

マラリア  The Malarias

2010-09-22 09:28:33 | 日記
もうひとつの予防法は防虫スプレーです これはかなり効果が期待でき、私たちは常時携行するようにしています

Now there is a sign of that the malarias have broken out among the JICA volunteers.
Three JOCVs had confirmed to get malaria for this one month in Honiara.
To prevent the infection to malarias, to prevent bitten by the mosquitoes.
The carrier of the malarias is the anopheles and its activities are limited in time zone of the early morning and just before becoming dark in the evening.
Stopping go out within concerned time zone with skin closure, it must be safe.
There is the preventive medicine to avoid the infection and it is necessary to keep the medicine density in the blood.
So if somebody forget to take it once, it must be not effective.
Also there are some side effects, it means very challenging medicine.
For the middle-high age people, there are some conflicts with calcium antagonists which are taken for the blood pressure control, and it is not recommended to take.
One more way to avoid the infection is to apply the anti-insects splay.
It is expected of a good effect and we always bring them with us.

インターネット問題 The problem on the internet connection

2010-09-21 12:09:28 | 日記

The internet connection in this country is the ADSL and it’s speed is very slow for example, to open the MSN top page it takes at least 15 and sometimes 30 seconds during the busy time of the network.
So, many people use the Google which has the simplest top page for the browser.
The internet service provider doesn’t issue the mail account and most of the internet user except for the center of the government use the free mail such as the hotmail, Yahoo mail and the G-mail.
This morning, the hotmail didn’t connect at all and many people had trouble on their job.
I was one of them and usually I check the mail at 8:30 but it was 10:30 today.

戦争博物館 The War Museum

2010-09-20 12:51:52 | 日記


On Sunday, I visited the war museum which is located at the West end of Guadalcanal Island with JOCV friends.
Driving about 28km from Honiara downtown, it locates in the forest.
The entrance fee was 25 dollars per person and local guide explained the details.
In the well maintained like a garden, there were many kind of guns, cannons and airplanes.
On the body of the cannons, there were several carved seals such as the types, cannon ball size, produced date and place.
The local guide asked me to read them and I did for him.
Also there were many monuments for the Japanese and united army’s soldiers which were build by the delegations for gathering remains of victims after the war.
It was the very important preservations to know the history of the war that so many soldiers died.

電波時計  The self adjust Clock

2010-09-18 13:02:56 | 日記


At the first night after arriving Solomon Islands, I adjusted my alarm clock which I brought from Japan at 7:00 AM.
Next morning I woke up 10 minutes to 7:00 and watched the clock, it indicated 4:50.
I thought that I had some mistake for adjustment of the clock, however after then I had similar phenomenon two times and they were just two hours delay.
I realized that the function of the automatic time adjustment worked well.
I investigated the way to cut off this function but it was nothing.
I left it for a few months but yesterday I opened the clock and found the part of like antenna.
I cut the lead from antenna and tried it.
The automatic function was cut off successfully.
This function is that receiving the radio signal called JJY of Japanese Standard Time, which is transmitted by the official agency in Japan, and automatically adjusts to it.
Cutting off the function of the radio receiving, the automatic function is avoided.
However I didn’t expect that the automatic function works well in the South Pacific island which is 800 km far from Japan.

The bottom of the picture is the antenna and the red lines are going up and cut.

報告書提出期限 The deadline of the report

2010-09-17 10:02:53 | 日記

All JICA volunteers have a duty of the periodic report.
Starting the Number 1 report of three months after dispatch and 6, 12, 18, 24 respectively and final report at just before going back.
These reports must be submitted through the portal site of JICA however the attachment must be submitted through the local JICA office as the printed documents.
However there is a big problem in this country it's the internet connection.
Most of the local volunteers cannot access to the internet and they will not be able to submitt within a deadline.
The deadline of the Number 1 report will be 22nd of September and only 5days remain.
The same class volunteers must be concentrating in their report in these days.
Also I accomplished about 60% of my report last night and I will be absorbed in my report in this weekend.