YUKARI's End (33)

2017-03-02 20:57:59 | 日記

 There were lots of moving among the rich families. The real estate advertizers said that even in the newly established builiding, usually family moves after 10 years of use. After 10 years, apartments got to be a trash. Thus, you should buy the new one."???

 Then after 10 years? "You should buy another new one. You should sell the old one. Only US$100 thousand less than the new one. Every 10 years, you would pay only US$100 thousand and you can continue to live in the newest and most convenience apartment in Tokyo."

 ???? I wanted to buy an apartment for almosr forever use. At least 100 years. But, the clerks advertised against my will. I want to have an endurable one, while they recommend the fragile one, at the extremely high value, almost US$500 thousand. 10 times much more expensive than I imagined. Thus, I quitted to search the suitable apartment for me and my kids. I almost got dissaponted at the system. Who can buy the cheapish strage with such a high price, for the every 10 years use? Only Kyorin type figures.

 Shimpou also moved from KUNITACHI to YAMANASHI, for the sake of good education for his two kids. He did a job of the president of PTA of their school. Good. Highy socially contributing performance. I should do it, if I had time enough. However, I had no time. Then, I escapepd from PTA activities, begging sorry for the other members.

 His reason of the moving was, "I was apassionate to the Dutch Oven". Yes, not Dutch Wife, Dutch Oven. It meant that he got interested in good Dutch Oven and started to use as a camping equipment and liked to use it. And for camping, YAMANASHI was good. And he explained me, "In YAMANASHI, there were lots of high quality public schools, thus, better than KUNITACHI, for kids' education also."

 Normal, I thought. I begged him to write an article for the faculty advertizing photo book called ANZU Journal. Many colleagues avoided to write the articles with some excuses and I believed that he would be a kind guy. He did the episode on the journal. an amusing joke, I thought. Instead of wife, he chose oven!!! Oh, good, camping father!, I thought.

 He said also that as a president of PTA, he did collecting instand cup foods for poor orfans, asking a help of cooperation of the supermarkets in the region.

 Was he begging foods for him, taking advantage of the position as a president of PTA???

 He was not astonished at my story on OOKAWA's abrupt violence. Just he showed the facial expression, "I am sorry to hear it..." like paternalized one. I took advantage of the occasion to test his humanity on the life. And he failed. Plump and cheerful looking, kind like way of saying. And he disliked "Citizen" at all. They were time consuming threatening groups. In KUNITACHI, there were lots of this insisting exessively types and he was tired of get along with this type.

 His major was Japanese Political System. Especially left wing citizens were the target of his hatrid. They were called "Professional citizens", classified differently from normal obedient citizens. Oh, ShiMPOU, your preference was obvious, yes. Obedience is the highest value type of political scholar. Not should exist type. Unnecessary for our world and he served for the gods of inhumanity.

  DDMic wife is worse than Micro-oven. Quick is the latter, while slow is the former. Time and money consuming exsitance called wife.

  Kyorin 2 kids family staff are limited. Shimpou, KITAJIMA, ONODA, TAKENIUCHI, CHIHARA, and so on. OIKAWA also had two kids, boy and girl.

 He offered a photo of his grand kids in beach wear to publish in the ANZU Journal. He said that he was an ex-NHK hired staff in Elsarem and his two kids got married there with the Israel figures and lived there. Their kids also. I asked, "You don't worry about the life of the ground kids there? It is a dangerous zone, I have heard from the news." And his reply was, "For them, danger is normal. I don't care of the danger at all. I would like to move to Israel after my retirement.", with big laugh.

 ??? I am so coward at this point. Family life is relevant for me. Why he is so indifferent on the matter?

  He always smoke a cigar, as I described before. A mariphana, maybe. In a pipe type. He just wanted show his mixed blooded grand kids, I felt. Thus, mixed blood was normal for him, I thought. And he suggested that "I know your artifcilal insemination, already".

 He said to me, unnecessarily, abruptly, "I know a case an Israel women got married and lost her husband. She got pregnant with his frozen sperm and got a kind. I was new to it, however, acceptable, anyway."??? Why he thought that as if I were a widow like existance?

 My information is leaked by someone, I felt. However, why and how? KOUKETSU's case's resembled it. Just insinuation, however, "I know your wrongdoing, thus, you should obey me" type. YUKARI did the threatening in a directway, and they did in an indirect way. Just insinuation is enough as a threatning type.

  HARADA's couple were this type also. Her husband said to me, when we met for the first time in the versity cafeteria called Hall ANZU, "I have heard of you from my wife for a long time." I replied, "What kind of bad episodes, gentleman?" They laughed and didn't say anything any more at the point.

 When someone recognizes their wrongdoings, they lose. It is the rule. Until the last one. This is also the rule. Persistent and imprudent type. We need a quick wit! Suitable for her..him??? They talked. Oh, he, that boy!!! And they recommended the fattest type. He was a betrayer, all of DDMs said. He was always for the sake of us, he said. Good job, Alex, he was a trump hunter at the moment. He wants to live earning money. He just didn't know that English is so good to kill the figures. I am a Japanese and I don't know English at all!!! He likes to pretend to be an American. In KOORIYAMA, he did. Oh, that boy, who claimed to beg money to give, at least in the real one!! Bit coins are cheaper than real ones, they said however, he said, "We need money and the journal said you exchange in any unit of each money. Then, EURO! Oh, Euro, I have. Just one Euro, and costs US$200. Why I could use the money? Because my auntie said Yes to me. And she said that she found it in the desk of her father's office. Miyuki did notice that the number of Euro reduced abruptly, however, it was not sure at that time. Now, who is the seller? Oh, that KOORIYAMA trip suddenly!

 Oh, the team play. She admitted him to use one half of the result as her coactor. And he did. He always did and he got a thief. Oh, YUKARI's team, he did a good player's role. And then, he was afraid to be found by others and talked to only one reliable for him. Clare. She said, "Stupid brother killed his only one sister of law!"???

 Clare wanted to use the expression that she felt that you Miyuki were too young like as me, OK , younger than me. Thus, please, give me that one! You should by your own money. I could buy it, if you give me your money. Accepted. A condom like baloon, they say. OK, as a protection, however, better than not having it. In the internet, baloon is sold like a condom. Oh, Alzheimer like way. Laurel leaves for especially Chinese soup??? Miyuki was so clever to notice it. They can't separate things. Altogether. Totalitarians. Caos lovers. Indifferent from sexual difference at all.

 Thus, Alex admitted he was totally cruel to Miyuki. He rented his character to YUKARI by a minute. He sold his youth also. A kind of. Thus, he regrets. I want to be shorter! Much prittier than with this bulky plumpy figure!!!

 OK, Len KAGAMINE is his favorite and lost his chance. OK, I understood. And, you should return all of the money, with interest. I need a lot of money for my business. The more the better. Punishment by money is suitable for him, provisionally. He should be monitored by the others. He was indifferent from the others damage. He should learn lots from this formidable experience. He should thank to your kindest supporters. IZUMI-san allowed your wrongdoing. A kind of. You are too too harsh to dare to say BITCH to your parent. You should be casted with your real bitches. Some members said also. Miyuki is decisive. On the hands of Gods of Justice. He should take his own measure, expressively. He should think of the punishment that deserves him. Sincerity is the key point. And now you should be monitored by my mother and by others, in the hands of Gods of Justice.

  You are kinks. Auntie and nephew republic, they wanted to establish. No others can be allowed to enter. Kinky, however, he adored the idea. No one, and she is rich now. Good for me!!!

 Oh, Alex, you are too too shortsighted. ADACHI regretted that he was so so kinks at that time. Oh, wrongdoers. You should be in custody both of you. Oh, boys, you fail sometimes. If the sin is reparable, they could be forgiven a part and continue to be monitored. Thus, he regretted the personality change. The mesmarization, they said. Too sleepy and began to commit errors. good sigh for taking a sleep. In the middle of the laughing jokes? Adachi claimed. However, we should take a big sleep. Miyuki is a good sleeper and takes a nap easily. On the mouth, full of spit. Don't say spit. SALIVA. A delicious dream, she has. Not only one to have it. Always in a good appetite type. This MAJI-YABAA is laughing even in the case of emergency. Don't laugh at the moment. Oh, Alex, you did another job!!!

 OK, two for 6 or 12??? then US$8 per person. Oh, I would earn money for them. Extra US$2 per box of 12 pieces. US$10, handed me, OK. On the desk, on the PC. Expressively. YUKARI would steal or not. I would monitor her. If I found some US$10 note on the desk, I would buy and put it on the same place. In this case, she would pick it or so???

 I would try their behaviour. How you dare to decide. I am ready for the errand, OK. In each country? OK, in this case, 20% added for each errand. OK. My pocket money job. For your collection, OK. the same as the card game box. good to have one to conceal it. If it does work, the effect is marvelous. If fail, the other trick needed. Oh, you are easy goer type!!! I adore your ideology. However, you have friends now and want to have more and more!!!

 I am not so insistent to have "the only one lover" game. A coupling com. A matching com is better. And now, just friends . With a lot of expectation of further communication. Any supperters are also OK. Each one has its own technic. A kind of trick. Miyuki is too too good to manage the situation. Like a man, they adore the coolish way. TOHOHO is nice and there is no experience!!! They are called virgin and disliked by them because of "Billy Jean".

 Miyuki got to know the system and experienced how "Billy Jean" is terrified by Michael Jackson. Oh, thrilling, ADACHI said. Spooky, Miyuki said. Not only Miyuki and but also lots of OYAJI felt like this. Why virginity was so so important for them? Because of excluding different seed. Family seed, they said. Sperm would produce the kid and femele is just a womb. Reversed version was experienced in England. Miyuki felt spooky. genes with 3 females!!! Artificially!!! They are playing the life, Miyuki felt.

 Only one modified of the one gene is the object of fear and exclusion. triple gened croon should be praised by scientists ??? The country of Newton!!! "Nature" magazin tradition!!! Kinky, and avoidable. The real impretion of monster creation. The symptom of the distruction. Inhuman and unnecessary. I did artificial insemination however, I really wanted to have kids. Not monsters. I felt nothing spooky and I yelled someone who agreed the kinky strategy. Virgin is not good???? Good or not, depends on ones feeling. I was in favour of my a-sexual situation. I was protected by the situation. And now, 4 years of attempt, no man sorrounds me. No male friend, no female friend, except some people. The number unknow. However, we are so lonely in this place. Even now, the bokko is here and there, walking with her spring dashing. Just for showing up it were busy.

 Strange figures, we lived together. Spooky. No more residents and they tried to construct more and more. MARUSHO is one of the type. They established the most valuable block in Shirakawa, near the Kindergarden called WAKABA. The public kindergarden, some spermarkets, WASHIO, the older, and KAWACHI, the newest. No man's land. The surperficially beautiful houses without owners. Even the dog was slow. He bowed after Miyuki left. Why you, watch dog? YUKARI was too late to know that she was monitored by the gods of justice and excused that my sister got suffering from HIV like dexual disease. She is in her illusion. She would be a hero of her novel called "Robin Hood in Sharwood Forest" by Haward Pile. She liked to read it and I disliked. She likes kinky figures only. She invited kinky figures always. Boy like spooky existance. Every night. She could see the spirit, maybe. Some one could see. Some one not. Don't worry, I am a skelton lovers. Keal's type. Miyuki asked Akemi , give me your sculp after your death! I liked your head, especially afterhead!!!

 Oh, you liked! Me too. Akemi liked her audacious expression. Her admiration is too too direct and Kyo wants to be Miyuki's special friends. MJ is nice!!! I like him!!! Anyway, danceable and good at movement. Wedge cutting! Sing, a bit weak, however, great performer!!!!

 Miyuki evaluated his reputation. Super hero is a kinky one. Every one is kinky. He would be happy, however, he didn't realize it. He wanted to be a normal great singer combined dancer. Bucket man!!! A good performance for Land of OZ. You would be a great film movie star combined with producing functions.

 She was disliked by NZ because of her harsh critics on the politics on the country. She liked to amuse us, however, too too tough to pay the salary for her. this is an excuse for her. DDMic exclusion. No value encludid. Then you should close the HP and didn't do the wanted advertizement. I lost a lot of money for the sake of you, NZ. You should return all of your land to MAORI spirits' people, thus, to us. You should pay as soon as possible. This is ordial to you. We watch you know. KOUKETSU didn't believe that his falures has been monitored. Just say, Gee, it was so cool to be a prof. of Tokyo Univ. Once a while, they wanted to pledge the obedience in the meeting, or they forget. Meeting for the meeting for the meeting...∞.

 And they fell all down.

 The final evil cupid was caught in our police and he was put in custody. He was too too indulged and not excuse for the stealing. She would fail again. My auntie spelled a lot, and she is a real muck eater, "Oh here she comes, watch out what does she chows you up! Oh, here she comes, she is a muck eater!!!!" 🎶

 Miyuki would find the smell and Clare participated the job, also. She was trapped and pretended to be good too everyone. My sister is smelly and she does the same thing repeatedly. I feel strange and I does the same time again and again. And I got power and I got greater. Now I am a kind of real god. God like great mother. Just pritend to be YUKARI the broken robot. Now, the great mother play, with scolding in a loud voice. The quis is, "Pretend to be the greatest powered one as you choose. OK, YUKARI should give a lesson to you. Good girl. How do you behave as a great mother?"

 And her reply is, "Alex, take off your Y shirt, immediately, right now!! I should wash it now. Alex, where are you, my boy!"

 HARUSAN replied wrongly, "You should be a house holder of the poor family. "YUKARI took advantage of the remark. As DDMic way. They can't interepretate rightly. Only declaration by their intention at that time.

 Now, she was upset at her leftover is too too evil to her mother. She understood that Miyuki has a good tongue, indifferent from her male like appearance. Miyuki should know that DDMic world, you would be male, while they put you in the female custody and in the femal floor of the hospital. Carusour Maki type, she should be! Oh, boy Alex, again. Now, the game is funny and risky. He regretted that he played the role of bad boy too much. Now he is in custody. He promissed not to do the same error at all. Another, I don't know...Oh, sincere? I doubt it. Alex, you are too too conventional and too too sly. Dull boy. You should be punished more.

 Alex is a fun guy type. However, diligency, not at all. It is his problem. This type relied on his friend. If he chooses well, he would be good. However, he failed. He chose wrongly again. He relied on her instinct. Oh, the indulgence. She would indulge him again. He would know that he is the last one to trigger the SATO family. OK, he triggered and indifferent from his own will.

 He showed up as a provisional substitute of his own auntie. Auntie herself is a ugly nasty devil, indifferent from her own intention. Her excuse is in vain. No excuse in the failure. At 21:00 in the evening. Again? The neighbours threated HARUSAN to take her to the hospital. Her reply is as always, You should take her to the hospital, as always.

 They lost the way, as always and got so late at the day of the visiting for inviting cards holders. Alex did a good job at this point. He was a great betrayer to the fact. They lost and how they returned? By foot. Oh, that is. Big foot for it. Her foot was big enough to walk, and said, "Oh, Alex, I am tired, I want to stay here now. I want to get arrested here. In the middle of road is good. Go Alex, now!"

 And she laid down. And, Gee, no one comes!!!

 No insurance family is exempted.

 No insurance means safety is protected by themselves. OK, Alex, you were so tired of the job. Auntie was too too heaby to put on the shoulder. Like "IBASUTE". Thrown awayed they like, KITAMURA said to me, directly. On the Kyorin University. This is my actual versity, OK?

 Probably, they feel good when they contempt us in front of us, directly. And he got points from his gods of injustice. KAOS, he entered. Shameless, and arrogant. No ability at all. He really wanted to get married with Alex, and Clare, without their own agreement. They could as they like, including homicide. Double triple forever chain. They admitted his wrongdoings and then the strange change happened. Spooky figures they were. They were caught by the nightmare. A lot of skeltons. Oh, the shout of the band of "Eveybody wants to rule the world", strange , soulful. Akemi said that one of the pair is iranian descendent. Oh, cool! A bit flat and plump for me, but nice guy type!!!

 Miyuki liked his face. Handsome, round face type. Normal and serious type. Not spooky at all. Cool music, we felt. A nice guy is cheeful and upward. Fabio is good. Gentleman type clean guy. Not so face. He is fat. At the US standard, not so tall. However, in Japan, enough to say in avelege. Nice. Confortable! He liked her strange expression, "Oh, insane!!! So cool! " Miyuki really wanted to confirm his safety. I didn't mean, that you were a kinky guy at all. Rich boy non-charrant type. Good friend of dog KENJI. A nigerian dogs.

 Oh, at Kyorin, there were lots of ex-deplomats, embassador included. Kei Matsui, a nigerian special embacy. Miyuki believed. And Ohta, I just indirect way, got to know his personality.

 And a Today graduate one, also, philipine embassy. He was modest high rankind servicer type, not aggressive, but not so bad. He was interested in my "Mary Antoitette ate brioche instead of biscuit" remark. I wanted others to laugh at the remark, however, only he was interested.

 This episode was cought by Ryuichi NAGAO's remarks. He talked to him, his predicessor that his imitation was too too bad but good at his creativity.

 Retired old owner of the messy housed is his suitable place, Miyuki wrote to others. OK, he admitted. He got hospitalized. Miyuki believed and"Oh, its a good chance to introduce my kids to him. Thus guy would be astonished my inventory. Oh, you invented kids, also, type!!!"

 Miyuki would believe the stories as he said, some irony of course. Or, there were no book memories needed. Oh, where are the data I grounded ?!!! I, depending on TPO, refer to the name, as much as possible. A good training for memory recovery. Good for someone. Miyuki like feeble-memory type. Only a clue, she puts in mind. Too much for me. It's enough for me. I am not good at memory. Not memorizing type. I substitute my memory loss or disconnection of neuron as much as possible.

 However, I believe I could and I won. Persistency is enough.

 And now, everyone knows everyone world. Oh, she, famous among us, because we are only some exception of the ordial done. Our first mission is completed, in generally. However, the time changes. Mr.Slump. Old kinky YUKARI-Yelzin, with a nuclear button type. Assasin. We all got to know that YUKARI is really resembles Ms.Responsibles and the nurses in Hasegawa hospital. They worried about the health care of YUKARI. Just Death. No other treatment. Disposal. We call it. She was too too tough for us. Violent and out of our rule. Any prohibition can't effect at all type. She found that she said that Alex was her last resort. She said that I wanted to hug him, however, he escaped from her, so she shouted loud. Take off your Y shirt now. I have to wash now. She was too too crazy. Why she should shout in the cold sky, without him. He was too too shy what had happened among them. Oh, boy, you caught her, anyway. She thought that he was only 5 years old. HARUSAN treats him also like so. Ever 5 years old boy. Indulged. Good for DDMs. Not bad for me, type. KIMURA would be her friend type. He wrote a letter to you, Miyuki. You are too too audacious to say, "Good fellow should have condom in anyway. It would save the failure, at least. Good for people to know it, Miyuki. You dared to ask me why philipine people didn't use condom. A kind of confusion. Miyuki understood that "in the middle" in different way. She imagined it remeins in the middle of the tube. How it would be taken is the problem.

  No, no. This problem was solved. No experiment is too too harsh for them. Enquries by the pupils anonimous. And they got the result. In case of the happening, no one is responsible???

  OKAMOTO said so. ??? Rare or not? Just it. Loose or not. Size problem. related to your reliance. OKAMOTO is monopoly. Thus, make it. Easy. Forein countries can do it. Philipine and Japan. Philipine is more promissive. Japan, a bit. However, only few foreign enterprize got the chance? No! Every good enterprise could gain the race. Undevelopped in health care, ignorant and anti-scientific explanation era of Japan. IDIOCRACY it is called. The most idiot is chosen as the prime minister game. They did and ABE won, thus he was sacrificed and they all fall down, Acchoo, Acchoo!!!

  They felt good to get to know that MIYUKI was only one personality who could not brabe by them. Muck was not brabe for me. She called the brabery muck. Power holders, not. Every body wants rule the world. Totalitarians, they were. Should be punished immediately. Tears for fears!!! Shout! Shout!!!! 1990s Music was good, yes. Now, some good salsa world popular music is also good. However, too much mixture type. Only remake version. Not creative. Strange enough. Not globalization. More totalitarianization. Absolutist modernized version. Inhuman reality. 1984, Animal Farm, Brazil, in the next century, metro-politan, modern times,....

 Spooky ANIME written by Suzue Miuchi called "When ever the 13rd month comes" is the most kinkiest spookiest for Miyuki. Once read and put in my mind. Couldn't be taken off. Thriller. Once a while, a girl vanishes in a girls' school of Christian related. A heroine, the pupil of the school, got to find that there is a Devil feeded in the basement as a pet and ate the girl, once in a year. She found and cried. Shout. After, Miyuki didn't remember the last. Not promissive, perhaps. It was the symbol of the establishment of Kyorin Versity Hospital, she realized. However, the ceremony of feeding human body was here and there.

 Even now, cathing by the ambulance is often in the road. Miyuki would be saved in the moment. She really did it. ADACHI, you would be punished. OK, audacious, anyway. Why I should be video-taped here? I was caught under the name of melancoly, combined with hiralious high tension, anyway. They didn't prohibit it. I was alone, nothing to do. OK, I will pass time until the next activity. Good there is a space!!!
