YUKARI's End (62)

2017-03-11 01:03:44 | 日記

 KITADA and YUKARI are the same pattern. Positive cheerful one, and negative spooky one. The same. Totalitarians are irresponsible. And many DDMs, including latent ones, they participated in the needless after war procedure.

  Miyuki and Adachi were muck rakers now. Doing dirty jobs, yes. However, necessity for us all. We pledged to our army to kill them all until the last one. Zombies are here and there. Spooky atomosphare and too too cold wind. YUKARI vanishes sometimes, in the middle of her works. And all of your family are like that. Normal for us. Independent type. Thus, we do our job, each one as it likes. No problem at all.

  Alex is his last job with HACHIOJI friends. They want Alex to be their friend again. And tried. And attacked by him. Surperficial conversations without any sincerity. He believed once and broke her mind, immediately. Miyuki disliked the SENDAI figure immediately. Speedy judge. He wrote with sincerity and they treated him as a toy boy. Thus, he got upset and did the same. Good. Your revenge. I was done so by the pupils at Kyorin University. I don't mind how many pupils vanishing. Already vanished included. For me, frends are important. Only superficial communication would be abandoned. Time consuming useless game, good for pastime type.

  And you did Alex. I discharged you from useless study. And you did as you like. You learned a lot from your communication creative activities. You should learn more and more. However, you are communicative, in general sense. Thus, you would be a good one.

  Miyuki did know that Alex and Clare were unnecessarily involved in Miyuki's war. However, it was related with the social problem. Kyorin is not only one epecial evil existance. Society all is evilest. Miyuki was too good not to know the socieal reality at all. They could trap Miyuki until the last time. Kyorin triggered the gun. And she hurt. And revenge. She pledged to do the revenge entirely. Too too evil, and asked everyone's help and refused. Didn't know how to ask the other helps to whom. No e-mail address, no residencial address, no PC, no phone. They cut the communication of her and got her isolated. And she realized that in emergency, pray is working. Good girl. Always pledge. Always for her confirmation. Just for my memory problem. Not for others. Just for me. And pray and ask a lot. And try to be better, remembering the better persons. They are right and I am too bad. And regret and rethink and try again. No one praises her, however, Miyuki is feeling good after one mission completed. Thus, another job hunging!!!

  Oh, you got one. A crinicle writer. And got damaged your father's dream of selling his land with a cheaper price to someone. Someone already bought the same type of the land. And yours is not good for others. Good to know it. The last lot should be rented by your father. OK, at least, water is there. And gus and some oven I would make. OK, Robinson Crusor like life, I would try. And your cheapish things were there....cheapish??? For DDMs. Good grief. Another colony, she gained. A lot of unforgettable memories. YUKARI wanted to buy them. And insisted that it were hers, as always. If she wanted, she insisted like an imprudent infant and finally she got it. Her strategy from her early age. And Miyuki lost her reliance. She got to know that MIYUKI is the last one DDMs should rely on.

 Remote control by her. She set an order room in her chamber to realize her revenge to MIYUKI. I am a destroyer of the world. Even the world broke, I would continue to punish Miyuki. I am the only child of SATO Family. Miyuki was a kind of some pilot case. And she failed. She was in custody in the police and lost her legitimacy. Now I am the superior of the whole family. I am superior to you, MIYUKI. YOU should obey me, Miyuki. I would be your boss. Work, as I order. I was your inferior. However, from now on, I am your boss.

  And she recognized that it didn't function at all. You would be lucky. You want to manage the situation, especially, YUKARI problem. An information is enough. She was caught again. Another attack on Clare's room. She searched her intimate wear to check her boyfriends....Oh...She did again...

  She was persistent chaser. Every in the end of the week, she checked her intimate wear, saying, "this is not suitable for her. I will provide you other ones. Give me your money. I am good at finding suitable intimate wears. " Again, YUKARI the auntie. I lost a lot of money for the reason. and I recovered it from you. Always she excuses, and says, "I am not good at these things. I am good at boys intimate wears. however, not good at yours, Clare. You are too boysh type. I am not good at things."

  Again and again and gives her some amount of money to buy her own intimate wears. A lot of. She is now in custoday. And needs a lot of panty. She did the sex change for her satisfaction and they did the job. And she feels a pain to pee wee. A good choice for her life. Your will. Reversed version of Carusal Maki. And every one knows that she did it for her own satisfaction. Not so difficult, the medical doctor said, and she replied yes. "My sister would like my change. First, my nose, and then my bottom part. And then..."

  A lot of requests. And they did the job. And she believed to turn to be Miyuki's ideal shape. Good job. Clare participated in her clinic appearance. Said, "You did well, and Miyuki is more beautiful. Natural beauty we prefer. Thus, you failed, auntie!"

  She was really upset the exchange of the towels and the foot bathmat. She liked them, and YUKARI made a confusion again. Only once, she allowed. And then, repeatedly. Then, the treaty. Until MIYUKI found the fact, Auntie. For us, only an Alzheimer Patient. However, for versity degree holders sometimes thinks differently as you say. Then, Miyuki would judge your health problem.

  And all of them thought that she was really an Alzheimer patient. Miyuki said it, however, too too late. She was upset why Miyuki found it so late. Sorry, I presumed while she was in HACHIOJI, however, I couldn't be decisive. Now, with a lot of proofs, she is the real Alzheimer patient, I am sure. No excuse. One boy type. Several is not good for her...Oh, oh, she had no experience and said to her??? Terrible experience. She is always burden on this matter.

  Panties are vanishing after her washing. Miyuki's also. They thought that she keeps for herself. And she did it and forgot and picked it again. Stealing as usual. Pederasty also. She wants to the bride of Alex, in fact. She wanted to do so and established her special costume for the day. Oh, that it.

  And Miyuki caught her dream and found that she wanted to get married with anyboy. Younger, the best. Then the photos. And she caught Miyuki's dream. Miyuki thought that ADACHI in uniform photo is here and there. The no personality plain boy type. Not interested at all. And saw in every time in the TV news. Mr. Versity Boy, the photo was. Stange. Even the pilot who failed to manage the control cock pit and died was appeared as the same photo. The same. Always. Boy with a fluffy hair. Strange fenomenum. And YUKARI was trapped. Miyuki dreamed on 2nd, January, 2015 and refused the terrible result. Not mine. I would never perticipate in Japanese type wedding ceremony at all. I don't want to pay money for it.

  And she chose the way to get married with her idol. Put the photo of Alex on it. A disaster for Alex. And she thought that she would get married with her nephew. Only a boy of 15 years and her nephew. However, she could manage it. And called him "Alex" as always, if she wants to call him. OK, then the shout???

  Her way was like that. And couldn't change it. And she couldn't put up with her sexual desire. She did the surgery yes. Any more pee wee or so. No chance for her. She put artificial anal system now. Thus, the smell. Medical tamp like smells for DDMs. Miyuki got to notice last Feburary or so. In the center of Tokyo. Especially in the train. Why these men smell like a women's sanitary nap like strange smell. Boys with this smell??? They need why? For ass???

  They alredy lost their control of evacuation. And nasty job. Once in a day, in a certain clinic they should do it. And the request, "How many times do you evacuate and how much?"

  The nurse's main job at that time was evacuation assistance. Taking a medicine and after 10 minutes they do. Someone like MIKA failed and got punished by themselves. And they did a good job. Dirty nasty girl would be the hero of the world. Then, they thought that was MIKA. And she vommitted of the last time. She got married with Dr.Chigutomi also. How many patients were there? 34 gifures on the floor. Collective marrige type. They said discharge as wedding. And it would be their dream realizing story.

  Thus, SHIODA got married with that tall boy. Only once. It's enough for her. Like a queen bee. And she got married again with Dr.Dull, as her doctor responsible.

  Strange to say, for her, meeting medical doctors was a kind of marrige. A news for YUKARI lovers. Dr.Dull accepted her hospitalization. She dreamt her ideal life and thought that Miyuki was so kind to do so.

  And she realized that Miyuki's nightdream was hers also. Thus, she would do so as usual. BAKU type figure. Dream the same dream type. Oh, then? Nothing.

  Miyuki was right. Nothing in the reality. Kinky, however, not important. Dream just assists our conduct. Just it. good dream causes me feeling good. Cheese dream like thing. A tasty cheese, creamy one. Camaber like big white sponge cake like tasty one. However, before eating, the dream vanished, as always.

  Dream for food is good sigh for Miyuki's recovery. For DDMs, nothing. Cheese is the most tasty food, like as others. And YUKARI did like cheese. And bought some by her own espenditure, saying, "I am rich now. I want to pay much more. I just want to pay for you. I am in the mood of paying. "

  Mood. Atomosphare is her cause of spend money. Disease. Consumptious ones. And precious ones. She is good at everything in her dream. Thus, she got to be an emperor like existance. Dream effects her life. Disasters for other members of the family.

  Legan believed that her wife was good at holoscope and chose the policiy according to her advice. USA lost reliance on him. Alzheimer, he was. He confessed it later. However, after the disaster.

  And Naoto KAN failed with his wife believed aliens. HATOYAMA also did the same mistake.

  Every prime minister failed. They are really Alzheimer patients.

  They needed to use head gears!!! Oh, thus, HASEGAWA Hospital sold private head gears at the cost of US$50 to the patient. Head gear for what?

  To listen to your voice. Oh, my inner voice? And your family's voice??? Why? Useless. Inconvenient, isn't?

  Almost all of my imagination and talking are harsh to DDMs and they like them? Mazochist,OK. They, ADACHI! Go ahead. win-win relationship. We do as we like and kill them and they like it. Good job for us. Mazo type DDMs. OK.

  And they should be killed now. You failed to say so and got a good job. Only one mistake, they could be allowed. And repeated request to Clare. She was so nasty. And YUKARI liked her harsh words. "OK, you are right to say so, anyway, I am your Auntie, so you should obey me..." Wrongdoer in the family is a headache for all the other families. She was too too problematic in HACHIOJI. they wanted to bring her to some clinic however, she was refused from non insurance status. Thus, she made a violent DDM. Medical treatment useless anymore type. Thus, we excused for you, MIYUKI. She was really ill and got syphilis again. Each time, with the legging like pants, she was a target of the followers. And got caught by them. And did it as they like, she explained. She allowed to be raped. She dreamt or not, we didn't know. She just wanted to play with them, however, they wanted to make love with her. OK, and she did. And lost her virgin. And she got married, she thought.

  Victimazation. She was forced to be raped type. how much you paid to them? Only US$50 per once. Only once per month. Just it. Monthly visiting of them. They intrude her chamber and she was raped. An illusion related her biolism. Again? The finer pants? HARUSAN scolded he to buy lots of Jeanes recently. Miyuki's way, she wanted to do so. Once per day. And every day type. MIYUKI changes her Jeans, when she gets out to look her most attractive, and call attention of others. Look, beautiful legs there! slender boy like girl like nothing like...??? Strange thing happened. The part. Why so sloppy? Too fine, yes, however, the part should be filled with the staff. And they feel strange. Nothing. The Golden triangle, they say.

  Figure maniac knows the expression and Miyuki found on Internet. Some figure was hit by the sight. Oh, she or he has one!!!

  Skinny lovers' strange dream. They were too too kinky, until Justin got to know the value. Strange. Nothing. Why nothing. Should be, however, nothing. Some emptiness there. Vacancy we would say. Lack of it feeling. Should have it. OH, ADACHI, we would have it sooner or later. However, now my turn. OK? TOHOHO. I would enjoy both. I am now female bottomed body. And I want to enjoy the use and after, OK, after getting tired of it, I will change to do another type of exercise. Both. And you can enjoy, ADACHI, as a maing body owner, at that time. Until then, I need to manage this interesting situation. OK, ADACHI, don't hurry. Boy, I really want to experience it someday. You know, I am not so far from it. That would be good for both of us.

  Miyuki's pledge is sincere and Miyuki is ready to go to get lots of friends. In the world, a lot of kinky figures, here ant there. And Miyuki is the least kinkiest one in the world. Normal liberalist, we would manage the situation. Miyuki admires the function and got to want to do it like male. Fimale body can do the movement, probably, I try at least. I want to shake according to my feeling. Good! And African females can do it, generally speaking. Their dancing is so sexy. Like a sexual invitation and the exact sexual extasy shaking pose. Naoto INTIRIME felt it in the cuban dancing competition. And I understood, when Colombian girl, white type, "I really want to be an Africa woman, Their movement is so sexy!" and we watche the movie of the origine of Salsa dancing in the apartment of the graduate school pupils couples house.Nice and stylish type, much well established than Tokyo's newly established residencial high story buildings. Good choice and a impressive pictures. A small, but functional kitchen. A big livingroom and only one TV type. Sufficient for a couple. Student couple are not so usual in Tokyo.

  When I was in Graduate School, my colleague dashed to inform the big news, she said, "Do you believe? A big surprise!! Guess what!!!"

  Then I replied, "Some member of our faculty got a Nobel Prize? Peace one?" And she denied and said, "Ok, your expectation was too too bigger than this trifle news. Just a promise of marrige between AMIYA and Mizuho NAKATA."

  They were political studies majors. All three. Including this informant girl.

  She looked like a MEE in Moomin by Tobe Yanson, in her apperance. Not in character. I liked her remarks like, "Thus the teacher said..." like a Counfusian funder's remarks. She sometimes suggested me important things.

  Some day, when we were eaching cheap meal in Versity restaurant, she said to me, "Think that you are a geneus of violin or something. You would be appreciated in the field of Classical music. However, you would have been useless in Edo era."

  Good suggestion. I liked the frase. Now, our version. "Torayasu HOTEI, a rock guitalist in Japan, turned to be "Orin, the blind SAMISEN player" in edo era."

  However, musical instruments are flexible. They should be mandrin, uclee, Portugese guitar, Base, chello, contrabase and so on. At least, Orin was popular at that time.

  Blind has the field of its speciality. Homeros? should be. Bonz players of Story of Heike Family in the middle age Japan also.

  Some people say that blind people have special skill of communication. And Miyuki watched his face. Blind totally, because of the torture, perhaps, her eye lids were taken, both. however, in the side of  the bridge in Lima, at the desk, he was selling some cheapy thing, like carts or candies or so, smiling ans playing with a girl kid, probably his daughter. I was astonished at first, however, his face was not nasty. His smiling was clean and represented happiness with playing with the kid, hugging. and the girl looked amusing the hugging. 7 or 8 years old girl, as if, they were saying, "We do work, of couse. We suffred a lot of course. However, we are happy any way. You are shocke by my face, however, you understood our feeling. You could take the pictures as you like. We know that you are taking for informing the situation to others, especiall to the foreign countries' people. Take the pictures!" I couldn't take it. Because I was so impressed and enough for me. No more any proof on the matter. I will describe the phisiolonomy as you like. And the atomosphare. And I will imform you the fact. Thus, I refrain from their kind offer. I was chiken, yes. However, I wanted to show my respect to them. Enough only by my description. I would like to use my photos taken during my trips abroad. I did the show several times. And I liked the explanation with a lot of photos. I did inform on this father and the daughter like kid in Aoyama Versity's class room. Only the discription. Sometimes it works.

  And I have the 3rd or 4th or 5th eyes with ability of perception. My ability is newly gained. I am not good at perception. However, perhaps, for my future job, this sense is important, probably. Smells from outside. Souplike. Far far sense to chosen smell. Sometimes nasty smell. And feel spooky or gloovy like that.

  The MEE like girl had perhaps suck a kind of ability. She wore skarves in her mind, and said, "this is called hijab, in islamic countries. I do put it as a protection in winter, however, hijab like things for them."

  Oh, after the graduation couse, I had never seen her. Where is she now? She was not optimistic at the world situation. However, she was amusing the strangeness. Probably, she would have been punished by DDMic someone in the campus.

  She was short. Only 150cm or so. Thus, she would be a target of their "Marrige Dream", male version.

  Yuuki MATSUSHITA was eager to get one of Todai girl as his future wife. I, of course, denied this possiblity, and was punched by him, without any logical explanation. He only said, "I will punch you!" and did it. His major is Civil procedural law, his orientator was TAKAHASHI.

  Even I appeared with a blue black mark in my right eye, anyone commented on it. I didn't use the eye patch at all. I thought that I am a victim and he should be ashamed of his wrongdoing. I was rather proud of the mark as my kindness and humanistic decision. I could kick him down from the stairs at the moment of puniching by him, however, I didn't do it, because it would be fatal for him. I considered the situation, while he didn't.

  He was a storker type. He followed me for several months, after I cut the communication with him off entirely. Abruptly, he changed to be a devil. At the moment, I was in the higher position downward and he was the the lower position upward. And he said to me once, "Females should be tiny as much as possible." And he was proud of his relatively tall hight. 175cm or so. Not so big, however, in the faculty he was comparedly tall.

  He was mentally ill already. Addicted type. He said once to me, "The pupil of my private lesson taught me video-game and I got absorbed in the game, and never can't stop the game until now. " A maniac, he was.

  He said also to me, "I was called martian by my colleagues in primary school, because my skewed head shape. " and he said, "I did conduct the class music team in a school festival. It was my hay day." Oh, then, I asked, "You know, all males want to order the others. Thus, conductors, Baseball coarchs, captains and so on, are the aim of admiration by them. Without any exception."

  Oh, absolutist he was. Punishing type. And he came from SHIZUOKA, and his family was not rich. He wanted to be rich by way of richness of the female colleague, supposedly rich type. And I was his target, and he failed, from his thrifty attitude combined with faked superiority showism, for the first time.

  He was kinky and indifferent from his impression to others. When he entered into the Doctoral course, he put on a whitish green suits on. It looked kinky and cheapish. Why he chose this colour for his departure on the fresher's day's fashion??? Like a Japanese taste too much. Strange choice. However, he looked to think that he were so nice with the smoky green suits. Oh, not fashionable type. Thus, targetted county girl type like me???

  Oh, I sometimes wore smoky green elegant girl like flare long skirt. When I bought it in ISETAN at US$50, I remembered Minako SATO, one of my diva in an apperance at my high school age.

  Unfortunately, she was too too flat and her hip was wide. Thus, I couldn't cathegorize her on the top, however, she was artistic type and good at illustration. And she is tall, in any way. 167cm or so. Clare's actual hight And I watche her on Sunday in the street with a smoky green skirt, and looked nice. Oh, she was good with the flare type skirt, I thought.

  And when I encounterd with this smoky green skirt, I wanted to try it. My hip is totally contrary to her, however, I needed to change to endure the monotonous only study life in the graduate school. And tried in the fitting room. Oh, it fitted with me!! Good with other traditional jacked of New Yorkers. Then, I bought it.

  My narrowest hipborn was hided in the skirt and I looked like nice with my traditional type brown leather heel type pumps. Oh, Minako's faking, accomplished! My face is totally different from hers, however, impression was just like "An elegant a bit flamboyant art inclined rich girl". Oh, thank you Minako, I could imitate you!

  I wore it, when I wanted to pretend to be this type of girl. Probably, this impression caught attencion of some male DDMs and they made a strange rumour against my reality, and believed as if I were Minako type lady, at a glance.

  Minako, herself, was a bit more complicated and interesting character, however, her appearance was "weak lady like rich girl" and I enjoyed the play, thinking that probably, the poorest in the faculty girl were faking the rich elegant some European type, Audrey's "My Fair Lady" like heroine. Monotonous days' pastime like hobby. Just it, they believed! Oh, I just pretended and they believed! And I denied repeatedly direcly saying, "I am poor. May family is poor. I graduated from the faculty by scholarships. Several scholarships. In fact, I am not rich at all!!!", almost shouting, however, they didn't believe it.

  Oh, first impression type. Oh, my traditional British style clothings did a good job. They believed that I were rich and treated me as a rich girl. And the disaster. Poor boys where here and there. They looked miserable, yes. Thus I treated them as poor boys. And I believed that I am the even member of the faculty, thus, I didn't feel any inferior complex in the period. Oh, they were probably tremendously rich, in the figure. Some sons of renoun construction family, grand grand girl of Meiji's great  medical doctor, son or girl of renoum XXX type. Lots of!!! But I felt nothing from them. I thought, Oh, rich family would be not so gorgeous as I imagined, probably. Oh, my ISETAN New Yorker and Hartland style impressed them lots! Oh, thank you my brand wears!!!

  Thus, they believe that the grade of the versity period endures after 30 years old. Oh, YUKARI also believes that versity graduate position is a sufficient proof of her mental sanity. Thus, they forget as they like. I was a good girl once, and now, not, however, they believe as if I were a good fellow.

  Only once and not more. YUKARI's these. She wrote on German Modern history. And she forgot the theme. Which one? She asked her mother. Which? Wrote several? She wrote yes, however, forgot. Even the name of the theme. And German language? She forgot also. This is understandable. Not good at her. Me too. My German conquist war failed repeatedly. 5 times or so. Once , in the first grade of the versity, once, in the first grade of the graduate school, once when I participated in some german reading seminar.

  I tried to learn from German Graduate school student. He kindly taught me, wasting his precious time for my disastrous German. I thanked a lot. I forgot his name, however, he came from Barden-Barden. A bath in England, I mentioned. Oh SPA place! I understood.  I wanted to be good at German, sincerely, however, I had no talent to learn the language at all. So, quitted. Sorry, for many good natured people for my slow leaning system. I was too too slow to recognize that German is Greek for me. You invested to me, to be a good German leaner, and I tried to be, and couldn't. You have right to claim on the point. At least, I should pay the lunch for you. I didn't know the system. I was totally free from the indirect expression. "Oh, I am hungry!" like that. I should pay lunch and dinner, special ones for him. Sorry, I didn't recognize it. You should say so! I was not rich, however, I could pay lunch for you!!! You should be paid !!!

  He must be my witness of my Graduate School days, especially master course period. Probably, he would be the guy who were in the library' Audio Video Language service courner and heard my loud voice to repeat the portuguese frases. A nasty noisy fellow she was!!! Insistent ones!! Too loud for us!!! She didn't keep silent here! Only she talk and anyone doesn't say anything, even in the language center.

  He returned me, as if, is se a crazy? In the library? Talking machine! Strange language? Why she does it repeatedly? Too too strange!!!
