

生活の質改善 Improvement of QOL

2013-11-23 13:07:01 | 日記










At the weekend morning I slept very long time but I felt a serious ache on my back.

The reason of backache is clear but I have been hesitated the investment for avoiding this.

Since I started work in Myanmar, most of the working time I sit on a chair.

The office chair I use in my office is not so bud because it has the cushion on the sitting face.

But in my house, my landlord kindly rent me the gorgeous traditional Myanmar furniture made of wood with nice sculpture which doesn’t have any cushion.

However I cannot say to the landlord it made me backache.

I went to the furniture shop in the town today during the landlord family are tripping out to their cemetery in their home province.

The deluxe chair like for the president which is plied over the leather was more expensive than 200,000 Kyat as well as in Japan.

Little spec down and covered by fabric one was about 55,000 Kyat and I haggled it to 50,000 Kyat and brought to my room.

Of course I got taxi to my flat and it cost only 2,000 Kyat it’s surprising cheap.

I set up for my desk and it will be sure to provide me a better quality of life.