Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (29)

2017-05-07 12:38:40 | 日記

Miyuki found a big complex called OLIMPUS near EAON. She was astonished at the size, and asked her mother on the factory.

 "The same factory of HACHIOJI. Big Camera production company. Why in Shirakawa now?" And her mother didn't know the fact. Some IKKYO like super easiest way of factory inducing. Anyeay big is good for us. And the name? Renoun one, of course. Failed one, of course! Thus, OLIMPUS.

 She found it on the kids' day, especially the diceased kids' day, on 5 of May. All Platinum Tribe cried hearing her stories. Terrible cruel existance. And they got to know that some of her ex-mate were kind of them. Victims and wrongdoers, they were. Miyuki thought, and got to know why they were killed. Foreigners. Or semi-blooded Japanese.

 For her, normal hybleed. However, for conventional type, semi-blooded were avoidable. Why? Miyuki's choice was surprising to them all. She could choose Japanese, however, she avoided Japanese. Of course, weeds type hybryd, she expected. Anyway, be stronger than I, Miyuki thought really. And they are strong, anyway. Thus, they failed.

 They themselves are satisfied with the result. Better than usual Japanese appearance. All of others call them cute, anyway.

 Beautiful, they wanted. However, they refrain from saying so. Anyway, good and nice. Semi-blooded highbryd is better than genuine Japanese. Thus they failed. Weeds like strong existance, they were, they were said by DDMs. OK, thus!

 Thus, they suffered a lot, however, weeds are stronger than asphart. It was her discovery. Under the asphart, they started to break the surfice. Softer than I expected. Thus, they could do it. And they could do it, in really. She toughted them to yell. Touch, not, your smelly fingers!!! Oh, no!!!

 Anyway, they put up with her nasty yell. Anyway, she liked them. OK, nasty smelled human being!!!

 They have sometimes stinky flavour, however, eatable, she really thought. And someone likes their stinky taste as a kind of medicine to coodinate their digestion. Probably rabbits know well on the pharmaceutic use.

  Not for nutrition only. As a kind of medicine, they could be used. And HAKOBE, a highly common weed with four petras beautiful tiny flour has Anmonumum smell and flavour. Miyuki tried it, and decided, "Ummm...not for me. However, eatable."

  And someone could eat it. Anmonumn is used for bean fertirizer. Thus, rabbits' fass is good for agricultural field, espceiall for beans cultivation.

 Thus, now, rabbits army is ready to come. However, they should be highly nervous, because of Chinkoro's disaster.

 They don't want to lose any more, especially kids. And they got terrified at the story told by Miyuki. They knew it, however, now, the human beings and the same shape type got to know it. Terrible story.

 And Miyuki fainted for several days. Too too shoking yes. And Alex also. They were shocked yes. Clare should console herself in the hospital, however, she said, "I got wounded and now in Hospital." Thus confusion. And Miyuki was free from it. She herself should care of herself. She slept well, and started to eat well.

 Anmonimum is smelled by rotten meat yes. In this case, put it in the field. They bacterias digest it to be caltivated. OK, thus, compost use, to avoid nasty smell.

  Miyuki is right to use it. However, they explained that ECO-use only. They needed to cultivate the plants at that time. No fertilizer could be imported age, at that time already. Oh, poorer than other underdeveloped countries. SARUSHI only world was in reality, too too poor!!!

  The OMANKO economy lies a lot. See it:

 In Shirakawa, always US$1.28 arround, except any gas atation. Monopoly is adopted in this rural town. By IKKYO related, as always. Thus, foods are so expensive. IKKYO relatives exist for the reason. Who could find it, would be killed immediately. And a monitoring spy for it, and it is YUKARI in Sato Family.

  Sato Family is surrounded by evil neighbours yes. And inside, YUKARI. Probably, only one family in a block is true family, and they surround us totally. Thus, we could find what are evilest residents in the block. Only center of the pivot is good one, and the corners are IKKYO related evil existance. Too too easiest way to find it.

  They got to know this easy system. They wanted to earn money from others. Free riders combined with assasins.

  Thus, they failed.

  IKKYO wants to enhance the territory to South East asia.

  Prepared wedding for their advertisement. What is the attraction to do the collective wedding? Nothing. Just you can sell your sexual freedom and your lives. OK, it is for us, not for you.

  Thus, only forgetful IKKYO betrayers were induced to visit Japan to their adorable wedding scene production.

  Many scences Miyuki watched even in westernized countries. Especially in Macau. Why they like to take a picture of the models? Semi-blooded type, they are. Good. A kind of pay they did. Miyuki thought. And she got to know!

 Oh, professionals, they were! For her, amature cameramen, however, for IKKYO belivers, anyway, professionals.

 They live in a half drowsing world. Stupid only could put up with type society, they lived. Not amusing, except watching AV type preference, they have. Thus, they are satisfied with adult games, called ERO-GUE or erotic games.

 Miyuki knows well throught some reference from their kids and the pupils. Some of them were really a kind of adults video itself. And Miyuki left such matter on their own hands. Their preference. Not my matter.

 And she got to know that adults videos' quality is really too too low in Macao and in Japan. Thus they failed. They tried to produce some pretty attructive ones, however, they couldn't. Human resource' problem, they had, Miyuki thought. Only ugly bitches and fat or plump men played the performance. Not attractive. She tried to watch for 2 hours, and faild. After 15 minutes, she wanted to sleep for the next day. Unendurably ugly. I planned for 2 hours, however, 1/8, I passed. Now, turn off and bye forever...Why Chinese continental residents put up with this bad made AV??? Just for education? Or, mirror effective? "Oh, they do it? Worse than ours. Just do it, honey!" type inducing?

 Nothing good for them all. Who buy it? Miyuki watched it as a trial, because it was free on the hotel. And they failed. She wanted more, they thought. And made the messy formidable production only type ugly video games.

 My mother likes to play, Alex said. Confusion was induced to IYYKO kids. Playing what? Video Games, probably. And she is adults anyway, thus ERO-GUE. They presumed like that. And Miyuki is free from any video games. Time consuming stupid brain producing machine, she said. The same words to PC using also.

 Thus, they failed. IT course would be fine for Alex, they thought. And Alex thought also so. However, Miyuki disliked it. Anti-productive. No pruduction at all. Just time consumption. And they failed again.

  Agriculture was not their favorite. However, Miyuki sifted from IT to Agriculture, thus they needed to plant some weeds, and confused daffodils with leeks.

  Probably, as a origin, they were similar. Turips, aldo. MIZUBASHOU is a kind of leeks and garlics. Thus, they failed.

  Her recognition ability gets better, and theirs, went downward. IKKYO believers couldn't believe her development. She is 54 years old, and want to gain, not to contribute to us all, rather, she wants to be contributed by others....

  Thus, they should know their limit. Young boys were prepared her at the point of dating, and they lost their expectation. Anyway, were are tired old ones, and she is charming, indifferent from her age!!!

  Thus, she liked to sit on the bed size bench and started to lick the cheese cream icecream with butter ball candy flavour. A bit salty, however, good to nurtrish us. However, half is enough for me. Butter ball size a bit a bit individual package would be fine for this products, like fruit of Sharbett.

  And they failed. She understands the difference of the flavour of cheese cream and butter ball. A nostargic candy with butter and salt flavour. They forgot the smell. Oh, butter like smell. And yellow. A bit salty.

  And they fould thaty they put salt too much on the icecream. It happened. IKKYO loses their tasting ability. YUKARI is a sample.

  Flavery tea was her hatred. Just genuine tea. Even cheaper ones, sometimes could produce a delicious royal milk tea. Milk is a point, and crashed cheap genuine leaves are good for once use. Twice, not. however, for once, good. Thus, paper package use is clever invention, Miyuki thought. Easy, quick, and flavory and tastly, and less costive and economic to producers also.

  Lipton, Nitto and Seven premium. They are good for royal milk tea. Genuine smell is enough for us.

  however, if I have a change, and time, I want to have a tea party, specially made of Prince of Wales, or Black Can of Twinings, with my dishes, cooked by me!!!

  Oh, crackers! We should try to make crackers!!! When I have a bit of time, I would try it. Probably tonight!!!

  Now, Miyuki's lunch time. And after, her errond time. Thus, we should stop repporting now.

  See you soon! From MARC, with Big LOVE!

