YUKARI's End (100)

2017-03-29 02:28:48 | 日記

  A kind of joke! Miyuki lost a lot of sanitary napkins in HACHIOJI in the house. Miyuki stocked and YUKARI stole them. A package was enough for her. And Miyuki were obliged to buy again and again. Miyuki was not cruel for her. Miyuki asked her to go back to her place again and again. And now the fact.

  She was gotten away from the house. And she stayed there at the moment of the big earth quake. Anyone could say the fact, because she threatened them to kill Miyuki.????

  Miyuki was the target of YUKARI already, and her mental situation was at the worst, at that time. And they threatened the situation. And now, the rivival. She wanted to maintain MIYUKI as her resource offerer. And she wanted to kill her again and again. And the age of Idiocracy came and YUKARI took a leading to do her plan. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. She worked normally. Like a horse, YUKARI contempted. Too too nasty to work like a man. She would be a man, and we ladies should be non working power holders. She declared. And the play.

  Alzheimer idiocracy in Shirakawa and all over the world. Thus, the reduction. Mentally illed figures were here and there. And they loved to be cruel to others. And outside, pride, anyway. Among them, cruel beasts.

  Thus, sometimes, YUKARI was scolded by her mother. Dellirio, they said. She was a injection in her hand. And wondering here and there. looking for something. Some important things should be. For her, anyway. Thus, Miyuki failed again.

  She thought that Miyuki would have a good brain and wanted to eat hers, instead of the stupid boy and girl. And she bought her brain with a cheap substitute. YUKARI's brain should be supplied by others, was their order. Sometimes, such a strange order came to her mind directly, and she behaved like that. And now, she is asleep and forgets the version.

  Always she thinks the same thing. Nasty dellirio, she took. And did nothing. better than doing wrong. And Miyuki separated her things from others. It was YUKARI's weakpoint. She didn't recognize what belongs to her. Thus, communist, we could say. Alzheimer problem. In case of emergency version. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And she doesn't want to belong to Japan at all. However, Miyuki didn't know the situation of other coutries. Just a deduction. And some nostargy and some preference.

  And California, for her. After asking the situaion, a bit. World is better than Japan. Probably. Some places are more poplulous, or more with common people and not nasty like that. less spooky place, anyway.

  And YUKARI failed again. She believed tha Miyuki needed her help. Belief. Only belief and no any reasonable ground type desire. Just for money and desire to kill me.

  YUKARI is natural born killer type. Now they recognized it. Only Miyuki would be a target, in the final stage, they predicted. Only one system was adopted in her mind. Because of lack of memory. And one day acuvue game, they called it. Tomorrow, another game for her. Endless torture for others. Natural born killer turned to be an Alzheimer patient version, they called.

  And found the rule. Away from her sight. At least, not touch her at all. Thrawal was so common for her. A busket type amusing task. And spatula thrawal. Knife was prohibitted, however, the prohibittion got loosen. And now, rope was taken away. Miyuki found the rule and Alzheimer type treatment probably. And nor for Miyuki because of the objects left near Miyuki. Incovenient, however, better than being killed type torture.

  Monstrous sister, Miyuki has. And they worried about her sanity. Mentally good, however, physically nasty anyway. She frietened repeatedly. Not only her inner world, but also expressed world. Thus, she should be caught.

  She should vanish now. And she made a mistake as usual. She pray as usual. I dislike Miyuki and Miyuki should be a ghost for me, and the dream realized already. Why more???

  Ghost hunter, she wanted to be. Thus, the Ghost hunting prohibittion. Safety is needed for the ghost. Clare did her important role.Buying Miyuki's safety as she liked. Anyway, Miyuki knows tha she is beautiful. And Alex forgot to talk with his dearest friend HOSONO. And Miyuki deduced that he is a kind of 40 years old type. And? Nothing. His friend. Friend should be chosen by himsef type. Even risky, sometime we needed to communicate with someone. The evilest, we could exclude beyond his own will. However, I don't know who is Hosono yet. And amusing their strange conversation. Sometimes, try to offer more kinkiest idea for herself. And not at all. Just on a telephone type friend. Anyway, others should train his conversation ability. Thus, I leave as Alex likes. too too natural.

  YUKARI is the real danger for Miyuki. Thus, different. Miyuki avoided her as much as possible. However, she has a limit. Her mother's chamber user. Thus, changes her clothings in front of YUKARI, because it is her mother's chamber and Miyuki should change the clothings anyway.

  and the question. Miyuki would like to go back to SARUSHI life???? What do you mean? I wear as I like. If I want to wear SARUSHI, I wear, and If I want casual, I also wear it. Both, I like to wear. SARUSHI world not at all! However, SARUSHI is a kind of my strong point. Thus, I took advantage of it. Just it. Why not???

  Miyuki didn't put away her SARUSHI at all. Of course, I paid a lot for it. Why I throw away? Nonsense. I am against DANSHARI or total abandonment of my belongings. And Alex is the same belirver. Clare also. Anything is precious for each type. Each one has its own kinky habit type. And property theory. Dispose by their owners' will.

  YUKARI should be expulsed by the family. A killer. Terrible and a lot of shames she did and does. And YUKARI got a final resolution. Suicide. This time, completed. A curtain call not at all! Only the end!!!

  Vanishing! She lost her spirit many years ago. She was cruel and thought that others were the same. And established her own world. IDIOCRACY, Miyuki said. And idiot like death. She failed and died. Like as usual. and she is no more living creature. She was already dead. Zombie or gorem. Now vanished!!!!

  And time to sleep. Exhausted life with YUKARI. Trouble maker, she wasn't. Evil creature, they thought of. Miyuki couldn't believe her evilness at the first time and thought that US$30 thousand were enough for her. however, nothing for her. Just a bit of money. She wanted to have her insurance compensation. And did the wrongdoings for it. She gained by this way. however, she didn't enter into any insurance at all. MEIJISEIMEI was a kind of joke, she said. Oh, then why she was needed US$300 per month???

  She forgot, probably. and her pride disturbed the recognition. Miyuki was too too right that she was lonely anyway. Liberalist should be, Youichi HIGUCHI said. However, he failed. For DDMs, loneliness is the suffering. For Miyuki, DDMic friends not at all!!! Only one system, she refused at all!!! And the promised marrige? Of course, not!!!! Degradation for me!!! And marrige? Not at alll! For me, vommitting habit. I want boyfriends. Not husband at all!!!!

    And of course, lots of friends!!!!! I want friends anyway. Miyuki cries from the center of the world, "Make friends with ME....I am Miyuki SATO!!!!! Let's enjoy our lives together!!!!! Common people and our supporters only!!!!!!"

  And many friends here and there. All friends come come to me!!!!! A kind of difficult situation, Miyuki's family stayed. And a big relief. Anyway today, we could survive from YUKARI's evilness type sigh.

  Alzheimer mesmarization, they used and some figures were trapped in the technic. And now, YUKARI is leaving. Long long nasty period they passed. And nothing they feel. Why we didn't do so type regret. YUKARI's problem was too too difficult for everyone. Just indulged kids turned to be like that type, probably.

  They had chance to turn to be a human being, however, she lost. Always. Thus, Miyuki discommunicated with her. Others thought that Miyuki was too too cruel for her. However, nothing at all. YUKARI was too too cruel for us. And thought as Miyuki's like. Persuasion by physical movement and expressions. A bit a bit tactics. KIRASHI-NO-TECHO like way. At once, impossible. However, a bit a bit, from now one type. It works anyway. Not ceremony at all. Why recognize it, starts already. A colum, writen by a journalist in France. Miyuki tried and got a success. Everyday, a bit better method. Not so great thing, however, it works lots. A regular member of the magazine, bought by Platinum Dormitory. And was a great mistake Miyuki did.

  When Miyuki was a member of committee, Miyuki thought that the staff room was disorganized and made a total abandonment on the objects and filed over 5 years. A management method. Miyuki didn't understand the importance of the history of the dormitory, and just wanted to clean up the messy situation. And put the old ones into the box and put them into the big box in the old part of the building. At that time, Miyuki thought that they were ocupacional nasty fatty spacy things. however, after several years, regrets. And pledge not to abandon in mass. A kind of massacre, she did, she realized. Just a management job, Miyuki thought and thought, we were doing a kind cleaning up for free. And failed. Sorry for others. And forgetful was a bad thing. She learned it. And tried to reform her forgetfulness. And try to remember something, trifle thing, also possible, anyway, when Miyuki is absent in mind. A kind of exercise. And after several tries, sometimes it works. Thus, if she has some time, she does the training. Better than nothing.

  A kind of escaping process. however, a catch and follow game, they thought. Only memory strong type did the work type job, they should do it. Thus, Miyuki's way. Ask her dearest friends. I myself try to remember, however, others remember better than Miyuki, almost as usual. Thus, a kind of confort.

  Miyuki was so good as to say that I did the fault. And try not to repeat it. As much as possible. And not good at all, perfectly. And put the failure anyway for a while, and I would manage the situation anyway type. And she is not so arrogant and try to be stronger. More and more stronger. It would better for me and for others also. More liberal, more chance to enjoy, and more helpful to others.

  Strong is skillful also. Talented and abled also. Challenged, also. And a lot of challenge as the limit of endurance. An adventure. Not a suffering type. Always upward type!!!!

  Miyuki should know that YUKARI was a mirror of Miyuki and put up with the situation. however, too too wrong to our family. Not at all, they pretended. however, too too bad, objectly. Thus, tried to strugle with her. And commited some errors sometimes. However, in general speaking, Miyuki got a success. Proofs and impressions. Too too many mistakes here and there. Everyday, deteriorating. When Miyuki recognized them, a fear??? A kind of surprise. Why this object is here? Why she made such an easy mistake repeatedly like finding games. And got to know that she suffered from Alzheimer disease. And her will doesn't function at all. Beyond the control situation. So bad? Miyuki was in doubt. However, she was illed totally.

  Miyuki didn't beleive when she said, "I can't work outside at all. Thus, you should pay for me." in Hachioji. She should work, Miyuki thought. Just a lack of intention, Miyuki thought. Why she can't? She didn't explain at all. A shyness she should conquer, Miyuki thought. And failed. Miyuki didn't know the real situation at all. Already abandoned situation. Like Japanese society. And an isolated situation in the family. Anyone understood her explanation at all type isolation. And YUKARI made a bad impression on Miyuki, felt. However, didn't believe that YUKARI was so so evil to take advantage of her role. And today. Miyuki dared not to say go with Alex, because Miyuki is not liking the business school at all. And Miyuki got a success. Good to know. Miyuki was right. Nasty feeling here and there. Abandoned like impression.

  Miyuki visted once the school recently and looked at the field. Small. And a sun room. Only garden plants. And red cows were there. Looked so safe. And not has seen business school inside. Because it was on weekend and it was closed. Gymnastic hall was used by some athletic objectives. And cars. Parents or teachers? They complemented a bit. Bows. And Miyuki did it as they liked. A kind of camofrage??? Not at all. Japanese usual bows type. OK for passing type.

  And Miyuki was too too right to do so. And should be praised by others!!! And the ring! They didn't predict the ring for the final stage. And they heard!!! Sometimes, Miyuki hit the ring. When she had a chance. Someone wispered and Miyuki thought, "Gee, a good idea!" type. And not regret.

  Ring for hit, thus they are there. And they thought differently. And they vanished for the last time. Now, night train for all DDMs. We should work together, anyway! For better future and for revenge!!!!

  History is important and Miyuki failed sometimes. And now, try to be better. Miyuki corrective effort only by Miyuki and her real friends, common people only type!!! IDIOCRACY was too too cruel for us all. And not so dificult to find, however, total abandonment is difficult. IZUMI-san suggested and I responded as I thought. And I found another side of the problem. Bigger than I imagined. Informants all system by Alzheimer patients. They lost the reason anyway. And YUKARI did the dirty work again. Now and then, she wanted to know who was the most evil for them. And wrote a lot of letters to others???

  And failed. She was not totally lost and tired anyway. Miyuki is not sly at all. She is rightous and amusing type. Just an amusement is not for her health. Why you are so anxious for her? You should do your own job, shouldn't you?

  They said so, however, YUKARI didn't think so. And again. And the system broke. Only one power holder game was broken. She? Of course not!!! Miyuki denied the system, of course. And YUKARI thought that Miyuki would be the successor anyway. And Miyuki refused. And Alex failed. He wanted to do the job. However, too too difficult for him now. Everyone, as they like, as much as possible is their keyword. And, Sleeping!!!!


  Miyuki is always with ADACHI!   


