Wilhelm-Wilhelm Mk2


ティール アンド オレンジ

2024-06-29 | Weblog

どうせCGをうまく実写に溶けこますための加工なんだろうと思っていたが、「原作ブレードランナー」のディレクターズカット版1992とファイナルカット版2007を丁寧に比較したyoutubeがあり、そこの書き込みに「ファイナルカットのteal gradeが気に食わない」というものがあった。最初は意味がとれなかったが、これは画質のトーンのことでは?と思い、検索するとTeal and Orange gradeという単語がでてきた。tealとはちょっと暗めの青緑で「鴨の羽色」という色らしい。ちょうどオレンジとは補色の関係にあるようで、この二色を両極にコントラストつけると、人の肌が浮かんでくっきりし、青みがかったtealよりの影でそれっぽい奥行きが出るらしい。どうやらここ20年くらい流行っている定番の技法のようだ Why Every Movie Looks Sort of Orange and Blue

Am I the only one who hates the blue and orange or 'teal' and orange look in modern films?

I'm just a bit sick to death that nearly every film made these days has got this god awful teal/orange look to it. It's not only films, it's been happening in tv dramas for a while now.
I looked into this and found it's about skin colour. Everybody's skin colour no matter what it is appears very close to each other on the colour wheel which is orange. The colour directly opposite orange on the colour wheel is blue so because they're contrasting colours if you mix them together you apparently get some visually wonderful end product - BUT, this is where the problem starts.
The trouble with the teal/orange look is that it seems to dilute all the other colours. Although they're there and you can see them they appear somehow diluted and I think its because when you change the look to teal and orange it creates a blue-ish or orange dull tinge so if you happen to see something that's say green or red you're looking at it through a blue/orange/dull tinge.
Films made in the 80s or 70s didn't suffer from this teal/orange look and nobody's skin colour looked wrong so I don't buy the skin colour argument at all. Films made in those days were visually brighter and you could see every colour as it's supposed to be seen.
