner is called Mr & Mrs. ASAHINA, the friends of my grand mother.
The house was too old to leve for people who are accustomed to the modern house.
Too too old for them. However, I liked the mood. SHOWA taste! A natural floor refregirator is here! I was astonished.
And The size was sfficient for me and have a sunny small court to hang the washed clothings.
And I put satelite TV antenna on the roof and began to live near my Grand Mathorer's house.

Several problems were there. I couldn't use the toilet in old Japanese style.
I know it. It is smelly after the use.
Thus, I asked my Grand Mother to allow me to use the toilet of her house.
And the rented house has no bath. I asked her to allow the bath room, too.

I tried to cook myself and did sometimes.
However, my grand mother brought me some dished she made, mainly to my house.
Thus, thanking her, I ate it.

I thouhgt that the renting house were for only several months.
However, I was conforted in the place and my stay prolonged for 1.5 year there.

I made a lot of mistaked there. I was indulged there. I was YUKARI there, maybe.
Why I decided to leave there? Because I encounter with a BIG RAT!!!!

One night, I was making Macaroni and Cheese. In the middle, I went to take a bath.
I left the dish of Macaroni in the basket and took a bath.
When I came back, I found that the macaroni vanished!!!!
How much wondered I at that time? No macaroni is here. There were macaroni! I made a trapped?
Who stole the macaroni? No! Anyone entered my house. It was locked.
Another mistery happened to me, "The mistery of Vanished Macaroni"
Another version of vanishing story, next to "Vanishing Dragon".
Several days, I really was in doubt of the mistery.

Several days after, when I was in the kitchen, I heard something moved under the floor.
Near the natural refregirator. I was so thrilled.
However, I should be brave. I opened the door.
"Hello! Miyuki! I'm the thief!", A big RAT jumped out from the door!!!
I was so so surprised and cried, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

The rat was 25cm from the nose to the bottom. Brown one. A Big Fat rat.
I didn't know that rats are so big, until that time.

Thus, the mistery was resolved and I decided to leave the house.
I started to look for the residence.
The prices were high. However, I could economize the money to rent on behalf of Mr. and Mrs.ASAHINA,
Thus, I would rent an apartment near Tokyo University.
I rented an apartment, established in 1970s or so, at US$850 per month.
33 ㎡, two TATAMI Japanese floor rooms and a kitchen.
I liked the apartment due to sunny veranda.

Thus, I left the house in FUNABASHI. Now the house was taken and have no facility on the earth.
Several years before my stay in Mr.&Mrs.ASAHINA's house, a tragedy happened on their daughter.
She was a happy girl and had a good job and a fiance.
However, she suffred from a rare serious health problem sudenly and diceased.
You people think, that happen in the real life. Not in the world of fiction, like a sob story of DoDoMerdic fantasy.
Mr.& Mrs.ASAHINA ran a factory of metalic tools near their house and not land owners of the area.
The place was newly explored 100 years ago or so.
My grand mother's family and ASAHINA family came there from other places.
That was ocean, before turning to the residencial zone.
Thus, when I was an infant, I digged the earth and found a lot of small shells.

My grand father liked the place, because he found a fauntain there. It was important at that time.
Even now, in the earth of my uncle's house, there is a fountain, despite of non-use actually.

My grand father with his family ran away from the big raids in Tokyo by B29 of American Air Force, in 1945.
And he experienced Big Earth Quake in 1923. On the ocasion, the fire incidents after the quake destroyed vast families.
Thus, he was too too sensitive to family's security.
My Grand Mother said that even with a slight quake, he was astonished and wanted to dash out of the house.

I understand deeply his conducts. He resembles me.
When I encountered with the big earthquake on 11, March, in 2011, I was in my office of Kyorin Univ. in Hachioji.
I felt several big vacilation and confirmed if the door could open. When the vacilation stopped, I dashed downstairs and wanted to get out of the building.
I prefered outside to inside, even in the last day!

However, a clerk called SUZUKI, as cool as usual, stopped me going out, saying, "Outside is much dangerous. Severall years ago, a big tree fell. You should stay here. Don't get out of the building."
She came here to stop me going out. I was thrilled with the shakes and her coldness. Why she is so cold even in the moment of big earth quake?

Then, Mr.Flabby Takao NAITO and her OPPABU clerk began to conferm the damage of the wall of the building.
Listen, the damage of the building, not of us, people! I, came back to the office and terrified there, listening the news and tried to make contact with my family.

I didn't know some tree fell several years before in the campus. It would have caused a big damage.
As I spoke before, I had the experience on it.

In many areas, big trees fall easily in Japan, in urban areas and in rural areas also.
Japan is a dangerous place!

DoDoMerdas are always insensitive and coolish. They don't feel danger. They say, "I'm suffering from the attitude of someone else. I have a trauma on it." often. However, they themselves are too insensitive to others' disaster. You can't believe the fact. They are indifferent from other's unhappiness, and too much sensitive to their own damage, even though they were so trivial. YUKARI is this type. She suffered a lot. However, it would be the reason to be exemped to work?
They like sobstories, However, they cause the sobstories of the real life. They are real actors of sobstories. Why they want to watch sobstory filmes?
They are indifferent from others' unhappiness or take advantage of it.
KAKISHIMA did it. She wanted to tell her stories and didn't want to hear my real problem.
I felt strange. I was called to come to her house to talk my problem, I thought. However, all she did was talking on her own life, professional and private. What was her mission? Playing all day and all night?
I felt nasty of her illogical and sentimental, more imotional rather than irrational explanations.
Is she a professor of law or a female serving to God, declaring their oracles? I doubted.
KAKISHIMA did her jobs. She presented me the strange stories arround Tokyo Univ, Lwe Shool related ones, except only one. She ommited the story of YOKOYAMA. She believed that MIYUKI didn't know YOKOYAMA, and she was a succesor of Feminism relatede subject.
However, KAKISHIMA didn'T want to be robbed by her.
Thus, her end. She got beyond the limmit. Jelous to her life style. She wanted to have an understandable husband. however, all she got was a DoDoMerdic male pet shop boy. She failed and wanted to eradicate her life.
Thus, YOKOYAMA was omitted by instinct.
They move only by instinct. They have no reason. MIYUKI wondered that professor of law without rationality should exist, in the best versity in Japan?
No, of course! She was only one DoDoMerdas in the area at that time and that is the reason that prof.TANAKA deligated his mission to her. She is the last one he wanted to give a lecture to pupils.
he wanted to choose another better, however, he was jelous to his brilliant talent. It was his falure. He was soo feeble in this meaning.
TANAKA regreted the fact. She should get married earlier and be disposed by the field.
KAMIYA is better. MIYUKI felt it. She looked like a pragmatic lawyer. He was too idol to decide the fact. He wanted to be rested with a young dull boy type girl. She was KAKISHIMA. Who wanted the real life was KAMIYA, and wanted her to be a TODAY MoDEL. She was talented MIYUKI knows it. She was professor of GAKUSHUIN and had a lot of interesting episodes than KAKISHIMA. Why TANAKA didn't replace KAKISHIMA with KAMIYA.
Because she wanted to be go mad to be the dull professor to criticise them. She was really mad to be hearing the story of sob stories of KAKISHIMA. She doesn't believe the fact. Is she crazy? A boy, who refused the girl, the girl quited her husband and tried to catch his heart. However, he choses the real life with his family. Just a letter is the proof of his love? A funny letter. Evasion. ORE^ORE deceipting is strange letter. Why he refused her love.? Because she was kinky. Why she thinks that he is suitable for him? I don't know. Just friends and she was making a n illusion on him. sexual dream, may be she was mentaly ill. She likes to sing. KATO called her DOlly dute to forgettavfulness. She was too too forgetful. Alzheimer disease, maybe. She wants to deny it.
She said that Prof.HIGUCHI, norio, reommended her to go to mental clinic. Maybe her disease was so obvious to others.
I was impressed by her heartful story of others unhappiness is happiness for us. She really destroy the family SATO maybe. She wants to have a baby. Just two cats. My boy wanted to play with them. Cats liked me so much.
Cats know memories are important. I Don't know the two cats are replacement of the two daughter of hers. They have only one face. And the wedding album has no father's face. Easy to make one. Yes I know. Why the girls eied with her stories. I was in wonder and stayed watching them, healing, our leader X is more understandable, however, others are not, like junior high girls. Why do you think so? They are childish and why the shoul rely on the others useless opinion? on shat they are talking?
The most important part you forgot, KAKISHIMA was cring at the album story. YEs.I don't think it was important. hey she cried? She was impressed with ther wedding, why? she wanted to have a daughters????
She has daughters, yes. I have one two. OK, and wedding is a cring ceremony in Japan.??? really?
Happyday and crying the calymax of emotion, like sex? however, they cries with emotions? in daughters wedding ceremony, by sexual extasis? too much strange? The drop is called tiara, tearing tiara is the simbol in England, why she felt extasi n\in the others wedding? Much less than one oer pmonth type sex.
You don't understand the problem. Sexual extasis was caused by their inner depth. yes. You are emotional in novel and the social fiction yes. However, in wedding seremony? Pidros is wedding ceremony like pornography?
You would say pornography but they felt the same in wedding. I felt nothing. You are felt extasi in the wedding? why do it immediately. Both in extasi, good chance to have a baby! in the iddle of the banquet, on the table, oh, in the cream of the wedding and short cake hafe strawberried! Good, everyonem go! Go!
A good banquet for comic pornography! KOMAWARI in wedding dress! In the nakid bottom.
You dare to do so? I preferer lots of sequal banquets, not wedding ceremony. That's the problem.
Some one says that your theory is perfect and only you can do it! Everyone says that your are foolish too much, we have the same idea, that should be fun and lets go! I would like to do it, Have a various chance to do it! but, they should scold me, because I am not akind of OMANJI-professors, They are too much ego-centric dreams. They are so conservative of the use? Even now? I was astoniehd! Conservative like a preserved flowers! They should hald a condom party! Los of condome baloons with each ead. Good idea! they would do so, right now. They have no idea to execte themselbec, Cut their heads! its easy to gotype person have much time to realize dream,Sexual party en condome! privacy is important so we select the members. anyone don't worry others in time of AhAh, no? Sudt a herself or Counterpart I don't know, I want t o feel good thuts is, so I don't know wow U could feek other's share. I need to ty that the problem. I am going to filipine to find a lots of boyfriend and friends in normal means, There are no friends in filipines, are they are working outside, your job is stressfull. tiny boy friend Ok, I don't eat them I am not pederasty. I didnt bad to my beautiful son at all! he is plump!
Filipine boys are enjoyable and slender! Don't warrym I tried in priary school and junior high,]
No attractive ones. I tried to imagine, but I couldn't.....The chanse was too small to encouner OKOK, I will have somes outside the ciry and have my first love. I will ddo much more loves. I do need what is love, in really.
A good notive, miyuki deserve to the offer. Pupils in prymary school play with her, in the ground and in the rooms, and they helpt me lots, good good. they will have a lot useful then your old boys, I know they are useles trash. You are filled with erotial strange kinky boys, Thus you think that sex is raping acccetprion, maybe. you are rights. enjoy whole life includes the whole sexual world. but they don't understand the reason. I want to enjoy. why I want live. feeing the lifex. superficial lifes, any more,I want to lie hosnestrly like a person. just a tiny little desire. It's a problem. For you critlis. for them A big staff. Ummmmm versity feale profs would be a good girls o\tp type and they likes to do so. A get out of universe type. DDM they likes too much and their favour isn't disposable, thusk dispose themselves.
Everyone think so, thus do so.perfect ant you go to bos or consult the form.
