

博多祇園山笠 In Hakata summer begins with Gion Yamakasa.

2014-07-23 00:05:03 | 博多の伝統

Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival           博多の暑い夏は、山笠 で始まります」 ~ソフィア学院便り 7月号より

On July 15 early morning in Hakata(the central part of Fukuoka City), the finale of the festival called "oiyama " is coming. Strong men wearing loinclothes (or shimekomi) and shortcoats (or mizuhappi) are carrying the beautiful wooden floats  called yamakasa, which are huge 1-ton floats decorated gallantly for this festival are racing along the downtown street and alley, a 5km course at full speed.Long ago the old town of Hakata was divided into seven parts which are called " nagare " in the local language. Each nagare or team has its own float decorated with the original statue such as a historical great man. Seven nagare or seven teams have their own traditions and pride, this final race " oiyama " is held among seven teams and one extra team to stake their honor.This festival is said to originate from the legend that the founder of Shotenji Temple scattered sacred water on the street to get rid of plague. Come the 1st of July, the town of Hakata becomes filled with a festive mood, with floats over 10 meters high exhibited at over a dozen spots around the town.



PS: We can't go and see the decorated gorgeous float called kazariyama again at IMS this early summer.

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