YUKARI's End (23)

2017-02-27 23:16:26 | 日記

YUKARI's choice was good for all. She departs from here in one month. She thinks that Miyuki would trace her road, because she instucted her lots in her early days.

 OK, Bokko the broken robot, you are the emperor again?

 YUKARI's world is the trifle values a lot type. Kyorin like figure, she was. She fritterd the sweet potatoes. OK, mashing and frittering. Both. She was amused with ther play of her all effort. She was so hard to live type. Thus, she should do make effort in the different way.

 The first is the best type. Oh, virgin legend type. Good for knowing their strangest learning system. "I have learned it already" and forget. Everytime learning. Thus, YUKARI did the math. A good exercise for her. I did, already. In 15 minute a day, like a kid. Good excercise, yes. However, I changed my mind. Quickness is important. And I would do the excercise, sometimes. I want to systematise the explanation of the constitutional world. Thus, I wanted to write the book. Ohta suggested me. I misread probably, however, I just wanted to my second book, this time, on Japanese Constitution.

 I tried to find some strange fenomena here and there and found a lot of. Each time, I went into the depth of the Constitutional question. If the textbood were right, why Japanese constitution doesn't function so good? Why there are lots of good systems in the constitution in a broad meaning, however, why our judicial system was so weak? Strange too much.

 And finally I found that the exact Constitution is the bitch. Just having it for the sake of the state's existance.

 NAZIs type one. Nationalistic, however, concealed inside and pretends to be a universal constitutionalist. Like Youichi HIGUHI himself.

 Miyuki believed that he was a great scholar in the graduate school days. A bit not impressive but some remarks weighed a lot. Good point he found. Miyuki got to know that he sold his body to their friends. Oh, ghost writers!!! Only the name existance. OK, he was already the evil existance called devil. He really was. Thus, he was disliked by his old mate in Portugal. Now, he liked to be what? MATSUKO!!!

 Miyuki is too harsh to him, every DDMic said so!!! Oh, bingo!!!

 Miyuki got to know the system. Temperature found the use of the information. When we did well, it got heat and failed, it gets cold. Oh, yesterday, warm, cold warm, cold type. You liked it? Cold not. However, not need to change the wear. That's good for me.

 A bit tired and a goor for us, is the right attitude. Right. Not too much hard. Just a bit. In this case, ADACHI did thing the same thing, Oh, destroyers. That's why we were called fundamentalists. Basic structure was destroyed by them. Miyuki didn't believe that the important lessen they left. Normal people were much clever thatn the high rinking DDMs.

 Oh, just for the insinuation, you...Oh, too trifle. DDMic. Terrible. And they are begging forgiving them. Crazy. Now, the masterplan was completed. There are lots of DDMs in the rural supermarkets, anyway. You did it well, without ADACHI believed. You need to know that why the chatting was so praised at the DDMic world? Substitute of sexual desire. Kinky bell aliens, they were.

 "I love you. I want to make love with you!". And do it. And they did prostitution. Strange system DDMs made. Mutual prostitution. Ecah one pay for other. Crazy system. Once in a while system. They were not attractive. Lack of power and energy. Too too cruel for us.

 Miyuki would know that you would be the "3 hair excessive" type. She got to understand that the "slow learners" were the words for praises!!! Oh, that's it. She got to know that they are too young to be. Oh, he should be 20 years old like!!! He was older than me, and the same. Strange. But , maybe, he did his best and he gained the youth ever.

 Miyuki got to notice the difference. Not purity. But the fact. Slow is not bad in any means. How live, how enjoyable we should be. His mother is powerful as always. TOBE's relative. Scold them loud. She rememberd that Miyuki is the clevest in her young days. However, where is Miyuki. I found an old lady like me in the courtyard. Don't worry, I will camb up my hair and take my nests. She was really astonished at her appearance that she is the real resemblance of her kinky sister!!! Wearing the some fatty clothings and straight Jeans type wears. Similar, I know. Shirakawa people were similar. Too too cold.

 Alex was confused Miyuki with YUKARI and said, "Miyuki was too cool to say the scolding for me!!! Miyuki could write the letter" OK, you can say so and do correct as you like. However, I am not your abuser. I don't use your holdings. He was right at this point. He wrote the letters for YUKARI????

 Miyuki was in confusion. How audacious he is!!! He was out on Sunday???? Normal for kids. Miyuki, you would know it. You are too marvelous to them kids, cheerful fool like parent and don't claim their communication, in a certain point. I am not you wallet is Miyuki's remark!!! Alex should regret what harsh to YUKARI he did??? He did ask, "Auntie, You are likely to be an Alzheimer or a human being?" and Auntie replied, "A human being" and she died.

 Now, she was sleeping with her memories. And she never gets up. She did it, finally. Good grief. Too too tough for us. She was just a burden. Alzheimer was a diseise to someone, and not a disease to someone. Healthy forgetfulness, like Aunt Clara in "Bewitched". She was charming and in a certain point Alzheimer. However, Samantha relies on her highly because she never betrays her expectation. She always did the job for her and made her in the trouble, however, finally she escaped from the worst result. Always angel for Samantha. Other Aunties were too authentic and Samantha disliked them.

 Samantha's mother is attractive. Too proud but she is not arrogant. Just amusing his son in law. Nasty witch for him. However, he is understanding her presence, anyway. No way. He should accept the existance this old bug like witch.

 Samantha's father is snob, so, her mother separated. But they have some affection yet and cortesy and jeolousy. A kind of human being world, with much more exaggerations.

 They signified the interethnical marrige, maybe. Nothern Europeans were not so powerful at their poitical power and only Nixon got it and failed. He did the peeping Tom act in the white house. Scandalous.

 Here in Japan, everyone informs one day per each. Oh, I write a report to my Japanese boss, once per day, usually. Sometimes, twice.

 You are powerful in the writing especially ryhiming ones!!! Quick and stupid like. Good for exercising for foreigners. Amusing and foolish. Miyuki liked it and did it.

 DDMic way is the opposite. Good one can be the OOYAKAZU editors. No one knows how much we wrote the letters to the bosses. Oh, DDMic bossis. I know. Time consuming and useless. Just amuse the exhotion of our effort. Kyorin is the worst place for it, at that time. Morality I didn't know, except some points. Kinky promotion systems, Keio Praises and jealousy to the versity, complex, foolish bosses and partisanship. Every year, one subject encreasing system. Big Class Room oreferance, contrary to earlier explanation. Excuses always, thanking as always, cumpliments, as always. Kinky habits.

 Gradualy I got to know that this versity is rotten. And they did the wrongdoing. Blood selling was a kind of contribution to the versity, they said. Oh, my precious blood!!!

 Not necesary but should do jobs here and around. How to escape the big ball! Oh, the commercial TV film of the indifferent reading figure escaped from the Big Balls. They represented the disasters, we thought and we, Miyuki and Moriko talked that the film commercial was too too spooky!!! They were terrified at the same time. Chikens and not good at athletics. Mieko, also. Oh, not athlete type, you are!!!

 Everyone knows that Tokyo Versity could enter without any grading for the entrance exam. It was rare at that time. Only units were sufficient...Oh, I didn't know or I didn't weigh at the point. Miyuki was so cool to know the fact. Gee, she was too cool, even to us!!! Cool too much!!! She believed that she did it and could it, because she is really OYAJI !!!

 Thank you for your praise. I am OYAJI type. Good to know it. For me, neutral was good. However, a bit weak as an expression. Much powerful one, I needed. When I wrote, "I am neutralist, not sexist", KAKISHIMA understood me, I thought. However, probably, she misread it, as useual. The Tokyo Univ. related always misread my intentions. INOUE also. He mention that I were just like a "Zeratustra", It means, "Alzheimer"!!! How he dared to say so? Why???

 Miyuki misread his intention. He really wanted to write that "You are beautiful in body and mind." Oh, how DDMic!!! Don't touch my secret privacy at all!!! Rapist type, kinky inclination to ugliness.

 When he failed? I thought until 2013. When he delivered the report on his newly published book, I felt it. His opinion was stero-typed and I had already 1000 times heard of the matter. Why now? I didn't know that he really want to make a play ground of young prostitution at Tokyo university, at that time.

 Children in the poor countries should be protected. Why the governments of the world pay a vast mount of money to the game like international affairs. Japan should be "middle developped country in the world. Be modest." Such like things.

 He wanted to the reform for DDMs only. He had several connections on it. He really wanted to be the hero like play game.

 He weighed a lot and lost a lot. Every year changed. It was his lean era. Fat man turned to be lean man. Good news from OKABE. Oh, you, OKABE?

 Fat too much and get more fat. Fois Gras fenomenum, they say. They want to eat as they like and want to get lean as they like. Making a good liver to live or to sell.

 Muck selling business and internal organs selling one. Uh, like NINOMIYA. Who bought the old used half-sickened ones? Everyone knows that young ones were good.

 Thus, INOUE sold his spirit to the young ladies called OLD STAGE MAMAs. For him, beautiful ladies and good for you, too. They are beautiful at a glance and a bitch in the bottom???

 Rented personality, they say. Only once in a while. Oh, committee members of some Ministry. They call it Stage Mamas. Oh, that's it. Legislation type.

 Among 27 figures, only 2 females. Medical Doctors and Professors of law. Now the "Crime of Raping " was sbustituted by "Crime of Forced Sexual Intercourse". Name is important in the DDMic world.

 However, this time, this change has no mean. Because, "Sexual Intercourse " means putting penis into vagina. And the anal sex is now the object of punishment, they say. However, this interpretation was possible under the "rape crime". Now, just avoid the name of raping and chose the direct expression of the sexual communication. OPPUBU relathionship, where? Sucking and licking, milking are the subject of this crime?

  Sexual intercourse related only. Upper touch should be exempted. The same as the raping. Just some words change is the reality of the level of this team. Tax should be paid for it???

 They earn money lots. However, how they use it? Watching KAKISHIMA's life,

  She bouhgt a new apartment at the cost of US$450 thousand. 2LDK type, that is, 2 private rooms, one Dinning combined with kitchen. Almost 45 ㎡ . Classy House in NERIMA ward.

  French bread was difficult for her to buy. Dlicatessens expecially by Dean and Deluca were usually used for her foods. Cooking for single is not so tough work. However, she didn't recognize the difference between Russian Borciti and Thailandese red pepper curry. Wines and cigarettes.

 She liked to buy "spiritual goods" for her. She said to me that she perticipated in a religious meeting, cult type one, several times with her ex-husband and bought several essentical oils to represented her fates. Each essential oil has its own significanse and the oil was chosen by the spiritual superior. One bottle costed US$30 to US$70. She bouhgt 5 or so bottles.

 She made a trip abroad once a while, when she got some friends in the field. She made a trip to Cambodia, and Ms.NIKO, a writer and a public servant, accompanied to her trip. Her book was given to me by KAKISHIMA.

 NIKO played the laughing YOGA in OHMIYA, Saitama prefecture, which KAKISHIMA persipitated in.

 KAKISHIMA sometimes pretends to be a brave girl and did a parashoot dropping from the plane. She videotaped her experience on parashooting and I was forced to watch it. On her back, a male instructor on. I remembered the scene that 100 years old did the same parashooting in the same possition. The cost of one time parashooting US$300 or so, accoding to her.

 Strange thing on her residence is, her room is located in the watchman's room, in the usual collective apartment. Number 101, it was. The entrance is the nearlest. It was easy that taxi approached to her residence. She was accustomed to use taxi.

 Oh, taxi using. This is the simptom of Alzheimer disease. TAKENOUCHI at Kyorin Univ. had the same habit. He was really an Alzheimer patient.

 In 2015, I was looking for the Ministry of Justice, soon after getting out of the KASUMIGASEKI buildings. I asked to the police, where is the department of registration of Ministry of Justice. They recommended me to take a taxi. They said, "It would take 20 minutes by foot. You should go on a taxi."

 Only 20minutes of walking needs taxi? I replied, "No, thanks, I would go by foot."

 And the policemen in the center of the area didn't know where is the Metropolitan Police Office in Tokyo!!!! It is called "SAKURADA-MON" and famous among the TV dramas. I asked them several times and they made a mistake every time. Police men didn't know where is the site of the center of the police???!!!

  Now, I understood, why my Chinise mate, no.814 said to us, "Japanese are all idiots!", with small laugh and No.884 burst into laugh and I totally agreed at her opinion, saying and nodding, "Yes, we are all idiots!!! I really think so!!!"

 Here and there, mistaken expressions on the advertizements and public sighs. Public servants responded always with fatal mistakes. Police men are hired for directing the right place, we were taught. Thus, don't hesitate to ask them the place. We are paying for it.

 However, I got a lot of unreliable mistaken answers from the DDMic figures. They are living in the world of no direction. North? South? West? East? They didn't know any place. They were too too forgetful.

 Everywhere in Japan. I am not good at direction. However, I am the worst at this point and others were better. However, they were really bad at the direction. They couldn't inform the place at all.

 Now we are in spring. Dashing by impulse is DDMic way. They would go out from their concealed place, probably.

 Today, in Supermarket called BENIMARU in Showa-machi, I felt strange that the supermarket inside was a bit warmer than outside.

 Not so cold today. It was a bit warm at first outside. There are comparatively many figures. I noticed that they were not buying, just strolling in the supermarket. They stayed there. Why? Not so amusing place. Probably, they economise the energy and are protected from wind. They are poor, it means.

 In our house, I try to be thrift and don't want my father to pay energy excessively. Thus, I am accustomed to work in a cold office.

 Alex and my father are not accustomed to the coldness, so they use oil heating equipment as usual. When they put fire in the heater, I took advantage of the heat, of course, yes, however, alone, I prefer being without heater.

 Oh, those figures were to conceal from something and protected from outside.

 Outside is the place, avoidable by DDMs. Only vehicles and inside the house, they wanted to stay. As if they were afraid of outside or sunshine!!!

 Oh, I remember that DDMs like to conceal from sun-burn until to use ambrelas and gloves. Excessive protection against the sun shine. Too much UV cut materials. Glass of the train is also made of UV protective material. Sun-screen lotions, various and various.

 Whitening is a kind of esthetics. Old ladies type DDMs prefere to be white. Oh, yesterdays' OOIKE park' shop DDMs' manager was that type. Extremely whiting face foundation she used.

 They likes to conceal from sun shine and afraid of high temperature. Prefer cold place. Because they were made of some melty subject. CO2???!!!

 Thus, recently, the nusance of air was called CO2? CO2 was purified to oxigen by way of green's aspiration called clorela making process. They were the enemy of plants!!!

 They were just like iceberg! Oh, a tip of Iceberg, we say, when we found some crue to the bigger problem. Iceberg, now, Totalitarians are!!!

 So cold and made of CO2!!! Oh, liquid Nitrogen!!! Or Solid type. Thus, they shall be solved when spring has come. They are melting and distrilling entirely.

 They cut forests and took of trees and weeds unnecessarily. Concrete road they liked. They disliked earth and smell of plants. Frozen existance, thus they don't feel coldness. Chillblains should be avoided for them. Melty Chillblains.

 Chilled brains are now melting? Oh, they believe that anti-aging is the extreme priority among any value.  And coldness keep their beauty or stopps aging process, they thought.
