Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (294)

2017-10-02 06:10:23 | 日記
02/10/2017 (Monday, 6:10 morning) Miyuki has headache since tomorrow. She was so sleepy last evening, thus, she lied down at 20:00 or so, to take a rest sufficient. And got up 6:00 in the morning, with a headache. Probably, counterpunch by satanic army. These days, Miyuki fought so well against satans.

yesterday morning, HARUMI came back without yellow car from the ally between the office and KOJIMA house. "Oh, she forgot the yellow car somewhere?!", Miyuki thought, and several minutes after, she popped out in a yellow car from the ally between Primary school III of Shirakawa and the south courtyard.

Miyuki was in the southcourtyard, and thought "Oh, she recognized what she had forgotten. So quick to appear in the car! And then, probably, she would yell to Miyuki to open the gate rope." Miyuki presumed,

However, HARUMI entered into the south courtyard and parked the car, and she passed beside Miyuki. Miyuki didn't see how she behaved. After HARUMI's passing, Miyuki confirmed that the gate rope was closed already.

Probably, HARUMI just conducts against Miyuki's presumption. Just on the contrary, she moves. Like a marionet controled by satanic army.

Also in the morning, Miyuki found that the door of the office was open and the black and blue sandals were left in the entrance of the office. The sandals are used mainly by YUKARI and Alex. Clare doesn't. Miyuki, as a office security master, decided to lock the office, because even YUKARI or ALEX were there, they could open the door from inside, thus no problem.

Soon after, some guy left the office, without locking, thus, Miyuki came back to lock the door. After this locking job, HARUMI popped out, and went toward the door, making the sound of the keys, opened the door, and entered into the office. Miyuki watched that she tresspassed the office room unnecessarily. She is prohibitted to enter the space completely, however, with some reason like collectirng trash or mail delivery to Miyuki, she tried to enter into the space.

At that time, no reason she had. No trash collecting day, and no mail in her hand. Without any necessity, she, as if it were her territory, she entered, and Miyuki confirmed it.

Miyuki came back to her coutyard job, and put water in the sprincler and found HARUMI's transparent blue WARAJI or Japanese beach sandals were in the south entrance of the main house. Miyuki got astonished! What HARUMI was wearing on feet? HARUMI never had used others' sandals. She increased the stage, probably. She can't recognize the difference between others' object and hers.

It already happened with YUKARI. Earlier than HARUMI, YUKARI reached the stage. Now HARUMI. Two Mad Dogs in the family! Terrible!!!

And Miyuki, when she entered into the office room, found that her precious Western Pares in a big box was moved completely from the previous place, namely on the chest of the piano. Miyuki used it as a shelf. However, the chest was now moved at the piano.

Probably, their primitive understanding, the piano the chest belongs to, thus, Miyuki should not use it at all. Thus, OK, Miyuki put the box on the floor. Probably, "as if it had been there, and neat as much as possible" is the killer situation for satans. Thus, prefablic modernized house, they prefer, to conceal their homicides and tobberies, and to live in their coziest way. Thus, total vanishing is ideal for satans, without saying.

In case of objects, it is called total abandonment, or DANSHARI or 断捨離, and in case of their bodies, it is called total vanishing.

Already their brain is lost completely, and now moves by impulse only. Remote controled by INFERNO. Thus, devastation only. Frustration is psychological devastation, thus, HARUMI moved as above, without necessity.

Satans came, and killed easily the old residents in Shirakawa, in the roughest way. They killed them, put them into the ditch, and lit the fire on their old wooden houses, and put cement concrete on the earth, and put prefablic modernized houses instead of the old wooden house. Quickest way to conceal the fact, and HANOKIDAIRA or 葉ノ木平 was an example of these wrongdoings.

The whole mountain was devastated and flattened. Ptobably this was called, "Mountain Fall caused by The Big Eatrhquake in 2011". Miyuki read the article of 12 houses were buried by the fall, however, no guy lost life at the earthquake, on ASAHI OMANKO newspaper.

Satans took advantage of the earthquake. Already they killed the residents, and OMANKO writers colaborated to concealing the fact.

The same happened in 1997, in case of flood of YANTA-River. Small river, it is. However, they killed and to conceal the fact, they used the flood news.

Just like a training of rescue, Miyuki got impressed by two photos of the menorial park. Not at all. They were explained as training, thus, they colaborated, and hospitalizaion, they put the players of the victims, and killed easily by way of medical service. Killer society, already in Shirakawa, was realized. Thus, NARUI was the leader at that moment. Akio NARUI, a forestry devastor company no.1, gained madical licence, and started to kill the residents against their strategy. Mono-rice-culture, combined with hospitalization and insutance, including abundant of amphetamine abuse.

Unnecessarily many medicines, her grand mother was prescripted, and she took them, believing they were good for her health. However, probably, they provided to elderies like that so many variety of medicines.

And then, funeral party organizer AOKI took advantage of the insurance related homicides and robbery, succession included, thus, so many funeral holes all over the village. Each candidate of being killed has its own funeral hall, level, actually.

Construction companies also did as they liked. Each one participated into the devastation of forests and the targetted guys. Miyuki is hatred no.1 among them, because she dislikes stupid dull boy workers!!!

She prefers to do DIY, rather asking to others, was Miyuki's counterpunch to these groups. Lean but healthy, and good at craftmanship, sufficiently. Like to move with manual shovel. Why heavy duty should be used for her courtyard???

Unnecessarily used electric power simbolizes the degradation.

yesterday, Miyuki visited her hut, and chose her protection against coldness in winter. Two blue sheets for homeless's tent use. Why not? She wanted to buy Onduras at some Home Center, and at Komeri, it was called POLICA and their way of selling is too sly.

The price tags are totally lies. Polica is sold per feet, however, they put the tag, in the wrongest way, and
