Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (51)

2017-05-13 13:17:36 | 日記

13/05/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) Miyuki opened a latter from Kyorin, and found more and more proofs of non existance of this evil versity in the envelope. They have no money to print out coloured panphlets any more. Oh, just print out directly from their own cheap home printing equipment, and no colour ink cartridge at all. And 私学共済 or Sindicates of private schools for their social benefits is doing the same business. It means, under the name of each versity, the IKKYO versities do the same wrong doings, indifferent from their defete. Surrenders, they are. And their dying message, this is. No money at all to pay your compansation...However, we tried to pay a bit more, for the sake of your kid Alex, because he reached 16 years old????

  For infants, more money, and for independent type, they could have reduced it. However, always they do the contrary. Thus, for them, any reason is fine to reduce or increace the salary. Thus, they wrote me so bad. And my salary is under the minimum wage earners in Saitama prefecture.

  And I saw my salary register. Oh, my wage went up? Why? Always I received only US$4 thousand or so. This month, US$4.7 thousand. Why now?

  Every half year, they provided transporting fee at almost US$1 thousand, and this year, no fee at all. At this point, they reduced, as they liked, without informing the fact, and any accordance of me. totally illegal attitude, and anti-sincerity. They do as they like. This is the real proof of their flamboyant IDIOCRACY.

  For them, total value is important, and sharing is not their task. Totalitalian financial system they adopted, and I am not a member of Totalitarian at all. I earned much more than this figure. Thus, this is only a part of compensation, paid a bit a bit per month. Too too comptenptious system they used, and even though, they should pay the total of the damege, until the last bit of it, of course.

  Always, a bit a bit. When they pay, they do so, and when they require, they do all in a once. Terrible ego-centric system, they continue to use.

  I took the picture of my deposit of Japan Postal bank in my account. They stole my precious money under the name of "Tax", pretending to pay for me. Terrible system, they utilize even now, as I informed beore. Did you see the evilest financial wrongdoing? Non reliable bank we have. how can I protect our precious earned money???

  They think that they could do it. Just a matter of figure. Just they did, and we got really astonished. Frightened, exactly. They did it!! They did it!!! Nakid erotic bug, morally degraded one, and financially, less than zero. Junkies, they are now. Why they could touch our precious money???

  They stole our bag as always, and picked some money from it, and left it as they did. Yesterday, I watche my father's bag was open in front of the desk, and the cushions of my chair at the desk were replaced. And took a picture of them, and informed to my boss, in this case, office owner, my father. He is accustomed to bring it, and after April, he sometimes has not brought it with him. The system changed, and he knows something better than me, I felt at that time.

  And the similar thing happened the day before yesterday on me, as I wrote before. My porch was on the desk, without being stolen, as far as I got to notice. 

  Now, his turn? Anyway, I am free from his suspetion, I expressed as soon as possible. He pretended not to be done, however, probably, he thought of something on this point. I had only 3 notes of US$10, however, he? Probably much more than me. For her, US$50 is minimum to sustain her living cost, however, she sumetimes steals the value from other members of her family, without any agreement, probably. Anyone could be targetted, because she is a member of the family, anyway, she realizes the system. They should sustain me. And I am a big eater now, thus, they should pay more, YUKARI thought like that.

  Probably she prayed to the superior in Kyorin versity, at the cost of her evil work, and thus, they added extra US$4 for her. It would be US$5, and one piece was stolen by someone, thus, in total, US$4. This is their system. As you like reluctant attitude here and there. For them, working is a kind of nasty time passing activities. They just want to chat, smoke, drink tea, addicted life, they want to spend.

  Thus, they prefer so much repetition. how many times, you did it, YUKARI?, they scold her, and then, the revenge by other DDMs. They were prevelent, thus we should pay attention, we thought in really.

  However, after april, the system changed, they declared, however, they continued to do their faking job, as if they were not DDMs. And they damaged our family and professional life totally. Not DDMic ones, they declared. However, they are really DDMs. Faked common people, they are.

  Miyuki knows well this type in Tokyo. They pretended to be poor modest family, however, they couldn't work rightouslly. Thus, soon their cheap faking is revealed, as Kyotin Versity does now. Always, the quickest and cheapest, and ego-centric, are their predilection. For them, easy goers only world is the most valuable. And Miyuki is not at all type. Diligent worker, she is. After hospitalized situation, she continues to work as usual. She likes to work, in every meaning, and working is a kind of amusing discovery process for her. Thus she chose to be a professor of law. Normal profession would not be suitable for her. More liberal "Oh, you did know well? Thus, I want to try now!! Tell the way, for me, please!!!" And she tries by herself, and fails a lot of times, and found her own golden standard, principles, law and so on, useful to others yes.

  Thus, she is now enjoying her own jobs. however, she wants to contribute to recover the beautiful planet. In Shirakawa, of course. Forest devastation, we should stop, and smart car problems. They want to kill more and more just for their kinkiest habit.

 We are in the dangerous situation. Most evil cruel Alzheimer patients do their wrongding, concealed inside their own house, and continues their wrongdoings, which damages us all, including financial reliance, the most necessary factor of bank system, and the biggest bank did the error. Only 8 yens, however, it closed all of banking system in Japan, except our deposits. They did it, at the end!!! Faked ones tried to attack her number called, "Pass Word", and used the image of Alex. And they were provided by others, and they used it. How and why? No reason at all. Just they did, and left the proof again.

  Thus, YUKARI is this week, not so appearing in front of Miyuki. She is concentrated on her wrong jobs. Thus, she should vanish as soon as possible.

  Miyuki is hungry now. Thus, see you soon!

  Vanish! DDMs!!! You are wasting our precious money into the ditch. Ditch, Ditch, SHABU, SHABU, RAN AWAY! directly to INFERNO! ♫🎶

 From MARC, the Quartet, with BIG LOVE!!!

 Miyuki came back with her casual vivacity. She cocked a tomato sauce pasta with two slices of soft mortadela like ham. She made a big mistake! Oh, baby alphabet pastas got stuck in a colander!!!

  She prefered a soft line pasta today. And she regret to have left it on the colander. She should have put in the plate, already prepared for it. And pledged, I won't repeat this big mistake again! She lost some mini pastas, because of it. Tiny, yes, however, valuable. Thus, she failed. And she would never repeat the big mistake again....probably...hopefull...I pray...

  Kitchen job is for her, yes. However, expert not at all! her choice. Cook, she would be, however, for sustaining her family? Not at all! They should cook by themselves.

  And YUKARI did their spontaneous wrongdoing again. She occupied the kitchen, and made the tomatoe sauce pasta, coincidently, and pretened to provide for Clare, and turned back from Clare's chamber, and went to the office, put ointment on her it, and returned to the main house, with the smell, and washed her hands in the kitchen!!!!

  Astonishing, and nasty. She did it in the water front. Why she didn't wash them in the office? Why she dashed into the sink in front of Miyuki's cooking scene???

  She always did it type activities she does now. Repeatedly. At least, she passed away after for preparing her easiest time consuming cooking. Natural foods, they wanted, however, she bought semi-prepared cooked foods, and faked as if she did cook them. Freezed foods in the freezer, and the number is reducing soon. Thus, it says that YUKARI used it. And she declared that I cooked these delicious plate for you two, Clare and Alex!!! And she provided to the vacant seats. And draw them, and brought to her own chamber, and she herself ate. Oh, doll house play, she is now doing.

  This is why she didn't pay her living cost, and she could survive under the economically tough situation. They, the kids, kept the secret, pledging that if she used it again, I would inform the fact to Miyuki. She would kill you, if you are the real drug user, probably.

  And this is their lives. Harmits lived like that. They faked as if they were the family member of some normal families. They were already replacements of the original skin bag holders. And now, she made her own food, with more cheapest way. She used shredded or more already stewed tomatoes, yes. However, it was probably a technic of win-win situation. Matured tomatoes, abundantly exist situation. Thus, they made a canned food, in the quickest way, and sold in a cheapest plice, and Miyuki bought it with her precious money, thinking, it might be cheaper than this price, at the cost of US$0.74.

  Why today baby pasta didn't get boiled to her favorite and took more time until to the soft situation? She should pay the extra energy money to the owner, probably, she thought.

  Miyuki is the abuser of the kitchen work, they abused unanimously. DDMic female army, they are. Thus, they disturbed her boiling work, even today. And her evil mother measured the minutes to compare the cost. And YUKARI wanted to cry her triemphy, according to their plot. However, YUKARI disturbed so much.

  At first, she prolonged her cooking process just to stop Miyuki's entrance, and then, unnecessarily, she entered to use the microoven abruptly to cook some easy already prepared products, and then, she did the nasty work. Smell, she wanted to produce, and the nasty work, saying, I touched my it soon before to use the tap, type nasty abusing.

  This is her life. If you were not damaged your foods, pay the money or give me financial benefit, anyway type evil wrongdoing. Miyuki ignored her totally. For her, she is already spooky ghost, just consuming energy, time and money. Less than Zero!!! And strange, she felt. She was there, just behind Miyuki, however, she didn't feel any 殺気 or killing intention at all. Too strange, because, since Miyuki arrived here in December, whenever YUKARI was near, she felt this sensation. Now, or air made doll, probably.

  And they did it. YUKARI got a plastic surgery, and other member of the family did????

  They did licopostomy or so to reduce their fat????

  Miyuki didn't know the policy? Leaner is better, thus, you should gain your weigt policy??? Diet?

  And they should behave as always. Just a bit type did the measure. For them, abusing the system is a kind of protection???

  Like necessary cost to run the office in the tax policy. Thus, they should pretend to have done it. And the result, Allie MIZMUSAWA's face surgery suspect. Oh, Clare was damaged her clean natural beauty image so hard, probably.

  She looks like 白鵬 or HAKUHOU, a SUMO wresler in Japan, at the same time, she seems like Allie MIZUSAWA, a young model at that time. Thus, they said, Clare did surgery, and they imitated her conducts. And now, plastic surgeried pupils are here and there in Shirakawa. Oh, you did it, Clare? I have no memory at all, however, they thought so.

  Laughing stories for them all. And only one strange kinkiest lady did know the reason of the rumours. She wrote like above, and someone understoods wrong, and they did.

  Natural sports type beautiful girl like a Snow White, she thought, when she was 1 years old. However, she disliked the expression, and she chosed Cinderella, if she were praised her facial beauty. According to her, she wanted to be born with platinum blond, however, her hair colour is brown, lighter one. And Miyuki liked her colour, at the same time, they both thought that if we were foreigners, we would have had much more distinguished colours as our own natural hairs.

  Miyuki prefered green, like Toriton, and Clare, platinum blond. And she said, "OK, anyway, platinum blond would be able to be dyed. Artificially yes. OK, I could change."

  And now, they both want to have platinum hair. Anyway silver is better to dye. White is not so bad to dye, Miyuki said. And they are waiting to gain the silver hair. Impossible? Easy! Just get older!!!!

  And she imagine, that if some good products would appear in the future, she would try to use to dye her hair for change. She tried to dye her hair to be red, and because of pain, gave up the attempt. The brand was KAOU or 花王, a good reliable soap maker, until some years ago. However, now, too too nasty smell and skin pain their product caused, at least for me.

  Thus, she really thought, after the pledge of obedience, they degrade easily and rapidly. Soon after, they turned to be a ghost, probably. Spirit was sold to Muck, the MONOLIS aliens, and they put Muck into the newly gained skin bag. Thus, they changed so abruptly.

  They pledged to be obedient to the authority, faked ones, however, they wanted to have their own houses. And they did the pledge when they requiered, thus they should vanish now, immediately.

  The most shameful bitch in Shirakawa contest is opening now. Who is? And Bitch, Ditch, Shabu-Shabu, Run, Ran, LAN!!!

  They used LAN for their communication, even after their versity's complete end, and made a lot of modificated version of the form used informations. Their jobs, they were. And now, unnecessarily, they do it. They are habitual wrongdoers, and couldn't stop their jobs, at all. And YUKARI is the same situation. She should leave here, she did know, however, she doesn't want to do so now. Later, as always, she replied. And wrongdoing, again, YUKARI?

  Probably, they can't understand plural things at the same time. One order each time. Thus, they made a confusion for others. They can't work at all, because our universe is too too complicated for them all. Subjectly, all OK, while objectly, anything is OK, YUKARI! You can dream to kill me, yes. However, you couldn't call the police or your mates' squad to kill me at all. And YUKARI failed again.

  Don't do wrong again, thus, you are allowed to stay here. And YUKARI did it as usual. No any excuse at all. The kitchen was clean, and she should vanish now.

  Until you stop your wrong job, was her order. And she understood that she should stop her work, because it was too wrong for YUKARI. She her her...I, my, me...For her, the same. Muck, she is now, totally. Melted in this shower. She should be melt, like a sugar????

  She wanted to make her residue kept among her family, thus she remained to be here. And she left a lot of shames. Miyuki should know the fact, yes. And she got to know the mirror of her own. I will not want to live a life like hers, Miyuki deeply thinks so. Harmful to others, yes. Like Kyorin staff. The same, she really thought. Without saying, they could understand each other. And HASEGAWA Hospital's staff were also her mates, yes. In every field, she was forced to stay, there were DDMs, the evilest types were here and there. Majority of Japanese ladies were DDMs, in short.

  Thus, she wanted to be a male, and tried to do so, and gained the result, yes, and she has never wanted to get penis at all!!! Because of the shape, she said. ADACHI agreed. Just for function. Yes, she agreed. Esthetically, not at all type. Thus, she tried to be natural neutral sex type, and gained, generally speaking. And she thought, why, like me, not feminine type, are not polular in this planet???

  And she thought, junior high pupils have the almost same body shape of me. It means that my body shape is kept as teen agers. And she likes so much her body shapes, however, others not. ???

  Beautiful yes, however, not matured like impression she gave as always. Thus, they should obey to her!!! The youngest body shape holders among us contest. On platinum tribe limited version??? Adachi worked a lot to gain the popularity. And she agreed to do her job. She wanted to contributed to the destruction jobs, with her lean arms. However, they thought she were not fitted to the jobs. However, she found that it would be good for the exercise to gain better body shape with wider shoulders. She wanted to have more, a kind of MAKIKO. And now, she wants to have narrower????

