Law of Vacuum Cleaner

2017-02-07 11:26:17 | 日記
07/02/2017 (morning) Hi! Dr.Miyuki SATO came back to the BLOG. I has been sick for 2 days. After writing a crinicle on Masao SEKINE, I was so soaked in nasty feeling because of accumulated of shocks.

This is a kind of "CHIE-NETSU", as I described before. And Alex's entrance exam problem was settled completely, so I was relieved entirely. When I was in the peak of the strong feeling, sometimes this symptom happenes.

When I was in a graduate school, I visited Tokyo Univ. Hospital to ask on this symptom. The result was..."Hum....You have no problem physically. It should be "autonomic imbalance"." I didn't the meaning, so, I looked up for it and found that it was the name to indicate the symptom, when a patient claims nasty feeling but the doctor can't find any diagnosis physically. In other word, it's the name of tautology.

Chie-Netsu is more exact to express the symptom. It's a kind of cocoon situation to necessary for development or level-up. It usually passes after several days. I become better than before the cocoon period, in body and soul. Refreshing thime, acompanied with nasty feeling, headache, coldness, and vomitting. A bit looks like "morning sickness". I passed the sickness once when I got pregnant with Alex. In case of Clare, It didn't happen.

Anyway, I feel good now! Even in the cocoon period, I cooked by myself, rizotte with canned crab, white sausage soup with potatoes and onion, TOFU with dried bonito flakes and sour picked plum extract, simple MISO soup with TOFU, rizotto Parmiggiano, fermented soybeans and rice cakes with gladed radish, royal milk tea. I need to avoid anemia. Thus, I had to eat against any nasty feeling.

Eating and sleeping are the best medicine for this period. I know it. If I work diligently, it happens once per 3 months or so. It's a symbol of accomplishment of some tasks, important for us. Thus, I don't take medicine now and sleep or eat during this period.

YUKARI hates this way and criticices me as an idol stupid person. She has never experienced it, presumably. Her head and heart are so hard like a stone. She doesn't feel anything. Just she likes "romantic" "cute" "KAWAII" tiny lille things, like as other DoDoMerdas. She sleeps with the same clothings of the day. She has no feeling of darkness or brightness.

Strange thing happened. On Friday, she came back 21:00 or so from her errand. I felt so strange. It was frosty snowy evening. Why she should get out so late to make an errand, without any necessity? She only does errand, when my mother askes her to do so, because she has no money. And my mother is too kind to ask her errand to YUKARI to get out in the winter evening. Highly strange.

It also happened on New Years day. She got out after 21:00 and came back later, saying that the supermarket was closed earlier than usual. Why she had to go shopping so late? And my mother was warried about her late going out, because the supermarket is located not so far. Only 400 meters distant from our house. Why she took so long time to go there and to get to notice that the supermarket was closed?

YUKARI said that the shop was totally turned off and it was dark. Then, why she didn't came back earlier?

Anyway, last Friday, when I saw YUKARI coming back in the evening in the winter, I felt strange.

The nest night, I came back from office at 21:30, as usual, to go to bed in my mother's chamber. I have no individual room at all, as you know. YUKARI was there, watching TV. My mother was already in a bed. She allows YUKARI to watch TV even she was in bed, always.
When I entered, she got upset and scolded me, "Why did you walk around until this time? It's too late! You are so stupid! Why you didn't come back earlier and take care of your goddamnit kids? Absurd!"
I was in wonder. "I was working at the office in front of my house as usual. Why she scolded me like that? The hight before, I came back to the chamber at 23:30. However, tonight, at 21:30. Why she scolds me without any ground? I didn't scold her, when she came back late from somewhere at the same hour yesterday, because it's her problem. She knows that I was in the office. Why she scolded me, as if I were wondering in the frosty evening outside? " And I thought, presumably, she was confused herself with me, her damnit sister MIYUKI. She scolded me, because she was wandering the night before. She confused last night with tonight, also, presumably. She thinks that she were me, sometimes.

She lives just relying on her instinct. She wants to output her anger. She is under stress, yes. She doesn't recognize the fact that she is mentally ill. She thinks that others were wrong and she were right totally. She can reigh our house with her knowledge and power. All of us, already know that she is just a strange kinky old lady, without any usuful ability.

This morning, I was astoished at her way of washing clothings. She didn't put any detergent at all. Just put clothings in the machine and turned on it. She didn't check what was in the pockets. Thus, the clothings are covered with cotton-like tissue papers traces. She can't wash, even using totally automatic washing machine, as a mater of fact.
In addition, until the washing machine stops, she is watching TV in my mother's chamber. I wanted to use the machine, however, I had no chance that everytime, the machine was in the middle of the process.
This morning, I found that the clothings were left in the machine after the machine stopped and YUKARI was watching TV. I wanted to wash my clothings while the sun shines. So, I began to dry the clothings left in the machine, bringing a backetful of them to the room near the veranda. For me, it's more easier to hang them to dry up, rather than asking YUKARI to do so. Not a so much task. However, when I started to hang them, she dashed from my mother's chamber and robbed them from my hands violent, humming a some cheerful song. "She is crazy!", I wondered again.

The clothings have no smell of detergent. And I found 2 boxes of detergent powder in a stock space. She forgets everything and ommits everything. She has no habit to put detergent powder when she washes the clothings any more.
My mother wonders why the deterget boxes have been opended for long time, perhaps. Is YUKARI good at economizing it? Not at all! She just forgets to put the powder or intentionally omits to do it.

"Better Half Association" would prize her as a winner of economizing detergent powder of 2017. Her way of economy is just "doing nothing" or "ommiting everything". She doesn't recognize what is necessity and what isn't.

Maybe, she has no day or no night. Her monotonous day makes her insensitive so much. Each day, her recognition ability is getting lost. Nevertheless, she doesn't recognize it. "No way for her." My family think so. Only she believes that she were the queen of our family and we couldn't live without her housekeeping.

I thought that she could wash the clothings at least. However, she even didn't do so at all.
Recently she began to wash clothings during night. Maybe, she can't recognize the difference between darkness and brightness. She lives in the world without day and night. Eternal darkness, like a deep bottom of the ocean. Or continuous evening of northern part of Europe, like Lindgreen's world.

Another strange discovery. When a figure gets in panic, it sometimes starts to use noisy electric machines like vacuum sweeper or brender or mixer or so.

When I was told two related stories from my pupil Mr.Shota SATO, I couldn't put up with laughing. He and his mate in his school days, happened to this extraordinarily strange fenomenum. In both cases, their confused parents started to turn on the electric cleaners.

Today, YUKARI took the exactly same behavour after the confusion above. She dislikes to clean up the roomes. As far as I know, she is indifferent from accumulated dusts, even the accumulated dates rearches more that 30 years or so.

However, she started to clean up the corredor, beside the veranda, abruptly. This morning, my father had a visiter in the office, so I moved from my office and continued my job in my mother's chamber. My mother was out at that time. When I was writing my original cover letter on my notebook, YUKARI abruptly entered in the chamber and was astonished at my presence and got out immediately. After it, she started to clean the corredor.

Recently, she cleaned up the office two consecutive days. I was astonished at her abrupt change. Soon after the stealing case, she started to clean of the office. Why? Reason unknown. I thought that my mother would ordered her to do so. However, watching today's happening, she is inclined to vacuum the room, especially related with her big mistake, as if she believes that her sin would be purified by the sweeping.

As you know, our family is fairly old one, like as other families in this area. It means that we have lots of old valuable things in our house. However, my father has been recognized that many valuable things were stolen from his warehouse. We thought that someone would have entered to steal outside from our house.
However, thinking of these circumstances, someone is inside the house. Many valuable artisan works were stolen from our house, when my kids were only 1 or 2 years old. It means that my kids were free from the suspects at that time.

I remember that in Hachioji, YUKARI made a walk several hours during night. I thought that she were doing exercise. I didn't care what she did. She wrote lots of messages by way of mobil phone, which I handed her for emagency use. I didn't know with whom she got along, that she was so narrow-minded and disliked to communicated with others. I thought that no one would pay attention to her, this kinky old arrogant skewed lady. However, if she had had valuable things, some evil ones would get along with her.

According to her, her families belongings are her ones. Her ego-centric communism ideology. Now, she losts almost all recognition ability to live as a human being.

Even now, what she did during night in Hachioji, I don't know.

I watched at Kyorin Univ. that so called Pick Disease or creptmania was spread. Morally ill figures are always intellectually deteriolated, as I appointed before in my blog. I have stolen various important datas, books and so on, by Kyorin related. My colleagues are also thieves. They pretended to be rich, however, they were accustomed to wandeing near my office and looking for the chance to open the door with so called Master Key, which can open the other's offices. Terrible, however, it's the fact.
They prepared to bring some sweets as gifts, as an excuse when they were found by me. They said, "Oh, you are here! I came here to give you my gift! Please accept it!" Creptmania is transmittable. I recognized the fact at that time. Because two colleagues, exactly the same day, did the same thing to me. One is Mari KITADA and another is a Testacles host called OKAMURA, graduated from Kyorin Univ.'s Graduate Course.
One day before, I came back from the trip abroad and I was absent. The next day, I had to get absent for another trip abroad. Thus, my office was targetted by the thieves.
Kitada gave me a tiny box of sweets of HOKKAIDO, while OKAMURA a honey from THAILAND. They didn't explain why they had such gifts. They just said the same remarks, "I was in trip. This is the gift for you."

I felt nasty with the gifts, especially Kitada's one. Because I had been furious her inhuman and dull attitude to the pupils. She was a betrayer, I knew at that time, already at that time.
Thus, in front of her, I gave all of the sweets to other colleagues and threw the empty box into the trash.

YUKARI sweeped for a long time the site of the crime, that is, arroud the bag, in which my wallet was in, in which, my precious US$50 note was there. Why? Now I understand. She moves just my instinct, without reason. Thus, she can't put up with her instinctive behavour. She felt something necessary to clean up or purifying the place, because she made a big mistake.
I don't know how YUKARI talked on the problem, however, she informed that "I found a US$50 note in a toilet." to Alex. Alex believed it. He insisted that it were his. However, he might just want to take advntage of it, presumably. "No one's property? Oh, then why not mine? I want the money? Why Miyuki got? She is more clever than me! The note doesn't belong to anyone. I should have the same right of MIYUKI, at least!"
Thus, he made a story to insist that it were his, because he thought that I would have had the same thing. A bit earlier than him, Goddamnit!

Thus, why he didn't look so serious on this matter, probably.

Today, my mother brought my bag with valuables to the office, scolding me to watch out over the thieves. Alex was at school. Only YUKARI was in the main house. This morning, my mother had to get out. In this circumstance, mother required me to pay attention to whom? Of course, only on person left.
My father was in the office with the visitor. Alex and Clare were at school. My was out. If my bag had been left in the main house, who would have stolen it? Only the broken robot.

Today, I saved one onether old precious tea preserving stand from YUKARI's flamboyant stealing jobs. I remembered that it had been in my father's wearhouse. Now, on the desk of the main house. It was well made artisanship craft. However, at the same time, I understand that it is beyond YUKARI's appreciation ability. For her, trash, maybe. Yes, it's old and more "strong and energetyc" type, which YUKARI dislikes.
I cleaned up with cotton buds and asked my father whether I could use it of not. Of course, he accepted. Like the ironcast kettle, this type was disliked by her and left in the house as rubbish. Thus, I got the tea preserving stand, Japenese laquer works, in red and black, with the design of JOUMON, fire motiv like ropes. Movement and power of life. Just a tea preserving stand, however, I needed to have it to put my tea leaves in the near future.
In addition, it was put a gold painting on it. It signifies empowerd by good lucks.

I think that YUKARI was so flanboyant and brought these precious things to show her faked "friends" and forgot to be returned. She can't insist to others outside the house. So pratically, she has lost lots of precious things and couldn't confess the fact. She was be proud of showing these things to her faked friends and they praised her and asked her to borrow them for a while. YUKARI always said OK to them and they never returned.
My father has never accused her but he knows that what happened. He knows the value. He has a special licence to sell the old precious things. Feeding YUKARI costs tremendously. He already knows it.

Now, YUKARI doesn't understand anything. She continues to be arrogant. However, she lost also her faked friends. She is alone, socially. Anyone helps her outside. And she does wrongdoing inside the house. She is getting idol, more and more.

Thus, I found a law of vacuum cleaners. Specilal thanks to Mr.Shota SATO, for his cotribution of giving me a good suggestion. What is the cause of the panic? Ask him directly! That's composed with two laughing episodes. He would explain them and would be amused with your responses.
